Maybe it wasn't life threatening and not a full-on headbutt, but how can any manager be excused such behaviour? Whether he is sacked or not depends on the club, but the FA should throw the book at him, in my opinion.

Ir's not as though Pardew doesn't have plenty of previous (push and shove with Wenger, foul and abusive language towards the innocent and rather mild-mannered Pellegrini to but two incidents) and how are we going to carry on encouraging young players to respect officials if a senior manager can be seen behaving like that without severe sanction? I am tired of his apologies for the way he behaves, and his so-called anger management sessions.

The technical area has thrown up issues like this for several years now (and we all remember the Fat Controller exiting his at the end of the Rotherham match) and their close proximity as at GR only encourages pushing and shoving - and worse. I think it makes sense to have a bigger gap between them, but would this stop the mor