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Thread: David Haines Killed by ISIL

  1. #71
    Join Date
    May 2013

    re: David Haines Killed by ISIL

    interesting read (link).

    BBC toeing party line i see...

    "No-one, it seemed, had sufficient influence with his bloodthirsty captors. They were deaf to all appeals," our correspondent said." - view external link

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    re: David Haines Killed by ISIL

    Another fine upstanding British citizen ..

    Who is Moazzam Begg?
    A British citizen, he moved from Birmingham to Afghanistan in 2001 along with his family
    Moved to Pakistan in 2002, when the war in Afghanistan started
    Arrested in Islamabad in January 2002 and taken to US detention centre in Bagram, Afghanistan
    Transferred to the US-run military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in February 2003
    Never charged with any offence and released in January 2005, when he returned to UK
    Became campaigner on behalf of terror suspects denied legal rights
    Arrested in UK in February 2014 on suspicion of seven terror charges relating to Syrian conflict, including allegation of funding terrorism overseas
    Charges dropped and freed from Belmarsh Prison on 1 October after prosecutors said they had "new material"

    Piy they didn't take him up on his offer.

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    re: David Haines Killed by ISIL

    Just read the BBC website and it says IS fighter numbers are around 31,000, how the hell can such few numbers take on Iraqi, Syrian and Kurdish forces, while being bombed by coalition planes?

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