He loves Scotland so much he lives in ................

er, Ireland :/


"A CYBERNAT launched a Twitter hate campaign at a fellow party member using a fake social media account.
Tommy Ball, 31, created a s*bleep* page in George Laird's and posted a number of abusive tweets in 2013.
At first Mr Laird thought the tweets were humorous until he saw messages saying "filthy old beast" and that he was a "known *****phile".
The 51-year-old was worried when his home address was also posted on the social media account.
The IP address linked to the messages was traced to Ball's address and he admitted what he did to police.
At Glasgow Sheriff Court yesterday (Thurs) Ball, who now lives in County Longford, Ireland, pled guilty to engaging in a course of conduct between January and August 2013 which caused George Laird fear or alarm.
He admitted setting up a fake Twitter account in his and making ***uall