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The 5 star movement (m5s) is a strange party, founded by a comedian and a (now deceased) computer expert a few years ago and has made great strides in a short time, mostly on an anti corruption platform. Its representatives and policies are decided by members-only online votes, although they tend to vote for whatever Beppe Grillo (the now undisputed spiritual leader) tells them to. I think their current position is stay inside the EU but have a referendum on the euro.
The proper eurosceptic party would be Lega Nord. They were founded by a mentalist who said that northern Italians were ethnically celtic and different from swarthy untrustworthy southern Italians, so they wanted independence for the new northern italian state of padania. After they realised that open racism to their own countrymen was not really a vote winner they focussed on eastern Europeans and now Muslims and Africans arriving via boat. The leader, Matteo Salvini, is absolutely hilarious by the way. He has a massive hard on for Putin and gets a selfie with a a bemused looking Vladimir now and again. He once went to red square to unfurl a banner supporting his hero and got nicked for making a political protest without permission.
After that you have what is left of the fascist parties, Casa Pound, Fratelli d'Italia, Forza Nuova etc. Mussolini's granddaughter is in one of them but can't remember which one.