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Thread: Asylum Seekers - Win In High Court

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by baggieal View Post
    Read the threads before you go off on a tangent. You are going on about immigration with hospital staff! Who the f uck said anything negative about legal immigration which some professional skills are sought after in every country. I would be the first to say LEGAL skilled medics who are legal immigrants are needed and have done previously!

    The thread was about illegal immigration and ayslum seekers. I do take it you know the difference!! I have not even back tracked on the George Floyd comments as nobody deserves to die unless they are a terrorist or take another persons life. Many would have shed far more tears for the uni lad hacked to death in Birmingham who was a genuinely nice person than a dangerous druggie - that’s the point. Another poster has commented on the 14 year old lad which I was not aware of these circumstances but yes it’s still tragic!

    Boris needs to get a grip with all these illegal dinghies that arrive which should be turned around and sent back to France. Then it becomes France’s problem if that country was not the first point of entry. As a country we sadly have enough problems of our own! Do you think Australia have an open door policy?

    Charity does begin at home. I know some elderly who would love to live in those warm barracks - and hey what must be going through their minds when they have paid into the system for all those years.

    There should be no such thing as a free lunch but hey that appears to apply to those entering the country illegally.

    Sadly illegals are like bees around honey!! The more the word gets back of all the freebies and being allowed to stay - more want to come!

    Before you get on your snowflake horse - most genuine citizens regardless of colour or ***ual orientation would object to illegals flooding into the country with tax payers money being wasted on court cases by greedy lawyers who are aware of relevant loop holes in the system! Patel is at least trying desperately to do something about it but Boris needs to grow a pair!
    I thought we'd ended this but hey ho.....

    I didn't know there was a sort of strata in place where some murders are more acceptable than others, especially in the case of a 14 year old kid, a child for Christ's sake and a guy that was murdered by a police officer of a counterfeit $20 bill. Just let what you're saying sink in for a moment, digest it, on George Floyd you said "but don't forget he was drug dealing thug". You can preach how sad it is all you like but as soon as anyone utters the word "but", they're seeking to find a justification for it. Otherwise, why say it? There is no "but", he was murdered on camera, in front people, by a serving police officer over a $20 bill. There is no "but".

    I've also been told of issues with the kid in Kingstanding, let's not forget something, he was 14 years old, and he was chased down by grown men more than twice his age and stabbed in the chest. There is no "but". You guys should be ashamed of yourselves for advocating the travesty of these events while using "but he was this and that". We're not talking *****s or rapists here, we're talking a child and a man suffocated over small amount of money by an officer of the law.
    It's absolutely f*****g outrageous.

    Back to the less dramatic stuff anyway, I don't think you've read my other posts properly. I clearly indicated that people like to attach negative connotations to immigration but not positive aspects, and as you mentioned Cancer, I highlighted the affect immigration has had on the health service, which by the way, your Tory mates have sought to destroy over the years but anyway that's a matter of another day.

    And you completely glossed over how I detailed there'd be more money in the pot if it wasn't for governments spaffing it up the wall. You're STILL complaining about freebies for immigrants even though I've shown you how it's not them to blame and how there'd be enough to go around. What more does it take to get through to you? You're banging the same drum even though I've taken the sticks off you, given you a different instrument to play and tune to go with it. Are you seriously that indulged in your own lack of understanding on the matter?

    In fact don't bother answering, it's no use, I already know what you'll say and it'll be more clichéd Daily Mail quotes that have zero basis in reality.

    I wish you a good night.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Murder is unacceptable in any context, end of. However, back to immigration, a certain amount of immigration is desirable to bring in skills that we need; sometimes, though, that deprives poorer nations of those skills which they desperately need too. We should have no obligation whatsoever for allowing foreign criminals to settle in this country. In the longer term, though, as I have said before, mass immigration is unsustainable, not just in this country but Northern Europe as a whole. So, at what point do you say that we are full, no more? Also, how do you actually stop it? I’m not asking this in a confrontational way but as a serious point because eventually, however sympathetic you are towards migrants, that time will inevitably arrive. It’s going to be a very big humanitarian problem. I certainly don’t have an answer.

  3. #43
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by kettering_baggie View Post
    Murder is unacceptable in any context, end of. However, back to immigration, a certain amount of immigration is desirable to bring in skills that we need; sometimes, though, that deprives poorer nations of those skills which they desperately need too. We should have no obligation whatsoever for allowing foreign criminals to settle in this country. In the longer term, though, as I have said before, mass immigration is unsustainable, not just in this country but Northern Europe as a whole. So, at what point do you say that we are full, no more? Also, how do you actually stop it? I’m not asking this in a confrontational way but as a serious point because eventually, however sympathetic you are towards migrants, that time will inevitably arrive. It’s going to be a very big humanitarian problem. I certainly don’t have an answer.
    Firstly you're correct, a brain drain on other nations is not wholly desirable, it may benefit us but only further hinders the country of origin. I'm not advocating a complete free for all, that's impossible, all I'm doing in my posts is challenging the horrible rhetoric used by some posters, and encouraging empathy as it's clear some people have none, but like to think they're authorities on the matter despite displaying virtually no knowledge on it whatsoever. That stuff is dangerous. Yet they have the audacity to call others snowflakes, when most of the whinging comes from them. The gall of them! Having opinions is one thing, but don't abuse the right to have one if you're just going to talk nonsense.

    It's not hard to figure out the biggest reason for asylum seekers is conflict. And what brings conflict? Foreign policy, greed and corruption.....all 3 the traits of governments and big businesses, not the asylum seekers themselves. I'm certainly of the belief that if the UK helped destabilise the Middle East, then the UK should take its share of asylum seekers. I can't see any logic to say why we shouldn't? If someone bumped into your car, they'd be liable for your insurance. The same principle applies, even if its a little distasteful. Unfortunately, some people on here are that ill informed they've even blamed Brexit. This is what we're up against, the sheer lack of imagination or ability to form a coherent argument, yet they shout from the rooftops about it all. A ludicrous state of affairs.

  4. #44
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    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by OWV View Post
    Believe me I'm not trying provoke you, I'm addressing comments that show a surface level of comprehension of a topic, which highlights just how little understanding yourself and others have of it. I'm certainly not doing it for the sake of it either, I'm challenging Ignorance. The fact you've attempted to justify George Floyd's murder by a serving police officer is utterly absurd. I'd laugh if it wasn't so tragic. Take the alleged martyrdom out of it, the man himself had nothing to do with the reaction after his death, and I'll ask you this, do you think what happened to Floyd was acceptable? Simple as that, if your answer is no, then why did you attempt to justify it by questioning his character? If your answer is yes then you have problems.

    I'm not even calling you a racist but I will call you ignorant.

    Here's a case in point, remember Big Ron called Marcel Desailly a 'lazy n****r'? Well, do I think Big Ron is racist? No, do I think he was ignorant? Yes. If you believe that there's a difference between ethnicities that makes one superior to another then you're a racist, if you actively pursue a cause to highlight the superiority, you're a racist. If you make one comment in your life that is racist, but you don't believe in a difference between ethnicities, then you're not racist, you're just ignorant until educated otherwise.

    And just for clarity, the reason why you need educating is because you brought the case of a nutter going on a stabbing spree, to this argument in a racial context and you've just admitted you didn't know if it was racially motivated or not. All you have to do is a the tiniest amount of research to justify an argument but you didn't even bother. Instead you speculate and seemingly take your speculation without authority, as being way it is.

    The bloke on London Bridge? He was a terrorist, a brainwashed terrorist. But what have the vast majority of peaceful immigrants got to do with him? Is every white man a Jimmy Saville?
    Quote Originally Posted by OWV View Post
    Firstly you're correct, a brain drain on other nations is not wholly desirable, it may benefit us but only further hinders the country of origin. I'm not advocating a complete free for all, that's impossible, all I'm doing in my posts is challenging the horrible rhetoric used by some posters, and encouraging empathy as it's clear some people have none, but like to think they're authorities on the matter despite displaying virtually no knowledge on it whatsoever. That stuff is dangerous. Yet they have the audacity to call others snowflakes, when most of the whinging comes from them. The gall of them! Having opinions is one thing, but don't abuse the right to have one if you're just going to talk nonsense.

    It's not hard to figure out the biggest reason for asylum seekers is conflict. And what brings conflict? Foreign policy, greed and corruption.....all 3 the traits of governments and big businesses, not the asylum seekers themselves. I'm certainly of the belief that if the UK helped destabilise the Middle East, then the UK should take its share of asylum seekers. I can't see any logic to say why we shouldn't? If someone bumped into your car, they'd be liable for your insurance. The same principle applies, even if its a little distasteful. Unfortunately, some people on here are that ill informed they've even blamed Brexit. This is what we're up against, the sheer lack of imagination or ability to form a coherent argument, yet they shout from the rooftops about it all. A ludicrous state of affairs.

    I have empathy with most situations but sadly charity begins at home. I do a lot for charity and have seen homelessness and poverty first hand including some of our elderly screaming out for help but nothing is ever done before it’s too late. I have said on many threads if you care to look legal immigration for skilled jobs is fantastic especially in the NHS where many of the Indian surgeons are the best in the world.

    Whilst I have sympathy with illegals escaping poverty we are not a free hotel. Priti Patel is really trying to deter dinghies arriving with illegals but not easy! Should we just let everyone in when we can’t cope now? Kent Council already can’t cope! So yes illegals should be turned back to the country where they came from!!

    Had the UK and it’s allies not helped out in parts of the Middle East then Isis and other terrorise groups would be rampant. For what Isis did do I have any sympathy on bombs dropped on Isis fighters - none at all. Do I have any sympathy of those who deserted the UK like Begum to show an allegiance to Isis and now crawl back wanting to enter our country again - No not at all!

    You believe in what you want but would put a bet on that you loved Jeremy Corbin who was quite frankly dangerous and deluded!

    Enjoy your evening. A nice glass of red is recommended!

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by OWV View Post
    Believe me I'm not trying provoke you, I'm addressing comments that show a surface level of comprehension of a topic, which highlights just how little understanding yourself and others have of it. I'm certainly not doing it for the sake of it either, I'm challenging Ignorance. The fact you've attempted to justify George Floyd's murder by a serving police officer is utterly absurd. I'd laugh if it wasn't so tragic. Take the alleged martyrdom out of it, the man himself had nothing to do with the reaction after his death, and I'll ask you this, do you think what happened to Floyd was acceptable? Simple as that, if your answer is no, then why did you attempt to justify it by questioning his character? If your answer is yes then you have problems.

    I'm not even calling you a racist but I will call you ignorant.

    Here's a case in point, remember Big Ron called Marcel Desailly a 'lazy n****r'? Well, do I think Big Ron is racist? No, do I think he was ignorant? Yes. If you believe that there's a difference between ethnicities that makes one superior to another then you're a racist, if you actively pursue a cause to highlight the superiority, you're a racist. If you make one comment in your life that is racist, but you don't believe in a difference between ethnicities, then you're not racist, you're just ignorant until educated otherwise.

    And just for clarity, the reason why you need educating is because you brought the case of a nutter going on a stabbing spree, to this argument in a racial context and you've just admitted you didn't know if it was racially motivated or not. All you have to do is a the tiniest amount of research to justify an argument but you didn't even bother. Instead you speculate and seemingly take your speculation without authority, as being way it is.

    The bloke on London Bridge? He was a terrorist, a brainwashed terrorist. But what have the vast majority of peaceful immigrants got to do with him? Is every white man a Jimmy Saville?

    I have empathy with most situations but sadly charity begins at home. I do a lot for charity and have seen homelessness and poverty first hand including some of our elderly screaming out for help but nothing is ever done before it’s too late. I have said on many threads if you care to look legal immigration for skilled jobs is fantastic especially in the NHS where many of the Indian surgeons are the best in the world.

    Whilst I have sympathy with illegals escaping poverty we are not a free hotel. Priti Patel is really trying to deter dinghies arriving with illegals but not easy! Should we just let everyone in when we can’t cope now? Kent Council already can’t cope! So yes illegals should be turned back to the country where they came from!!

    Had the UK and it’s allies not helped out in parts of the Middle East then Isis and other terrorist groups would be rampant. For what Isis did do I have any sympathy on bombs dropped on Isis fighters - none at all. Do I have any sympathy of those who deserted the UK like Begum to show an allegiance to Isis and now crawl back wanting to enter our country again - No not at all!

    You believe in what you want but would put a bet on that you loved Jeremy Corbin who was quite frankly dangerous and deluded!

    The Government have just said it’s not wrong to boo those who do NOT take the knee. A good number of black players have refused to take the knee so if a white player now refuses to take the knee - are you saying this person is not racist but ignorant! There can’t be one rule for one and not the other!

    Enjoy your evening. A nice glass of red is recommended to stop getting wound up before an ignorant response cheerfully comes over!
    Last edited by baggieal; 07-06-2021 at 06:33 PM.

  6. #46
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    Jun 2010

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by baggieal View Post
    I have empathy with most situations but sadly charity begins at home. I do a lot for charity and have seen homelessness and poverty first hand including some of our elderly screaming out for help but nothing is ever done before it’s too late. I have said on many threads if you care to look legal immigration for skilled jobs is fantastic especially in the NHS where many of the Indian surgeons are the best in the world.

    Whilst I have sympathy with illegals escaping poverty we are not a free hotel. Priti Patel is really trying to deter dinghies arriving with illegals but not easy! Should we just let everyone in when we can’t cope now? Kent Council already can’t cope! So yes illegals should be turned back to the country where they came from!!

    Had the UK and it’s allies not helped out in parts of the Middle East then Isis and other terrorist groups would be rampant. For what Isis did do I have any sympathy on bombs dropped on Isis fighters - none at all. Do I have any sympathy of those who deserted the UK like Begum to show an allegiance to Isis and now crawl back wanting to enter our country again - No not at all!

    You believe in what you want but would put a bet on that you loved Jeremy Corbin who was quite frankly dangerous and deluded!

    The Government have just said it’s not wrong to boo those who do NOT take the knee. A good number of black players have refused to take the knee so if a white player now refuses to take the knee - are you saying this person is not racist but ignorant! There can’t be one rule for one and not the other!

    Enjoy your evening. A nice glass of red is recommended to stop getting wound up before an ignorant response cheerfully comes over!
    For the love of God, ISIS didn't even exist before the Iraq war, are you seriously that poorly informed? It was the destabilisation of the Middle East that birthed them. You might be the most stupid and poorly educated Baggies fan I've ever come across, which is some doing. You actually make yourself look more laughable with each post.

    And no, Jeremy CORBYN, wasn't ever electable so what's your point?

  8. #48
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by OWV View Post
    For the love of God, ISIS didn't even exist before the Iraq war, are you seriously that poorly informed? It was the destabilisation of the Middle East that birthed them. You might be the most stupid and poorly educated Baggies fan I've ever come across, which is some doing. You actually make yourself look more laughable with each post.

    And no, Jeremy CORBYN, wasn't ever electable so what's your point?
    Actually I retract my comments about you being stupid, I take that back, I shouldn't resort to childish insults.

  9. #49
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by OWV View Post
    Actually I retract my comments about you being stupid, I take that back, I shouldn't resort to childish insults.
    And on that note, this will be my last post on this subject.

  10. #50
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    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by OWV View Post
    Actually I retract my comments about you being stupid, I take that back, I shouldn't resort to childish insults.

    Childish and pathetic insults hey! I told you to take that glass of red! Your context of points change every which way you want to adapt them. You mentioned the destabilisation of the Middle East ( Iraq ) but many would say the area has been destabilized since 1943 with the US Policy towards Palestine and the reference to Isis was merely to point out that unless this terrorist group were defeated the whole area would have suffered through slaughter and dominance. For God sake Hamas were creating huge problems at least 15 years prior to the Iraq war!

    Seems very dodgy that you set up your username in 2013 and in the recent days just started using it. There was an ultra leftie called Carolgees active on the site then who caused so many issues around the same time! Very odd!

    Have a cracking evening and don't forget that glass of red!

    PS - no childish insults above

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