I have just logged on here to give my two penneth!

Whilever you allow pigs to post and take the pish on here you are on a hiding to nothing. This the reason why Jostein's previous forum ... what was it called again ... Weareblades? can't remember, died a rapid death. The pigs spoilt it and people left in their droves. He was warned time and time again, but in the end people just voted with their feet (or should I say their keyboard lol).

Now I see that the pigs are being given a free ride to continue doing the same on here. That's why this site has also gone to the dogs. Ok, if you want to keep in touch with your on line buddies and arrange outings, talk about cricket, the price of bread this week .... then fine.

The thing is, this site will always be just a handful of old buddies unless the pigs are removed.

You can't have on line banter with a pig. It's a fact. It is just not possible. They can hide behind the anonymity their keyboard provides and just post whatever garbage they want. It's different in real life of course, you can actually have some decent banter and get some sense (ok not a lot lol, I know, they are still a different breed). Thing is in real life if they are being an axxxhole, they get a clip. That's not possible on the internet.

So here is the advise from somebody who could never be involved in a Blades forum while it is infested with pigs .............. get rid of them, or accept the consequences! ie - a meaningless and pointless forum frequented by a handful of on line buddies.

ok I will now disappear from whence I came.

Up the Mighty Blades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!