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Thread: O/T Covid Vaccine mRNA

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    I am as skeptical of the downplayed consequences of some of the covid vaccinations as you are. It's true there is an open cover up going on - the BBC stopped reporting on cases of people being paid by the government over issues etc.

    There are people in my family including my sister who have developed heart problems attributed to the vaccine who have since been awarded compensation.

    However, just because someone is vaccinated does not mean we can look at every single youth heart condition, or heart attack in general and attribute it to it.

    I also think using this lads current state to bang the drum is distasteful at best.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen Erased View Post

    I am as skeptical of the downplayed consequences of some of the covid vaccinations as you are. It's true there is an open cover up going on - the BBC stopped reporting on cases of people being paid by the government over issues etc.

    There are people in my family including my sister who have developed heart problems attributed to the vaccine who have since been awarded compensation.

    However, just because someone is vaccinated does not mean we can look at every single youth heart condition, or heart attack in general and attribute it to it.

    I also think using this lads current state to bang the drum is distasteful at best.
    I take on board your words and I am out of order to deflect from the O/P. It wasn’t my intention to be disrespectful or distasteful.

    I continued from the reference towards Trevor Sinclair.

    I wish you and yours well.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by frogmiller View Post
    I take on board your words and I am out of order to deflect from the O/P. It wasn’t my intention to be disrespectful or distasteful.

    I continued from the reference towards Trevor Sinclair.

    I wish you and yours well.
    You and yours too buddy.

  4. #24
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by crashbang View Post
    Are you brin in disguise.
    Whoa! I’ll argue the moon landing all day long but I ain’t seen enough about this new round of vaccine to comment on yet.

    One thing I do know though, is that a very close friend of ours had her last jab. A month or so went by and suddenly her hair started to fall out in clumps. Finally she lost all her hair and is now completely bald. Furthermore she has no eyelashes or eyebrows. It has devastated her.

    Having seen her GP, he has informed her that this is becoming more apparent especially with women, who had the last vaccination. Make of that what you will.

  5. #25
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by frogmiller View Post
    Put the shoe on the other foot mate.

    Ask yourself why bill Gates invested $2bn in each of the big pharmaceutical companies.

    Just spend an hour looking at the videos the he has posted on line and ask yourself if it’s right. Ask yourself if his funding of research gives him the results he wants. Look into the World Economic Forum and their videos on their website and ask yourself if you’re happy with what they’re writing.
    Ask yourself why they, an unelected body run by the son of a Nazi is right for presenting their view of a new world order and the great reset.

    Spend an hour or more then come back and say that I’m brainwashed
    I've looked at the WEF, their mission and some of their videos. Strike me as a bunch of very powerful folk looking to influence and share perspectives on how to move forward(or backward I suppose if you're suspicious of them) and utilise new tech and sciences to innovate, develop society (for what im sure they think to be for the better) and, of course, make money.

    Obviously, with the participation of so many very wealthy people, I can see why we might want to be cynical in looking at their mission, but as what seems to be a bit of a glorified think tank, with much the same motives as most other think tanks, I'm not sure why you hold such dark thinking behind them? I'm probably missing your point here, but can you give me a bit more as to why you seem to think them bad?

    And Gates investigating 2bn in pharma. I would, in my ignorance no doubt, just say that he will be guaranteed great returns for his organisation and, he may even be wanting to do (and I hesitate to say this as normally I get "Wake up!!!" screamed in my face by my Alex Jones reading cousin whenever he succeeds in twisting the conversation round to this topic) do some good? What makes you so confidently think that this isn't the case?

  6. #26
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ragingpup View Post
    I've looked at the WEF, their mission and some of their videos. Strike me as a bunch of very powerful folk looking to influence and share perspectives on how to move forward(or backward I suppose if you're suspicious of them) and utilise new tech and sciences to innovate, develop society (for what im sure they think to be for the better) and, of course, make money.

    Obviously, with the participation of so many very wealthy people, I can see why we might want to be cynical in looking at their mission, but as what seems to be a bit of a glorified think tank, with much the same motives as most other think tanks, I'm not sure why you hold such dark thinking behind them? I'm probably missing your point here, but can you give me a bit more as to why you seem to think them bad?

    And Gates investigating 2bn in pharma. I would, in my ignorance no doubt, just say that he will be guaranteed great returns for his organisation and, he may even be wanting to do (and I hesitate to say this as normally I get "Wake up!!!" screamed in my face by my Alex Jones reading cousin whenever he succeeds in twisting the conversation round to this topic) do some good? What makes you so confidently think that this isn't the case?
    I think the same about Alex Jones. And the early things he did. Last weekend he did a piece on Twitter after being allowed back onto the platform where Elon musk spent a lot of time talking with him. Jones kissed arse a lot but made some great points and cleared up a lot of myths around his historical activities.

    I don’t like listening to Jones but Elon Musk intrigues me.
    Twitter seemed to be a regret when he brought it but it’s turned into a bit of a crusade. He recently said that he didn’t pay $44bn for Twitter he paid it for free speech.
    However a lot of what Jones has said has come true.

    One of the things about Gates is that he’s openly saying what he and his cronies are doing.

    The episode in India where his vaccines has caused more deaths and injuries including for already treatable diseases is shocking. He was chased out of there and the Indian government had no recall for his actions.

  7. #27
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by crashbang View Post
    Was anyone held down and given the jab against their will?
    And if you didn't have it you lost your job!

    There were exemptions.. But they were the favoured ones! New Zealand only 5,179 deaths officially of covid yet the people that died of covid vaccines is over 11,000 deaths according to leaked data!

    The new zealand governmant has been desperately being trying to close this information down!

    All government officials were exempt from having the Jab.

    The info is out there but it'll not be on the BBC

  8. #28
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    May 2008
    The very in the know, wink wink Barry Young leaked the data . Who has no clinical or vaccine knowledge.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by crashbang View Post
    The very in the know, wink wink Barry Young leaked the data . Who has no clinical or vaccine knowledge.
    He was part of the team that did the vaccine database for New Zealand. Arrested and bailed.

    He traces 11000 deaths and published the data. He even identified the person that administered the injection. The batch and the fatalities forv eachnbatch..
    The insurance companies in the USA have issues an additional 137000 deaths to what they normally pay out on.
    Other countries are doing the same

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by crashbang View Post
    Was anyone held down and given the jab against their will?
    No but there was plenty of coercion.

    Some people wouldn't let their son in law in their house at Christmas unless they got jabbed.

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