Quote Originally Posted by ozfan
If you really want to know what's going on listen to Michael Tellinger.
You don't know what's going on that's just his opinion.

Repeat this. "Just because it's on u-tube doesn't make it true"

Bigfoot sightings everywhere. Teams of hunters, bigfoot tourist safaries, grainy pics and jerky video and yet not one caught and verified. Lousy hunters? If they do catch one great. A new primate to stare at in the zoo.

In the coming years The Bigfoot tribe will be running out of wilderness to live/hide in. More than likely find them in an abandoned Detroit Apartment block.[/quote]

But his opinion could be right oz.

I think finding another species of hominid is amazing. I don't believe Bigfoot is an ape. Yes there is a ridiculous Bigfoot craze but it's the people with the least credibility giving the real researchers a bad.
If you go into the woods with a camera or gun you wil