Arsenal fan demands referee arrested after decision against his side.

With his side trailing 2-0 at Goodison Park, one Arsenal fan took the drastic – and completely pointless – measure of demanding that Merseyside Police arrest Kevin Friend and his officials for making poor decisions.

The well known Arsenal follower (Bully) was disgusted that Friend and his assistants had not ruled out Everton‘s second goal for offside and spent the whole of half time trying to convince police and stewards that the team should be arrested.

With Everton fans celebrating Naismith's goal that put the Blues 2-0 up, replays were shown on the big screens at Goodison which showed the Scot was in an offside position when Romelu Lukaku played the ball through to him.

Several Gunners’ fans were ejected from the ground as a result of their reactions and our mate “Bully” claimed that Friend and his team should be arrested for inciting violent behaviour through their error.

He might have had a point