Don't very often watch it myself but my wife is an avid fan. I don' t watch because it is usually a lot of hot air that achieves nothing and I am left frustrated, so avoid watching.

But tonight I viewed the show from Barking. usual conflicting panal guests refuting others claims.

what impressed me most was the homeless guy speaking from the heart about his lot and thoughts on imigration currently not helping him improve his life. He said he has applied for 100 jobs with the railways witout success. He felt imigrants were getting preferential treatment. He did get heckled crom the audience and he did challenge them back. He made a decision to leave the show early to some cheers from the audience. He did say that because of his views on imigration does not mean he is a racist.

One young female labour MP, stood up for this man saying that he had a right to be heard as his experience was real to him.

Praise the man and the young lady on the panal imo.

Why is it such a damned taboo