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Thread: Grant Obsession

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
    I've kept out of this one, but think Grant needs defending.
    In a decent team, he would give you an edge that no one else haves. I think he'll do OK at Stagsfield.

    In a poor team, you're going to ask him to do things that he isn't good at and doesn't want to do.
    It's more a yard stick of how ****e this Notts team really is. Vaughan gets no end of flack. You don't go from a Championship play maker to a bucket of pig swill overnight.
    Square peg, round hole.

    So no, signing Grant wouldn't change much for you. Even Yates on his own wouldn't stop this slide. You need four minimum quality players NOW.

    Swale can play down the AH -NFFC fall out all he wants. AH ruffled feathers like it or not.
    Notts could be about to pay a price for that unfortunately.
    Mansfield seem to have jumped on that opportunity as a result.

    Shame really.
    I'd be more worried about your new manager than be bothered about Grant

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
    I've kept out of this one, but think Grant needs defending.
    In a decent team, he would give you an edge that no one else haves. I think he'll do OK at Stagsfield.

    In a poor team, you're going to ask him to do things that he isn't good at and doesn't want to do.
    It's more a yard stick of how ****e this Notts team really is. Vaughan gets no end of flack. You don't go from a Championship play maker to a bucket of pig swill overnight.
    Square peg, round hole.

    So no, signing Grant wouldn't change much for you. Even Yates on his own wouldn't stop this slide. You need four minimum quality players NOW.

    Swale can play down the AH -NFFC fall out all he wants. AH ruffled feathers like it or not.
    Notts could be about to pay a price for that unfortunately.
    Mansfield seem to have jumped on that opportunity as a result.

    Shame really.
    'and doesn't want to do'

    Don't really need to add anything else do I?

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by magpie_mania View Post
    'and doesn't want to do'

    Don't really need to add anything else do I?
    Yes, you need to add that a Forest fan who hardly ever watches us play knows that we need at least 4 quality players. Id' be interested to know what positions those are, just as I would be interested to know how he can be so certain Vaughan hasn't become pig swill overnight, having not watched him.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Elite_Pie View Post
    I think you're wasting your time on that one! He's convinced that the sole reason we are stuck at the bottom is because Hardy upset Forest and we didn't borrow any of their players.
    What a crock of ****. I think you must sit in a dark cupboard thinking up these trains of thought.

    Shall we do a list?
    Successive bad ownership and frittered away funds
    Bad managers
    Conveyor belt of managers
    Bad/poor signings
    Lack of talent coming through the ranks

    Pick one if not all, are above not having any NFFC players in your squad.
    AH can do what the **** he wants. It doesn't bother in shape or form.

    To roughly answer the jibes after this. Are any of you telling me, you don't need at least four players? Shipping goals?
    Id add two decent defenders for a start and your midfield has no idea how to track back.
    But hey ho, I bow to your obvious snipes knowing better.
    Facts are facts, you've been ****e all season it isn't improving at all. The last time you played well involved 2 NFFC kids. you work it out.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by magpie_mania View Post
    'and doesn't want to do'

    Don't really need to add anything else do I?
    And that is the crux of it.
    Would you ask a sprinter to do the hurdles? How about javelin?
    You seem to be under some understanding that players are happy to completely change their style and talent?


  6. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
    Are any of you telling me, you don't need at least four players? Shipping goals?
    Id add two decent defenders for a start and your midfield has no idea how to track back.
    But hey ho, I bow to your obvious snipes knowing better.
    No, I am simply telling you that all you are doing is repeating what's been said endlessly on here, but dressing it up as you being some sort of expert on Notts. How many Notts games have you been to this season?

  7. #37
    Join Date
    May 2005
    As others have said, but seemingly in the minority, I'd take Grant any day of the week ahead of most of the tripe we keep selecting. Do people really believe he would not give us a greater chance of survival than Hewitt, Milsom, Stead, Dennis, Thomas, Patching, Husin et al?

    Whatever his faults, and however inconsistent he is/was, he can turn a match on its head out of nothing and he'll win you games that would otherwise be lost or drawn in this league. We currently have no one else who can do that, seriously, nobody with that sort of impact.

    Trying to dress it up any other way or being critical of Grant just because he has gone to the Slags is nonsense. Grant or Patching/Thomas/Hewitt/Milsom/Husin.......hmmmm, now which of those would I prefer..........? Oh, yes - Grant, every time.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
    And that is the crux of it.
    Would you ask a sprinter to do the hurdles? How about javelin?
    You seem to be under some understanding that players are happy to completely change their style and talent?

    You have taken my post totally out of context. You say that in a struggling team we would want him to do things that he didn't want to. So my point was - why would we want him then?

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I would've thought that Hart would have some mates over at the dark side even if AH doesn't?

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I'm not a massive fan of Grant's, thought he let himself down at times last season when things weren't going his way. That said on Saturday as Thomas shaped up to take a free kick just outside the box I turned to my mate and said "one of those moments you could do with a Jorge Grant".

    I think O'Brien is in the Yates mould but better, I think Grant would have done well for us alongside O'Brien if we got him back and we are desperately missing that little bit of creativity in midfield. We haven,t got him back, fair play to Mansfailed, we move on.

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