Quote Originally Posted by TheOtherTerryMac View Post
There isn’t anything of this left now

“It's the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city."

After12 years of Ashley the penny is starting to drop and I don’t believe the crowds will come back they have had enough.
After 12 years of Ashley in which half of those 12 years have actually been quite decent, in a way.

It's so easy to forget that when the emphasis is on boycott's, bile and negative speculation.

Quote Originally Posted by TheOtherTerryMac View Post
My next door neighbours are life long fans bought their season tickets this year but have given up

They are not renewing their tickets and there are many fans like this who have just given up
That's up to them. Each to their own.
Mind you, I'd hate to think we really did have a bad owner. I mean a real bad owner who leaves the club in dire straits. This club is far far far from any of that. It's well run.
The major issue is in us not being able to play about with the moneybag clubs...or the elites. The clubs that appear to have precedence over us and any other.

Quote Originally Posted by TheOtherTerryMac View Post
If we win the next few games which is highly unlikely I would bet that you will never see another 52’000 gate this season
Maybe we won't. If season ticket holders stay away then of course we won't get those crowds. But it doesn't matter. We will get big crowds that still leave most of the rest of the premier league in the shade.