What is up with the youngsters today? South Yorkshire Police raided an illegal party where up to 150 young people had congregated at an illegal gathering. Do they not know what sacrifices our National Health staff are performing in caring for people with covid? I am so angry and seething at their crass behaviour.
I could line them up and birch the lot....several times! The organiser has got a £10,000 fine. Great, fine him AND JAIL HIM! They have to be the thickest f.uck wits on this planet today.
Police are searching video evidence in order to identify those who attended and are looking to make further £800 fixed penalty fines which several have now received. Make it more severe than that, double the fine!
God give me strength to calm down on this one
Name and shame.
When their potential future employers google them after they apply for jobs I suspect they won't get many interviews. Untrustworthy and lacking in common sense and empathy. Future Employers won't entertain that
Surely the Universities must step in here and expel all those involved with no refund of tuition fees or rent in halls of residence.
They should have had it in Whitby. I hear it's safer there
They won’t do that. Universities are run by liberal lefties who will think it’s acceptable to do what they’ve done, freedom of choice and all that crap
Remember the suggestion that the age of voting should be lowered?
Yeah, right
(Cue bleating about fees and mental health)
flour, I was going to bring the Uni bit into my post but didn't want to sound to deep. Chances are, I bet the majority are Uni Students, and after all the lockdowns they've had in place at Sheffield Uni because of the outbreak. To me they are the most selfish, crass, immature cretins and should be kicked off campus if found to be part of all of this. MAYBE THEN THEY MIGHT GROW UP!