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Thread: The Corona Virus

  1. #2061
    Second bit:

    It is important to look past Covid & look at the bigger picture and take a serious look at what is really going on here.
    Businesses & independent livelihoods are being deliberately destroyed by the day as mega multi-national corporation’s flourish. Jeff Bezoz has just commissioned a £3 billion-pound super yacht that needs another billion-pound vessel to support it, complete with helipad. Universal Credits anyone?

    Just to help with the next lockdown, and to at least help feed us all and simultaneously pay the bills we have received the announcement that Wales is to trial a universal basic income for all. It will be conditional of course, conditional on total, & unquestioning obedience & compliance to the State.

    Look at the future scenario from the WEF, which claims you will soon own nothing and be happy. Just a perceived scenario? Yes, so was lockdown and 2020. Meanwhile China steams on.

    We have the new and rapidly enforced police, courts, crime, and sentencing bill which will effectively make protesting illegal amongst other things, like taking away our basic freedoms.

    Take a peep at the online harms bill, which like political correctness, is aimed in truth at destroying free speech, and will lead to almost unimaginable levels of censorship.

    We must now suffer the Covert Services Intelligence Bill which will legalise state sanctioned crime including torture, rape & even murder.

    We can all look forward to the next simulated pandemic, which is guaranteed to be perfectly timed to begin when the present Covid agenda finally runs its course.

    Worryingly the elite’s puppets and corporations are coming together to push these experimental gene therapy vaccines. Taken from the global elite’s most senior (perhaps senile) old puppet, read Joe Biden's recent tweet, saying the choice is simple; take the jab or stay masked and locked in forever. It seems more in line with a dictator like old Joe Stalin than the leader of the supposedly free world.

    To encourage us all to take the vaccine, we even have McDonalds advertising the vaccine on the side of their French fries’ packets. To social media platforms like Facebook literally commanding "when it’s your turn get the jab". Take a look around you and see what is happening.

    These are not conspiracy mindless, wanton theories they are facts, don’t take my word for it look them up. These things are happening right now, and if they are not stopped, they are soon going to hit anyone who’s head is still in the sand, like an unmanned freight train.

    James Corbett, who heads up the “Corbett Report”, summed it up rather well recently when he said the following, "At this point in 2021, if you do not understand the scope, the gravity, of what is happening right now, as governments are locking people down in their own homes and basically saying, until you take experimental medical interventions as human lab rats, we will not let you travel from point A to point B, if you do not understand how serious the situation is.”

    Indeed James, indeed.

  2. #2062
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bedlington Terrier View Post
    Sinkov and me and so many others have predicted and right on cue, shortly before today’s slight easing of restrictions, Boris began sowing the seeds of yet another U-turn.

    We will now see a gradual retreat from the promised full return to normality on 21st June, dangerous variants & selfish irresponsible "anti-vaxxers" are of course to blame.

    As the SAGE inspired pantomime plays out, I now expect Johnson’s lapdog Kier Starmer to soon demand the easing of restrictions be scrapped and beg for stricter measures to be imposed.

    Boris as usual, will go through the motions of pretending to resist for a week or so, before finally and reluctantly giving in.

    In the mean- time we are to see surge testing on the streets of Blackburn & Bolton, along with surge vaccination campaigns.
    Surge testing will once again lead to huge numbers of false positive results, which just like last year will be used to justify local lockdowns & a return to the tier system.

    Now SAGE admit that the mean false positive rate of the PCR test is about 2.3% of all conducted tests.
    So far, we have conducted over 89 million PCR tests, which would mean we have had over 2 million false positive results to date.
    Considering the UK has officially had 4.4 million Covid cases to date, this false positive number is huge, & yet there is never any correction for it. One can only speculate why this is?

    As for surge vaccination, the latest "variant of concern" is apparently Indian. Well India was going along simply fine until the beginning of its mass vaccination campaign as any related graph will prove. Now we have the mass breakout of “Vindaflu” to contend with and yet Boris refuses to deny entry for visitors from India. Perplexed? You should be.

    This nonsense is not going to end unless we make it, & it won’t because this control and coerce fiasco is nothing to do whatsoever with our health even though the global elite tell us it is. Anyone up for forcible wearing of masks on Portugal’s newly opened beaches?
    There is absolutely no intention of allowing life to return to normal, hence the term "new normal" was used from SAGE at the start of the Covid lectern speeches.

    It is also important to realise that none of this is accidental and none of it is in response to anything, the whole thing has been planned from the start.

    SAGE as we all know consists primarily of psychologists, modellers and experts in behavioural manipulation, who's true intention is to gradually break down all resistance to the changes they wish to make.

    This is achieved by applying restrictions, waiting as long as possible before relaxing them a little, and then turning the screw once again.

    Each time going a little further, each time removing a few more freedoms & rights, slowly boiling the frog, they know exactly what they are doing. Sound familiar?

    This time they have deliberately delayed relaxing all restrictions until virtually the end of June, the height of summer. That leaves them with just a few short summer months to sabotage our newly “earned” freedoms, before winter respiratory illnesses begin to peak again, usually following the flu vaccination campaigns.

    Johnson has already warned that next winter "could" be even worse, & according to him lockdowns, not vaccines are the reason for declining cases, so another winter lockdown is coming upon us as certain as night follows day.

    Now, we were told repeatedly that this was all to save lives & to prevent the NHS being overwhelmed, right? Tell that to the thousands of patients waiting for two years for treatment for life threatening non-Covid related health issues.

    So, why when most vulnerable people have now been fully vaccinated, why do we currently have more travel restrictions in place than this time last year, when there were no vaccines available? Answers on a postcard please addressed to Number Ten Downing Street.

    The answer is quite simple, the UK elite do not want anyone going anywhere, the promise of potential holidays along with the looming vaccination passports were simply the stick and carrot used to increase the vaccination uptake.

    The justification for the latest stalling, delays, & planned retreats is the supposed threat from variants, this time the “Indian variant”. Funnily enough in Pakistan today (19.05.21) the “authorities” are blaming the imposition of freedom restrictions on the “English variant?” Could you possibly make this $hit up?

    Michael Yeadon, a former employee of Pfizer, said that the government rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine is an attempt at "mass depopulation" with booster recipients expected to die within two years, has repeatedly claimed that no variant deviates from the original viral sequence by more than 0.3 %. This forecast worries the crap out of me.

    I seriously have to question the need for “top up jabs”, are the vaccinations worthless and if not, there is no reason not to end all restrictions right now. So why the insistence on regular top up injections?

    At best it is profit driven, at worst it is very sinister, remind yourselves the top-ups the gullible are to receive, have no safety testing whatsoever, and multi-national pharmaceutical companies have complete indemnity if it all goes pear shaped.

    On the other hand, if you accept the global government’s version of events, that variants can defeat these vaccines, then you are accepting that this vicious circle will never end.

    Why ? Because obviously following that line of thinking there is no way they could predict & develop vaccines for every possible mutation before the mutation occurs.

    We would constantly be playing catch up, locked down time & again until we receive the latest jab, which is exactly how they want us to be.

    The virus is nothing but a pretext, an excuse used to justify the imposition of many long planned and far-reaching changes to our society and way of life.

    We are seeing the roll-out of many agendas of a cabal of globalist billionaire banksters, with strong eugenics beliefs, being imposed around the world by their puppet governments.

    Using falsified data and statistics produced by organisations that they own, fund or control, which is incessantly broadcast, alongside non-stop fear based propaganda, by a corrupt global media which once again they own, fund or control.

    We are primarily seeing the imposition of agenda 21 now repackaged as the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) great reset, and as anyone who has studied it in detail, will tell you it is not big on travel. Well not for the masses at least, the elite of course will be free to travel as they wish.

    We all had to recently suffer the "Queens Speech", which once again parrots the WEF’s latest catch phrase "build back better". The global elite are all in it together, all up to their necks in bull$hit, a 94- year-old lady has just happened to come up with the same slogan as Schwab, Biden, Johnson and the rest of the globalist puppets, including her son. Go figure?

    I am now informed I will need to change my gas boiler because of a report delivered to parliament by the climate change committee in July 2019, the report was produced for the committee by non-other than the Gates funded Imperial College.

    The report showed that the government was badly behind on its legally binding climate targets, having implemented only 1 of 25 policies related to net zero carbon emissions.

    The report then went on to claim that the only way to get emissions targets back on track would be to introduce huge behavioural changes to the UK. The plan is opening up before our very eyes, but the blind will not see. An electric pump/heater is now the chosen alternative to gas boilers, when was electric ever free?

    We have now experienced Covid & the huge behavioural changes forced upon the citizens of the UK. The Gates funded Imperial College, coincidentally of course, also happened to produce the widely inaccurate computer models used to justify the first lockdown. No wonder Melinda has f*cked off and left him.
    You my friend are deluded , no one wants this situation including Boris , Labour , liberal .

    Somewhere at some point you will eventually realise it’s not just about YOU

  3. #2063
    Quote Originally Posted by army88 View Post
    You my friend are deluded , no one wants this situation including Boris , Labour , liberal .

    Somewhere at some point you will eventually realise it’s not just about YOU
    Don’t talk bloody daft arm88! We have a government that let in at least 20,000 people enter the UK from India in the same period Johnson was delaying imposing his travel ban. The lunatics are obviously still in charge of the asylum.

    Johnson and Hancock are now worrying about the “Indian variant”, perhaps it was not really the right moment for bunching people up arriving from India in daft six-hour queues in the Alpine like fresh air of the Heathrow arrivals hall over the weekend?

  4. #2064
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    The problem with all your quotes is they aren’t balanced views are they , there is never an argument the other way from an equally qualified doctor scientist,
    You have your view and there is no budging that no room for movement or understanding of anyone else s opinion or views , they just get in your way of steamrolling your thoughts across.

  5. #2065
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    By the same token BT and your right by the way on the travel , why let several thousand people gather in London to protest and then big them up like they’re heroes shouting and cheering about lockdowns and freedom of speech.

    After the prime minister of New Zealand laid it out for all to see about letting people in we still chose to not stop them ( so I agree with you on that )

  6. #2066
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Philip Johnston in the The Telegraph.

    "Interestingly, however, the Public Health Act 1984 – the statute used to underpin the lockdowns – specifically states that any legislative protections “may not include provision requiring a person to undergo medical treatment”, which includes vaccinations. So a measure used (wrongly, in the view of some eminent jurists) to stop healthy people leaving their homes or visiting relatives cannot be the basis for compulsory vaccination. That would require another Act of Parliament and the Government does not want to go there.

    Ministers prefer instead to rely upon information campaigns, peer pressure and general exhortation to overcome hesitancy. They shy away from stigmatising those who are refusing, possibly because many of them are in ethnic minority communities. However, people who have had the vaccine in order to help reopen society are growing increasingly censorious of those who haven’t.

    Moreover, what is the aim of a vaccination in a pandemic? Is it simply to offer individual protection or is it part of the collective good? Some ethicists take the view that if people are able to have a vaccine then they have a moral obligation to contribute to the realisation of herd immunity by getting the jab. This, they maintain, strengthens the justification for coercive vaccination policies.

    Such arguments often invoke J S Mill’s dictum that the state should not interfere in the lives of individuals unless their actions harm others. For instance, we accept the legal requirement to wear seat belts in a car not just because we face greater injury in a crash without them but because of the risk to others. Nor is compulsory medication unprecedented. Millions of people drink fluoridated water without having much choice in the matter and the Government is keen to expand the programme throughout the country to improve dental health.

    The real reason we are even having this debate is not because there is a risk of people getting ill because, for whatever reason, they refuse the vaccine. They just have to take the consequences, as already happens with flu – and no one has suggested making the influenza jab compulsory.

    It is the fear that – even though a great proportion of the most vulnerable people are now protected, and deaths overall are 20 per cent lower than normal – the Government is being spooked by predictions of another spike in the summer. The understandable anger of people like Lord Lloyd-Webber needs to be directed at ministers and the Sage modellers urging them to take disproportionate and unjustified decisions to extend the lockdown even in the face of a waning pandemic."

    Just about sums it up for me.

  7. #2067
    Quote Originally Posted by sinkov View Post
    Philip Johnston in the The Telegraph.

    "Interestingly, however, the Public Health Act 1984 – the statute used to underpin the lockdowns – specifically states that any legislative protections “may not include provision requiring a person to undergo medical treatment”, which includes vaccinations. So a measure used (wrongly, in the view of some eminent jurists) to stop healthy people leaving their homes or visiting relatives cannot be the basis for compulsory vaccination. That would require another Act of Parliament and the Government does not want to go there.

    Ministers prefer instead to rely upon information campaigns, peer pressure and general exhortation to overcome hesitancy. They shy away from stigmatising those who are refusing, possibly because many of them are in ethnic minority communities. However, people who have had the vaccine in order to help reopen society are growing increasingly censorious of those who haven’t.

    Moreover, what is the aim of a vaccination in a pandemic? Is it simply to offer individual protection or is it part of the collective good? Some ethicists take the view that if people are able to have a vaccine then they have a moral obligation to contribute to the realisation of herd immunity by getting the jab. This, they maintain, strengthens the justification for coercive vaccination policies.

    Such arguments often invoke J S Mill’s dictum that the state should not interfere in the lives of individuals unless their actions harm others. For instance, we accept the legal requirement to wear seat belts in a car not just because we face greater injury in a crash without them but because of the risk to others. Nor is compulsory medication unprecedented. Millions of people drink fluoridated water without having much choice in the matter and the Government is keen to expand the programme throughout the country to improve dental health.

    The real reason we are even having this debate is not because there is a risk of people getting ill because, for whatever reason, they refuse the vaccine. They just have to take the consequences, as already happens with flu – and no one has suggested making the influenza jab compulsory.

    It is the fear that – even though a great proportion of the most vulnerable people are now protected, and deaths overall are 20 per cent lower than normal – the Government is being spooked by predictions of another spike in the summer. The understandable anger of people like Lord Lloyd-Webber needs to be directed at ministers and the Sage modellers urging them to take disproportionate and unjustified decisions to extend the lockdown even in the face of a waning pandemic."

    Just about sums it up for me.
    And me.

  8. #2068
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Meanwhile, life goes on and there is bugger all that you can do about anything. That being the case, why worry about something over which you have no influence?
    Fair enough, if you could mobilise enough support to take up the fight and get results, however, unless you have the financial clout, which would need to be in the billions, you are wasting your time and life worrying about agendas, what might be, what if etc.,etc,

    The documentary, The Greatest Crime of the Century, which was on Sky Documentaries on Sunday and Monday, confirmed a lot of things which I have thought for many, many years. They do what they want and they only tell you what they want you to hear. Don't delude yourself by thinking that you have control over anything --you are wasting energy.

  9. #2069
    Quote Originally Posted by army88 View Post
    The problem with all your quotes is they aren’t balanced views are they , there is never an argument the other way from an equally qualified doctor scientist,
    You have your view and there is no budging that no room for movement or understanding of anyone else s opinion or views , they just get in your way of steamrolling your thoughts across.
    Explain this madness:


  10. #2070
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bedlington Terrier View Post
    I agreed with you BT on that subject , that I admit is madness
    Asking for trouble springs to mind.

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