The FA Cup 3rd draw is on Monday Dec 6th at 7pm.

The PL & Championship teams all enter into the 3rd round to make up 32 ties played on the weekend of Saturday January 8th in 2022.

Leeds will be ball-number '21' in the Draw !

To some folks mindsets obviously a cup run will be a 'problem' as it may effect league form etc, for me a problem situation is only a problem if it's looked at in a certain way.Looked at in another way, the right course of action may be so obvious that the problem no longer exists - continuity or lack of it this season has been our main problem.With injured players getting back into the groove & admirable young player stand in's now with experience, I hope this season we really go for it in the FA Cup as confidence alone will be of benefit to all concerned.

So who do we want - well, Derby at home will do nicely for starters.