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Thread: OT Why has the Labour party sold its soul?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BigLadonOS View Post
    Could't be closer to it's roots and soul right now than it ever was under Blair, fact.

    You are of course correct in that it is miles away from the Blair years but for gods sake mm do not make the mistake of thinking that the Labour party gives a flying **** about the working class mate because those years are well and truly over buddy even under the sell out Corbyn.

    Corbyn is saying that he wants to re-nationalise the steel industry etc but yet they are now backing remain if a 2nd referendum is called so could you please explain to me how they would do that inside the EU when EU laws forbid it.
    You're posting from a brexit point of view though, and to be frank I've never really given much thought to politics over the yeàrs other than casting my vote every election...
    Along came Corbyn, now I've always been a tad militant, always favoured unions etc etc, but Corbyn is different, your brexit shades are stopping you from seeing it. If you think a Corbyn led party is only motivated by money you really are mixed up mate, you really are.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by millmoormagic View Post
    Seems to me there's some confusion for folk between the old blairite labour party and the current one. I get that during the Blair years politics got cynical, with a plethora of spin doctors for every party, spinning all kinds of ****e, leading to folk switching off and the feeling of 'they're all the same
    Along comes Corbyn who has radically changed that mindset, has got a refreshing and progressive policy portfolio, which is designed to help all in society, especially the poorest, ie the working class. All the folks talking about the Labour parry going away from it's roots couldn't be more wrong. As i've previously stated, it's closer to its roots and soul right now than it ever was under Blair, fact.
    I agree Mmagic. Think Corbyn has tried to get the party back to an old fashioned lefty/ working class representative party which it drifted away from under Blair. It sold its soul under Blair with his right wing anti working class policies. What the OP forgets is that the Labour Party was founded on the Unions which is what Corbyn is trying to get it back to. You might not like the sound of this Millerbill but the present set up is the first Labour party to try to get back to its roots for years and I say hurray for that. Lets have some real socialist policies now for a feckin change. We haven't had any since before Thatcher.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by millmoormagic View Post
    You're posting from a brexit point of view though, and to be frank I've never really given much thought to politics over the yeàrs other than casting my vote every election...
    Along came Corbyn, now I've always been a tad militant, always favoured unions etc etc, but Corbyn is different, your brexit shades are stopping you from seeing it. If you think a Corbyn led party is only motivated by money you really are mixed up mate, you really are.
    PMSL. You have to be joking me mate honestly you do not have a clue buddy.

    Corbyn grew up in a middle class family and has never had a job outside of politics. He has never ever felt what it is to be working class or lived in a working class environment. If you want to know just how much he represents the working class man just go looking online for any speech or article where he tells us that he is indeed for the working class as apposed to what he considers to be working class.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigLadonOS View Post
    PMSL. You have to be joking me mate honestly you do not have a clue buddy.

    Corbyn grew up in a middle class family and has never had a job outside of politics. He has never ever felt what it is to be working class or lived in a working class environment. If you want to know just how much he represents the working class man just go looking online for any speech or article where he tells us that he is indeed for the working class as apposed to what he considers to be working class.
    I've never ever denied Corbyn's roots, why would I? What do you want from a labour leader then, what is your start point, you don't have to be a binman to want social equality, you don't have to be a miner to want services that will suit you and the broader general public, your argument's a bit weak I'm afraid fella.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by millmoormagic View Post
    I've never ever denied Corbyn's roots, why would I? What do you want from a labour leader then, what is your start point, you don't have to be a binman to want social equality, you don't have to be a miner to want services that will suit you and the broader general public, your argument's a bit weak I'm afraid fella.
    My argument is that in his head the working class represent lower middle classes because he knows **** all about bricklayers or coal miners etc. What me and you call working class is alien to Corbyn.

    The Labour party membership is well over 75% middle class and that is who Corbyn sees as working class mate can you not see that?

    He speaks at loads and loads of universities to the young millenniums but when did you last see him talk in a real working class environment?

    Look at his cabinet for a start! They are all from a university background with BM's in this that and the other which we all know is very working class.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigLadonOS View Post
    My argument is that in his head the working class represent lower middle classes because he knows **** all about bricklayers or coal miners etc. What me and you call working class is alien to Corbyn.

    The Labour party membership is well over 75% middle class and that is who Corbyn sees as working class mate can you not see that?

    He speaks at loads and loads of universities to the young millenniums but when did you last see him talk in a real working class environment?

    Look at his cabinet for a start! They are all from a university background with BM's in this that and the other which we all know is very working class.
    Corbyn has stood on picket lines and campaigned on a lot of causes for the working classes big lad. The working classes dont give a shyte about his background as long as he is delivering for the working classes. Are you saying only people from a working class background can do owt for poor people.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigLadonOS View Post
    My argument is that in his head the working class represent lower middle classes because he knows **** all about bricklayers or coal miners etc. What me and you call working class is alien to Corbyn.

    The Labour party membership is well over 75% middle class and that is who Corbyn sees as working class mate can you not see that?

    He speaks at loads and loads of universities to the young millenniums but when did you last see him talk in a real working class environment?

    Look at his cabinet for a start! They are all from a university background with BM's in this that and the other which we all know is very working class.
    Like i said, your argument is weak, at just about every protest over the last 30 odd years he's been there, he was there during the miners strike, he was there during the anti nuclear protests, he was there during the anti Iraq war protests, more recently he has offered support to the MacDonald strikers the anti frackers etc etc etc.
    You will also find that many folk have been to uni these days, what's wrong with that exactly, are you anti education or what?

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by millmoormagic View Post
    Like i said, your argument is weak, at just about every protest over the last 30 odd years he's been there, he was there during the miners strike, he was there during the anti nuclear protests, he was there during the anti Iraq war protests, more recently he has offered support to the MacDonald strikers the anti frackers etc etc etc.
    You will also find that many folk have been to uni these days, what's wrong with that exactly, are you anti education or what?
    Corbyn would attend the opening of a bag of crisps if it got him a vote.

    Look at the list you came up with, anti this, anti that, nothing positive. Easy to criticise, hard to be positive.

    Corbyn is a dinosaur, which is a pity, there will be no better time to defeat the tories. A chance missed.

  9. #39
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    Mar 2008
    Only 8% of MPs are from a working class background (and only 6% of Tory MPs).

    Since grammar schools were scrapped social mobility has declined.

    I think Labour did it on purpose, they want to keep people dumb, poor, and voting for them.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grist_To_The_Mill View Post
    Corbyn would attend the opening of a bag of crisps if it got him a vote.

    Look at the list you came up with, anti this, anti that, nothing positive. Easy to criticise, hard to be positive.

    Corbyn is a dinosaur, which is a pity, there will be no better time to defeat the tories. A chance missed.
    Nothing positive? It's positive for the folks he is fighting for you pudding! When is sticking up for folks having shyte lives not being a positive thing to do? So what do you suggest the positive thing to do is just to let people be continually shtye on? I can't get my feckin breath.
    Last edited by rolymiller; 08-08-2019 at 07:44 PM.

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