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Thread: O/T Covid Vaccine mRNA

  1. #501
    Join Date
    May 2008

  2. #502
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by frogmiller View Post
    mNRA is a scam. No one died of flu whilst Covid was about. You yourself called it nothing but a flu.
    What have flu deaths got to do with mRNA vaccines? Levels of recorded flu were naturally lower during the worst of the Covid period because transmission of that illness would be disrupted by lockdowns and masking. I suspect that much of the testing capacity that would have been used in flu surveillance was also switched to focus on covid, which would mean that recording was down.

    The ONS reports the following from Week 1 of 2020 to 22 January 2021:

    • Deaths involving Influenza and Pneumonia (underlying or secondary cause): 127,575
    • Deaths due to Influenza and Pneumonia (underlying cause): 21,614

    Covid is still ‘about’ and flu deaths are still occurring.

    Quote Originally Posted by frogmiller View Post
    There has never ever been a vaccine for a virus.
    Not for measles, mumps, smallpox, Hep A or Hep B? How about rubella, chickenpox, shingles and rabies? Not even the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine that is doing so much to reduce the risk of cervical and other cancers?

    It’s actually much harder to find examples of vaccines for diseases caused by bacterial and other non-viral infections.

    Quote Originally Posted by frogmiller View Post
    The Covid sars changes too quickly for a vaccine to be effective. They haven’t changed the ingredients of the vaccines since the rollout but Covid has gone through the Greek bloody alphabet in name changes.
    Coronaviruses do have a high capacity to mutate, but despite the concerns that caused, it is clear that there was good deal of continuing benefit from the early iterations of the vaccine.

    It is not true to say that the vaccines have not been changed to try to keep up with mutations. Both Pfizer and Moderna updated their vaccine to take account of Omicron, which was seen as a particular danger.

    One of the benefits of mRNA technology is that it is essentially a programmable platform that can be updated.

    Quote Originally Posted by frogmiller View Post
    The pharmaceutical companies have rinces the people of the world and you don’t want to see it.
    It’s beyond doubt that Pfizer and Moderna did very well out of the risk that they took in developing their covid vaccines. It certainly presented them with a platform to showcase the mRNA technology that they had been developing. Some other companies were not so lucky with several part completed projects being abandoned.

    I struggle to see how developing vaccines that are likely to have saved millions of lives can be described as a ‘rinsing’.

    Quote Originally Posted by frogmiller View Post
    At the same time the MSM has kept quiet and helped silence the critics.
    I’m not here to defend the media, which is a parlous state in the UK at least, but it is fair to say that they have limited numbers of column inches and minutes of air time and it would be impossible for them to provide coverage of every conspiracy theory that swirled around the internet. It’s increasingly apparent that some journalists now spend their time simply trawling Twitter for stories, but they are likely to undertake at least a basic fact check before writing up pieces about things that they read there.

    Quote Originally Posted by frogmiller View Post
    Bring on the inquiry!
    Really? Lets look at your approach to this.

    You have posted mountains of stuff that you have found on Twitter that supports your viewpoint and have largely ignored any analysis of the same.

    When confronted with data that completely undermines the material you have found on Twitter, you simply imply that official data is fabricated

    When it has been pointed out that there is no peer reviewed (i.e. quality controlled) science to support your beliefs, you have posted Tweets in which the concept of the quality controlling of science is attacked.

    With that in mind, is it not crystal clear that you are only interested in one outcome from the Inquiry?

    Let’s be honest, unless the outcome of the Inquiry agrees with your views, you are going to simply post links to Tweets that contain weird and wonderful explanations about how the whole thing was rigged.
    Last edited by KerrAvon; 21-02-2024 at 11:56 AM.

  3. #503
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    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by frogmiller View Post
    Esther McVey’s speech in The Houses of Parliament.

    She puts it in a nutshell. You’ll need a few minutes to listen and I must apologise before hand that it is an extract from X.

    That's the longet nutshell that I have ever seen. I'm afraid that my response will need to be lengthy too.

    I never forgave raging after he posted a link to a Daily Mail article that was so intriguing that I used it and went to the website from hell. I had to shower afterwards and it caused months of animosity between us. I feel much the same way after finding myself in agreement with elements of a speech by Esther McVey. She is spinning, however.

    'Following the science’ is an expression that was primarily used by the government in relation to non-pharmaceutical interventions such as lockdowns and masking. The point is, however, that science rarely gives absolute answers, which means that the government essentially had to choose which science it was going to follow. I think it clear now that the government at least toyed with the alternative notion of allowing the virus to run through the country unchecked to try to achieve herd immunity and only backed off after being told how many people could die as the NHS would be overwhelmed to a greater degree than it actually was.

    In addition, a government that was seeking to address a pandemic needed messaging that was clear and impactive. A speech by Boris Johnson that touched upon all the science relating to, say, lockdowns, would take hours and would be unlikely to be very clear (not least because Johnson wouldn’t understand most of it). ‘Stay at home’ was more effective and captured what was the majority view of science and medicine.

    I would add that it is now crystal clear that the government didn’t always ‘follow the science’. ‘Eat out to help’ out and the relaxation of the social distancing rules at Christmas 2020 both cost lives, as the Hallett Inquiry will find.

    I was surprised to see that she used a definition of antivaxxer that included those who oppose vaccine mandates. I do not consider myself antivax, but am at the very least ambivalent on the subject of mandates and would generally oppose them, in part because they feed the already well fed antivax conspiracy theory movement.

    Where I have used the expression antivax, I mean the irrational and conspiracy theory fed view of vaccines that is unsupported by credible science.

    McVey implied that the current reduction in the uptake of measles and polio vaccines can be attributed to the official messaging that surrounded covid. Iin the absence of evidence, I completely disagree as I think it is largely attributable to the garbage that floats around on Twitter and Facebook and other social media. Conspiracy theorists have been posting totally discredited claims about an alleged link between the measles vaccine and autism for decades

    If one takes an absolute view of the word ‘safe’ then I would agree with McVey that it was misleading in the context of the vaccines, as any medical intervention carries at least some degree of risk.

    Again, if I were to take a sympathetic view of a government that was seeking to deal with a pandemic and failing miserably to deal with the storm of misinformation that was circulating on social media, I can understand to a degree why ‘safe and effective’ was used by the government instead of ‘carrying very low risk of harmful side effects that are vastly outweighed by the risk associated with contracting covid whilst unvaccinated', which is true, but far less catchy. I do, however, think that the entire UK government response was marred by a failure to treat the public as grownups. I hope that the Hallett Inquiry will make that finding too.

    If the yellow card scheme isn’t up to scratch, then perhaps McVey should look in the mirror in her search to find someone to blame. She has been a minister or parliamentary secretary for much of the last decade. As she pointed out, however, it and similar systems in other countries picked up the signals that led to the change in deployment of the AZ and Pfizer vaccines.

    You’ll note that she didn’t claim that the yellow card scheme nor any of the systems in use in other countries have picked up on the massive increase in miscarriage that you repeatedly claim on here with absolutely no regard for any reader who is pregnant or has a partner, family member of friend who is.

    I agree that it is shocking that those who believe that they were harmed by vaccines are having to wait so long for their claims for compensation to be assessed, but again, who is Mc Vey to complain about that as though she bears no responsibility? In my world, I see victims of crime and accused people waiting several years to have their say in court to try to get justice. Millions are waiting on NHS waiting lists. Those delays are attributable to the government that she is a part of.
    Last edited by KerrAvon; 21-02-2024 at 12:24 PM.

  4. #504
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    May 2008
    Someone has been busy.

    I’ve constantly put up other people’s views on the matter.

    I use X or YouTube to put other people’s opinions across.

    It is difficult to find information on other platforms and even Twitter before it was bought by Elon Musk.

    No one can deny that the main stream media has been silenced by their owners and sponsors. The same sponsors or owners are known to have sponsored or paid for the Fact Checkers. I did put a French fact checker comparison up that was ignored but had the full story with more details than you had provided from a New York Times article.

    I have not dismissed anyone because I believed them to be a failure.

    I will repeat that I have put other people’s opinions up for people to view who wouldn’t normally see them.

    My want is constant. I want an enquiry into the use of the mNRA use. An un tested drug that was rushed in under a USA military emergency license.

    Some people like you have full confidence in it but I’m sure you’d like people like me and those on the videos to be silenced by the results of an inquiry.

  5. #505
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    I don't want you to be silenced, Frog. If I did, I would simply ignore you and leave this thread to the blowing tumbleweed.

    I’m not trying to change your mind and am well aware that there is little prospect of doing so. Only you can do that, but you won't unless you actually start questioning the stuff that you are linking to, much of which is demonstrably drivel. I'm guessing that it was Twitter that told you that it is impossible to create a vaccine for a viral infection? Shouldn't that make you question the stuff that you are relying upon?

    Part of the UK Hallett Inquiry is going to look at vaccines, but what do you think that an Inquiry into mRNA vaccines will achieve for you? For example, if it calls witnesses who claim that they cause miscarriage, how do you think they will be able to address the fact that the birthrate completely discredits such claims? Ditto claims that they cause cancer or alter DNA? Do you think it would call Right Said Fred as witnesses to hold forth upon why scientific research should not be quality controlled by peer review?

    I fear that one thing that is certain is that unless you open your mind to the possibility that the Twitter algorithms are happily feeding you crap, you will be very disappointed with the results of any Inquiry and - as mentioned above - it will simply open a rich new seam of conspiracy theories.

    P.s. what do you mean rushed in under USA military emergency license? It was the MHRA that granted the license in the UK, which was the first country to deploy them in a clinical setting.
    Last edited by KerrAvon; 21-02-2024 at 01:45 PM.

  6. #506
    Of all the side effects, the one I find most troubling is Stockholm Syndrome.

  7. #507
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by KerrAvon View Post
    I don't want you to be silenced, Frog. If I did, I would simply ignore you and leave this thread to the blowing tumbleweed.

    I’m not trying to change your mind and am well aware that there is little prospect of doing so. Only you can do that, but you won't unless you actually start questioning the stuff that you are linking to, much of which is demonstrably drivel. I'm guessing that it was Twitter that told you that it is impossible to create a vaccine for a viral infection? Shouldn't that make you question the stuff that you are relying upon?

    Part of the UK Hallett Inquiry is going to look at vaccines, but what do you think that an Inquiry into mRNA vaccines will achieve for you? For example, if it calls witnesses who claim that they cause miscarriage, how do you think they will be able to address the fact that the birthrate completely discredits such claims? Ditto claims that they cause cancer or alter DNA? Do you think it would call Right Said Fred as witnesses to hold forth upon why scientific research should not be quality controlled by peer review?

    I fear that one thing that is certain is that unless you open your mind to the possibility that the Twitter algorithms are happily feeding you crap, you will be very disappointed with the results of any Inquiry and - as mentioned above - it will simply open a rich new seam of conspiracy theories.

    P.s. what do you mean rushed in under USA military emergency license? It was the MHRA that granted the license in the UK, which was the first country to deploy them in a clinical setting.
    Right said fred just posted something that I thought I’d share with you all. To think that they’re capable of coming to any clinical conclusion is funny.

    I am quite capable of holding my hands up and saying that I was wrong when the facts are uncensored are you?

    To be honest you have opened my eyes to how you think and how others are unable to question what is obvious.

    We’ve already touched on algorithms and how every social media use them. We’ve also touched on that X is cancelling more content than any other platform.

    Will you accept that the vaccines were untried, untested and given a special license to get licensed approval? And that mNRA technology has been abandoned several times because of its dangers? And that the guy you said had never worked on the technology and resigned because of the dangers. You can look back at your post stating the free owned New York Times?

  8. #508
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I posted during Covid -

    That my mate & his wife were paid to have blood tests, where a nurse visited their home once
    a week, while also having swab tests, payment by money vouchers to go to different stores.

    They have been contacted again to have just swab tests, where kits are delivered to them, with
    a swab test at home, then send in the results on internet.
    They are doing the tests, but have been told there is no payment, because the government [NHS]
    can not afford to pay.
    But like my mate & his wife say, they are getting a free covid test every week, be it buying them
    yourselves would cost.
    So the government are still doing random testing in the U/K.

  9. #509
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    May 2008
    Basically, when the next major outbreak occurs, don't get vaccinated if you don't want.
    And die anyway.

  10. #510
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by crashbang View Post
    Basically, when the next major outbreak occurs, don't get vaccinated if you don't want.
    And die anyway.
    According to some and not me. The spike protein just keeps on multiplying in some causing all sorts of problems.
    The danger could be Crash is to those that are constantly vaccinated are most likely to get ill in future. I don’t know if that’s likely but like Alan Said this week on X, ‘ I’ve had 6 vaccines and I have another bloody positive Covid test’.

    I will never take a mNRA vaccine again. My wife who didn’t want to have any at all said that she won’t and my 2 adult kids - well we don’t discuss it. I don’t influence them one way or the other.

    I don’t know anyone that hasn’t had the mNRA vaccine that has died of Covid.
    I know some that had it and died and I certainly know lots more that have health problems after having the jab.

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