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Thread: New manager

  1. #651
    Quote Originally Posted by sheepcrooky View Post
    Exactly this. It was always going to be Glass. Cormack last week was clearly telling us what we wanted to hear rather than the truth about selection and due process.
    Don’t treat us like mug punters Davie boy.
    Because Dave didn’t want it to seem like he’s controlled by his Atlanta overlords.

  2. #652
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Agree wae that to an extent. But I’m sure they’ll have interviewed most and if someone really stood out, they’d have got the job. They didn’t, so glass it is.

  3. #653
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by andoplzcumbak View Post
    Agree wae that to an extent. But I’m sure they’ll have interviewed most and if someone really stood out, they’d have got the job. They didn’t, so glass it is.
    Aye, posted earlier that apparently Maloney was interviewed and didn't stand out.

  4. #654
    Quote Originally Posted by Beach_End_Bob View Post
    Yip, which is his right, but why spin us a yarn o sh1te about going through applications and considering options?
    Perhaps the key to it being Glass was that he could bring in Brown as assistant and if that was not going to happen there was a need to look at other options. Certainly a risk to bring in someone not that familiar with current Scottish football (though lots of good reasons for taking that risk) so a sensible precaution to have a successful current player in place also. No one on this board, or anywhere else, knows how good or bad a manager he will be so let’s welcome him back and wish him well. And hope Red John has cheered up enough to apply to be the virtual mascot for the first post-split game against St Johnstone.

  5. #655
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Baggios_Ponytail View Post
    Because Dave didn’t want it to seem like he’s controlled by his Atlanta overlords.
    It’s pretty clear where we are in this “partnership”.

  6. #656
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Mixed feeling on this if I’m honest.

    We wanted something different - not the usual merry go round Largs jokers - well it’s certainly that.


    A club like Aberdeen should not have a completely novice mgmt team - maybe one of them, but not both - & both these guys are complete novices at this level.

    Really don’t know what Cormack is thinking tbh. It’s certainly left field though and outwith the norm - no doubt about that.

    One positive is we clearly miss an utter cuunt on the park. Lego heid certainly ticks that box.

    The fact we’re getting him fae the tims (who have offered him a new contract remember) may be a sign there is going to be proper backing and investment instead of the tedious plodding mediocrity of Milne.

    Maybe clutching at straws - but what else is there. I don’t think he’d consider coming unless he’s had some assurances about us trying to at least challenge better.

    The two internationals is intriguing. I’d be worried about thumb though. Clearly the most talented Scottish striker by a distance, but he’s a complete ned with a massive attitude problem. If he couldn’t be bothered to get his finger out for a Tim 10IAR effort while on probs at least £15k a week - fit the fuuck is he going to do here to get motivated?

    Big red flag on that one if it happens.

    My bet, it’ll crash & burn. Would be delighted to be proved wrong like & they’ll have my backing.

    If Lego muncher ends the rat or snakes careers next season then legendary status will automatically follow...

  7. #657
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Beach_End_Bob View Post
    Yip, which is his right, but why spin us a yarn o sh1te about going through applications and considering options?

  8. #658
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    When you recruit for a job, you often have a candidate in mind, but until you see the field you can't say for sure they're the best option. So while I don't doubt for a second that Cormack had Glass right at the forefront of his mind, if e.g. Eddie Howe had applied then I'm pretty sure he would have been chosen. None of us, except maybe MSM, know who applied and so maybe there was no-one in the field who stood out and so Cormack goes with Glass. Fair enough. I don't think that means he was pulling a fast one, or necessarily trying to pull the wool over our eyes about the 'prawcess'.

    It might work out, it might not, but let's not be too conspiratorial about the whole thing. We didn't want the same old Largs suspects and we're not getting one. So that's a big tick. Clearly it's a risk, but as I've said before, I think a lot might come down to the team around him and as a group what their contacts are like in the market, etc. If the boy they're talking about as a striking coach is good enough to work with E**land then just maybe he's an improvement on what we have now.

    For me, what I'm looking for in the first instance is the following list (in no particular order):

    - Make a few canny purchases in the market

    - bring through some youth,

    - show some genuine ambition,

    - get them working a bit harder in training (given recent suggestions),

    - try to play a less turgid brand of football.

    Wouldn't we'll all be quite happy with that as a start? Then let's see if the results come. I don't see why Glass can't deliver that for the start of next season.

  9. #659
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Out of interest , does anyone know what length of contract Glass is on? That might tell us how much of a long term appointment Cormack thinks this is.

  10. #660
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Don Julio View Post
    When you recruit for a job, you often have a candidate in mind, but until you see the field you can't say for sure they're the best option. So while I don't doubt for a second that Cormack had Glass right at the forefront of his mind, if e.g. Eddie Howe had applied then I'm pretty sure he would have been chosen. None of us, except maybe MSM, know who applied and so maybe there was no-one in the field who stood out and so Cormack goes with Glass. Fair enough. I don't think that means he was pulling a fast one, or necessarily trying to pull the wool over our eyes about the 'prawcess'.

    It might work out, it might not, but let's not be too conspiratorial about the whole thing. We didn't want the same old Largs suspects and we're not getting one. So that's a big tick. Clearly it's a risk, but as I've said before, I think a lot might come down to the team around him and as a group what their contacts are like in the market, etc. If the boy they're talking about as a striking coach is good enough to work with E**land then just maybe he's an improvement on what we have now.

    For me, what I'm looking for in the first instance is the following list (in no particular order):

    - Make a few canny purchases in the market

    - bring through some youth,

    - show some genuine ambition,

    - get them working a bit harder in training (given recent suggestions),

    - try to play a less turgid brand of football.

    Wouldn't we'll all be quite happy with that as a start? Then let's see if the results come. I don't see why Glass can't deliver that for the start of next season.
    Aye, I would go along with all that. I think Glass should be able to tick your boxes - I think I would probably manage to tick a few of them myself to be honest - ie getting them working harder, showing more ambition, play less honking football - these 3 are pretty easy for anyone to achieve! I wonder what will happen with the youth set up - will Sheerin and Robson hang around? It sounded like Cormack was keen to keep Simpson, but not sure about the other two - Sheerin's managerial performance on Saturday didn't inspire me with much confidence that he's going to produce a team of attacking, winning youngsters any time soon.

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