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Thread: Diving

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    There is a renewed call for penalties against divers by Blatter, Martinez and also Mourinho.
    Blatter wants some kind of time penaltiy for divers and play actors.

    I'm all for the eradication of these cheats but the refs also need to get better and/or have more video technology as help.
    The reason I say this is that I have seen players like Pawlett get nothing when fouled in the box(or out) when they tried to stay on their feet, whereas if they'd gone down they would have gotten the foul.
    And also, I have seen players like Mcginn, being booked for diving, so he would then receive the time penalty or card or whatever, when he was taken out!

    So again, i'm all for it, but the authorities also need to help refs in making the right decisions.

    A big task with the useless lot up here! (authorities and refs).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    re: Diving

    anything Blatter says... do the opposite and you will not be far wrong.

    If they asked Blatter to come up with the best system to board planes, he would do it in alphabetical order.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    re: Diving

    I caught a bit of the Edinburgh derby the other night just as the hearts boy dived and got booked for it, the co-commentator says "it's worth a try if you can get away with it". Was wondering if it was Andy Walker, as he used to say that on Scotsport in an attempt to defend his beloved celtic players when it was obvious they were at it. Though I'm sure he was probably outraged when Peter Pawlett was accused of diving.

    It's a ridiculous thing to say, as the guy's basically advocating cheating. Even if a player is smart enough to get away with it, the bottom line is it's still cheating, and I don't think anyone takes any satisfaction in seeing a team benefiting in this way, especially if it's an opposing player. I hate to see any of our players (on rare occasions) trying it, especially when it's so obvious.

    Folk like Walker (or whoever it was) should not be anywhere near a microphone, as they're sending out completely the wrong message, especially if FIFA are clamping down on it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    re: Diving

    I am an advocate of introducing the pink card. This would be shown to any divers, injury fakers or purveyors of other such nanmby pamby, non-mannie fitba actions. it would then not be possible to commit a foul against the pink carded player for the rest of the game, I.e. You could kick him in the b0llocks and it would not be an infringement.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Diving in the box straight Red Card. Retrospective punishment is pointless. VAR ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I’ll have a word with Mal to see if he can get a weekly Fannies’ Penalties feature on Red TV.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Sorry, but ... Ah've seen mony a decision re. 'divin' far Ah've wondered ... dis onybody hae a clue aboot the weight distribution o' yer average human body??

    Ye see, if some radge as much as interferes wi far yer expectin yer front tae tae land ... the result is .... yer upper body hisna got the fkn memo ... and so, ye topple.

    Pundits tend tae comment on the strength/intent o' the contact ... rather than the impact .. or the result o said contact.

    For me, recently, Ferguson might hae dived, hae might hae nae ... but VAR will nae ever calculate whether or nae that def contact will hae ****ed up eez stride beyond eez capacity tae catch it up an' keep control o' the ba'

    Fitivver VAR or pundits might say, an' whether Ferguson dived tae prove the point or nae. It wis a fkn pen ... cos he wis 100% illegally impeded whilst on route tae goal ..... how he sought tae recover or otherwise is neither here nor there.

    As history will tell ... his pen wis saved.

    Ah'm aa for VAR ...... but Ah fkn hope it is nae jist anither ref! ..... If we are daein VAR ah want some physiotherapists an' physicists on call ... so ****e like 'follow through' .. 'momentum' .. 'trailing leg' ..... 'deliberate' can be explained or dismissed as appropriate.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Aye, you go to the fitba on a Saturday and get home sometime late Tuesday afternoon.

    To add to the sheer poovery of diving, you have to add the modern trend of skirling as you fall.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Apply now! £22k a year with as many unsociable hours and contact with hun and tim referees as a man/woman/trans/it/van can suffer. I think HawkEye missed a trick by not re-branding as OchAye up here in Tartanland, which would probably have resulted in some sort of Cultural Heritage Grant from those useless ****s in Holyrood, once they’re done with apologising to murdered witches.


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