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Thread: O/T:- Heatwave weather [Re. Climate Opinions/Handbags]

  1. #81
    Join Date
    May 2021
    He has had a lot to do with covid, vaccines, pharmaceutical companies and Is buying huge areas of farm land along with other governments to reduce meat production, in a supposed attempt to cut nitrogen levels in the atmosphere.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Magpies1959 View Post
    EP you say yourself your gut feeling is that climate change (man made, I assume) is genuine. My gut feeling is that it isn't genuine.
    I do believe the climate is changing as it has done since time began, and it has been cold enough or hot enough in the past to kill off human life, and will no doubt in the future.
    Do you believe if 'Net Zero' or 'Carbon Neutral' is achieved we will be able to keep the world thermostat at the optimum for ever more.
    Carbon levels have risen and lowered in the atmosphere, with no correlation to temperstures, way before human life, giving an uninhabitable climate, so is likely to happen whatever we do to control the level.
    My honest answer to those questions is 'I don't know'. I really don't have the knowledge to answer yes or no with any confidence. That's why I reverted to gut feeling, which is 60/40 that it's mankind perverting nature. The best gambling lesson I ever learned was 'don't bet more than you can afford to lose'. Whatever the right answer is it won't affect me greatly because I'm now at the arse end of my time on the planet, but I would still like to do what I can to help future generations enjoy what I've enjoyed.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Magpies1959 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark_Ross View Post
    You cannot simply accept the majority opinion on anything - because the majority may yet be wrong.
    Like climate change. Oh the ironing.
    Dear 1959: You really didn't get the point of my post.

    re Irony: build nuclear power stations for cleaner energy

  4. #84
    Join Date
    May 2021
    I think it has been accepted that nuclear is clean, even by some green activists.

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Magpies1959 View Post
    He has had a lot to do with covid, vaccines, pharmaceutical companies and Is buying huge areas of farm land along with other governments to reduce meat production, in a supposed attempt to cut nitrogen levels in the atmosphere.
    I'm not seeing what it is that you are arguing is wrong. Seems to me he has an excess of wealth and is trying to do some good with it. Better than trying to come out with a Windoze 12 anyway.

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Magpies1959 View Post
    I think it has been accepted that nuclear is clean, even by some green activists.
    Okay, nuclear power is a good idea. But it comes with a collection of new and unsolved problems.

    Why would you want to jump out of the (fossil fuel) frying pan into the (radiation) fire?

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark_Ross View Post
    Okay, nuclear power is a good idea. But it comes with a collection of new and unsolved problems.

    Why would you want to jump out of the (fossil fuel) frying pan into the (radiation) fire?
    Energy security.

  8. #88
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Old pie, when I say he has had lots to do with covid, vaccines and pharmaceutical companies, I am meaning in a bad way. The vaccine was next to useless,knowingly so by the pharma industry, but Gates helped promote it as a way to end covid, thus making untold profit for Pfizer and the like. As people have woken up to this, billions of covid shots are being got rid of as the pharma giants cannot sell them.
    It is a subject that needs talking about over a pint not by text message really.
    Mark Ross, nuclear power technology has come on leaps and bounds in recent years and I have no health/security issues over it now, didn't mean this to sound patronising, not sure I am capable anyway 😊
    As Old pie says, energy security is the reason to switch.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Magpies1959 View Post
    Old pie, when I say he has had lots to do with covid, vaccines and pharmaceutical companies, I am meaning in a bad way. The vaccine was next to useless,knowingly so by the pharma industry, but Gates helped promote it as a way to end covid, thus making untold profit for Pfizer and the like. As people have woken up to this, billions of covid shots are being got rid of as the pharma giants cannot sell them.
    It is a subject that needs talking about over a pint not by text message really.
    Mark Ross, nuclear power technology has come on leaps and bounds in recent years and I have no health/security issues over it now, didn't mean this to sound patronising, not sure I am capable anyway 😊
    As Old pie says, energy security is the reason to switch.
    The vaccine wasn't next to useless for those who have been told they probably wouldn't have survived without it. I am very thankful for it.

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Magpies1959 View Post
    Do you believe if 'Net Zero' or 'Carbon Neutral' is achieved we will be able to keep the world thermostat at the optimum for ever more.
    Carbon levels have risen and lowered in the atmosphere, with no correlation to temperstures, way before human life, giving an uninhabitable climate, so is likely to happen whatever we do to control the level.
    Temperature and CO2 massively correlate though.

    It's physically impossible to increase CO2 in the atmosphere and not have it impact temperatures, and we've pumped enough in to raise global temperatures 1-2 degrees already.

    You're absolutely right inasmuch as the climate has changed a lot in the past, but CO2 has been one of the drivers of that, and what's going on with it right now is not part of any natural process. This has been established scientific fact for decades now.

    It's also true that more than a few degrees warmer or colder are likely to be disastrous for civilisation. The human race has been around somewhere between 200k and 300k years, but prior to about 10,000 years ago we had nothing bigger than a grass hut and no agriculture. Then from that time onwards, civilisation and agriculture have sprung up independently in multiple locations and climatic zones on the globe.

    What changed isn't just that the last ice age ended, the climate instability that's characterised the last several hundred thousand years ended. We've had relatively stable rainfall, temperatures and sea levels for 10,000 years.

    I for one don't think we should be rocking that boat more than we absolutely have to, and if/when we decide to deliberately manipulate the climate, say for example to prolong this strange period of stability, we should do it with a careful plan. Unlike the current "unplanned terraforming" which is completely bonkers.

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