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Thread: OT: What a fair and equitable country we live in ... NOT

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlackHorse View Post
    ... first of all, who are 'they'?
    Secondly, if you have ferrel parents
    bringing up - or not bringing up, more accurately - ferrel children you perpetuate a generation which is unambitious, selfish and ignorant of what is needed in today's world. Being kind, let's call them unfortunate. Until our so-called educational elite can teach children there is more to life than learning about the benefit system we will remain as we are ... forced to retain a system which provides hand-outs, paid for, sometimes begrudgingly, by those who can.
    Tax doesn't necessarily have to be spent on benefits.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
    Driller, you're a sensible bloke. The point he's making is that tax should be paid evenly by everyone at the rates set.
    There is a huge disparity in this country where big corporations evade it. (Amazon/Google/Coffee rip offs etc)
    I find these outrageous as they are huge amounts.

    Fat head blamed the Tories, but isn't just them is it?
    You seem to believe that Labour is the answer?
    Well if history alone is used, it isn't. They have a record of tax evasion as well.
    I pumped this into the search engine and guess what came up first?


    So no, I'm not having that. It sounds just like a vote winner, like free university fees. In practice? You're having a laugh.
    Well that is a better example of hypocrisy if they avoided paying tax although I'd like to have seen more about the mechanism they used to do it.

    To be honest though Tricky I'd also like to see you engage in a bit more debate about what you think is right and how you think things should be, I'm not being funny but you seem to engage in politics based on personal dislike of people or parties based on internet memes, youtube videos or newspaper headlines rather than debating the issues.

  3. #33
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    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by drillerpie View Post
    Well that is a better example of hypocrisy if they avoided paying tax although I'd like to have seen more about the mechanism they used to do it.

    To be honest though Tricky I'd also like to see you engage in a bit more debate about what you think is right and how you think things should be, I'm not being funny but you seem to engage in politics based on personal dislike of people or parties based on internet memes, youtube videos or newspaper headlines rather than debating the issues.
    Maybe I do, maybe I don't.

    One thing I don't do, is nail my colours to the mast like Fathead and soccer.

    My disdain of main stream political parties in this country, knows no bounds.
    Lies.lies,lies and the back bone of a jelly fish.

    A complete tumble drier mix up is needed.
    They treat us like sheep and our opinion is either ignored or twisted. Well the ballot box works both ways.

  4. #34
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
    Maybe I do, maybe I don't.

    One thing I don't do, is nail my colours to the mast like Fathead and soccer.

    My disdain of main stream political parties in this country, knows no bounds.
    Lies.lies,lies and the back bone of a jelly fish.

    A complete tumble drier mix up is needed.
    They treat us like sheep and our opinion is either ignored or twisted. Well the ballot box works both ways.
    Fair enough, I suppose your next vote will be for the Brexit party or UKIP and that's obviously your choice.

    About taxes and equality in society, where do you stand? I see that you agree with me about multinationals avoiding taxes being a problem, what would you do with income tax?

    Would you go for 'punitive' top rates of 70%? A Gordon Brown-esque 50% even though that apparently brought in less money than the year before? Keep it where it is? Reduce it to a Trump / Salvini style 15 or 20% flat tax for everyone?

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    ... whilst we're on the subject of 'doing good', what do our socialist friends think of the notion/fact(?) that there is no merit in improving the lot of the so-called poor as, if they bother to vote at all, they would be inclined not to vote Libour. If the so-called poor began to see the merit of improved standards of living, they might want more. Now that would really screw the Momentum commie plan ...

  6. #36
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    Jan 2010
    You are correct Driller, I will not vote for a main stream party at the moment.
    I am sick of the patronising lies and disdain shown.

    They promise something, stick it a manifesto, then Welch on it.
    The Tories have done so and Labour under Corbyn are paper thin in their answers and double standards to win votes.
    Libs? Well I don't think Cleggs lies on free tuition fees will ever go away.
    Greens? Well they're just loons for me.
    SNP? Just a nationalist party, hiding behind things like the "peoples vote". They had one and are welching on that.

    Tax? I'd leave things alone apart from hammering those dodging it. Especially the big corporations.
    The left fail to realise, that by hammering the legit money people in this country, will only encourage them to piss off somewhere else.
    When they go, we lose wealth across the board.
    I am not jealous by anyone having money. Corbyn and his merry band of gender neutrals are.
    The balance has to be fair.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Will you be voting for these lovely chaps Thicky?

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BigFatPie View Post
    He would only be a hypocrite of course if he introduced high tax rates for wealthy people and then somehow didn’t pay those rates himself.

    Reactionaries are really f00king thick.
    You make a good point, only partly undermined by the unnecessary insult. But let's not pretend that some of those of a left-wing persuasion only resent rich people who don't pay enough tax in their opinion. As Blackhorse says, there's a strong whiff of the politics of envy amongst some (not all, but some) left-wing campaigning, which preaches resentment of pretty much anyone who is wealthy, regardless of how much of that wealth is already paid back to society.

    Do we think that if Corbyn becomes Prime Minister and introduces higher tax rates, then all of those on the left will suddenly start celebrating those who are successful and rich? Somehow I doubt it.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by BigFatPie View Post

    Will you be voting for these lovely chaps Thicky?
    I love your assumptions Fat head, biased pro Labour stance.

    Want a list?

    Jew hating
    Perverting the course of justice
    Kiddie ****
    Child abuse

    The list goes on-

    He tweeted “I love gang rape” less than a month after a 14-year-old girl was raped in a park.

    Mr Gray also hit out at singer Jessie J, calling her “a catsuit wearing c***” and said Jess Glynne was a “cardboard ginger c***”.

    He also called his dental hygienist a “patronising bitch” and boasted of pushing ahead of a “cow” with a pram on a train.

    Mr Gray, a Jeremy Corbyn supporter, is standing in Brighton and Hove.

    Labour officials in the city have suspended him pending an investigation.

    So will you be voting for this lovely party Fat****?

    People in glass houses and all that

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BigFatPie View Post

    Will you be voting for these lovely chaps Thicky?
    For every 'lovely chap' you can come up with on the far right someone will come up with another 'lovely chap' on the far left.
    Waste of time.

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