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Thread: Another beheading

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Another beheading

    ISIS spreading their message of hate with the wanton murder of Stephen Soutcloff (sp).

    I hope the USA, Iraq and even Syria bomb the ****s out of them

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    re: Another beheading

    Yes but who is going to bomb the **** out of the ones that live down the road, or in the local supermarket ? The enemy is within, it will not be long before you will see these beheadings in a British house on a British street. Lee rugby was a warning to us all.

    This is going to sound very harsh, but it's time to choose a side, you either join them or you fight against them.

    Weather your religious or not we need to rid the world of this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    re: Another beheading

    Quote Originally Posted by 45red
    Yes but who is going to bomb the **** out of the ones that live down the road, or in the local supermarket ? The enemy is within, it will not be long before you will see these beheadings in a British house on a British street. Lee rugby was a warning to us all.

    This is going to sound very harsh, but it's time to choose a side, you either join them or you fight against them.

    Weather your religious or not we need to rid the world of this.

    I'm saying nothing. Romans reckons my Ideals are well dodgy anyway.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    re: Another beheading

    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds
    Yes but who is going to bomb the **** out of the ones that live down the road, or in the local supermarket ? The enemy is within, it will not be long before you will see these beheadings in a British house on a British street. Lee rugby was a warning to us all.

    This is going to sound very harsh, but it's time to choose a side, you either join them or you fight against them.

    Weather your religious or not we need to rid the world of this.

    I'm saying nothing. Romans reckons my Ideals are well dodgy anyway.[/quote]

    Of course it's dodgy, anybody who supports UKIP and thinks Vicky Pollard is hot has to be dodgy!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    re: Another beheading

    Quote Originally Posted by Romanis
    Yes but who is going to bomb the **** out of the ones that live down the road, or in the local supermarket ? The enemy is within, it will not be long before you will see these beheadings in a British house on a British street. Lee rugby was a warning to us all.

    This is going to sound very harsh, but it's time to choose a side, you either join them or you fight against them.

    Weather your religious or not we need to rid the world of this.

    I'm saying nothing. Romans reckons my Ideals are well dodgy anyway.[/quote]

    Of course it's dodgy, anybody who supports UKIP and thinks Vicky Pollard is hot has to be dodgy! [/quote]

    Could be worse Daffyds your love shank.

  6. #6

    re: Another beheading

    ISIS was (most likely still is) a western organised and funded group. Same as Al Qaeda was funded by the west to fight Russia in the mid to late 80s. Again, the enemy is not Muslim, its your own government (or at least those behind the government,ly Banks and Corporates). Reason? We can start bombing Iraq again (more money for the War economy with these missiles costing well over a million a piece produced by the west)2. Raise hatred between Muslims and other religions 3. Create a feeling of fear within your own country whereupon the government will implement a "terror Threat" at a certain level (red, orange, whatever), meaning they can, under the guise of protecting their own citizens and keeping us safe, implement even more draconian laws and give credence to snooping around your personal data in the of anti terror.

    Also, even the ISIS has a deeper meaning to the western powers and is actually the the west give them, not the they call themselves. the fact so

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    re: Another beheading

    [quote="Forestaddict" at a certain level (red, orange, whatever), meaning they can, under the guise of protecting their own citizens and keeping us safe, implement even more draconian laws and give credence to snooping around your personal data in the of anti terror.

    Also, even the ISIS has a deeper meaning to the western powers and is actually the the west give th

  8. #8

    re: Another beheading

    Not many holes at all TTR

    First of all, let me say, I enjoy your posts and the fact you are prepaid to voice opinions which do bring you some flack, but also draw me into to non forest related chat. And, agreed, Cameron is a prize fool.

    The reason I say not many holes in my post is that first of all, its pretty common knowledge that Al Qaeda was indeed funded by the West to combat Russia and it was, although slightly contradictory to my own opinions on the media, The New York Times that first reported in 2013 that the CIA, amongst other intelligence agencies, were alegedly funding and training ISIS. Further to this, it is also common knowledge the the Bin Laden family has been doing business with the Bush family for years and years. Just this knowledge alone should have you doubting what the media are telling you about ISIS. All the above can easily be checked.

    You cite Iran, along with ISIS and Muslim radicals, so I am assuming you see this country as an issue and perhaps one and t

  9. #9

    re: Another beheading

    “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.”

    If you dont know who said this, you really should check it out as this guy and the late 1700s are very important to how Europe was formed and is contolled now.

    Look, long winded answer, but im a super geek and have studied History, Politics and Finance for years and hope people are open to opposing ideas when backed up with a little history.

    Nullius In Verba

    This applies to what i say, as well as the media!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    re: Another beheading

    Look, if we want to skim through history we can. All governments at some point have wheeled and dealed in the affairs of others. Many reasons, personal,financial, allies, territory, third party interim interests.

    Al Qaeda as you say was funded by the Americans against the Russians. Basically, the enemy of my enemy, is my friend. At that time it was a growing organised resistance from invasion.
    But it's goals changed. Them and the radical Wahhabi movement have conducted a campaign of global wide Jihad and it's attempts to instill Sharia law. What has followed is a campaign of terrorism, bombings,suicide bombings and interference of several Muslim countries. All this to destabilise the status quo.
    All this is done under the religious banner, that Christians and Jews are the enemy and must be destroyed.
    ISIS and IS is nothing more than a grown up version of this belief and it's influence is growing. When British citizens and other foreign born Muslims are falling under this influence, it

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