[quote="Whatsmore"]going to burnley today made me think of our northern towns and their incredible histories in the industrial revolution the part our northern towns played in not just ours but world wide development.great Britain is an island of proud historicaly brave peoples,if you go back to the romans the welsh were immense warriours in defense of their lands so to the scots,and as british people obviously as English mostly the bravery in the wars of the last hundred years especialy the little understood falklands conflict were 2 parachute regiment were brave beyond belief.the point im trying to make is does anyone else feel as I do that with immigration policys the way they have been for the last 40 yrs or so that we are losing our homeland to forieghn peoples that threaten our very Christian moral values are we succumbing to an invasion that's going largely ignored that could lead to say sharia law type governance of a once proud scepterd isle as GREA