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Thread: A Scottish yes...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    A Scottish yes...

    ... is what the Green Party would like. Apart from the fact that it has no Tory MPs, less private enterprise and economic fluctuations caused by Stock Exchange movements, economic policy decided by newspaper magnates and much more community involvement, a Yes would in the short create "Creative Chaos" which would mean politicians and the community having to think deep for once to solve certain problems, which could mean great new ideas coming forth.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    re: A Scottish yes...

    [quote="RedBasie" which would mean politicians and the community having to think deep for once to solve certain problems, which could mean great new ideas coming forth.[/quote]

    The Green party?

    Jesus wept, if ever they got near parliament, we'd all be paying 90% tax.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    re: A Scottish yes...

    No wonder the Scottish Yes is accelerating towards a successful conclusion when they see a brain dead No Vote depending on the daily tabloids for their opinions.C'mon Tricky you can do better than that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    re: A Scottish yes...

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBasie
    No wonder the Scottish Yes is accelerating towards a successful conclusion when they see a brain dead No Vote depending on the daily tabloids for their opinions.C'mon Tricky you can do better than that.
    What are you on about? The green party, in order to fulfill it's agenda will need a boat load of cash. That means taxes.
    Most of it is a fanciful dream anyway. Even europe has turned it's ideas into a money pit.
    Always made me laugh when the bright sparks came up with wood burning power stations. Brilliant they said, much greener. Idiots forgot to factor in the carbon footprint of felling, processing and transporting these splinters half way round the world.

    Give them their independence they'll fail.
    No pound
    No guarantees
    No Nato
    No bailouts

    We all know what a dogs dinner the RBS made of finance.
    Give them 10 years and they'll be another Greece. Overspent, overdrafts and back over the wall.

    They want cheap NHS? Coming from a n

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    re: A Scottish yes...

    What I find crazy about this situation is that there is a vote in our Union to decide the fate of our Union, and not everybody in the Union is allowed to vote.

    Wales England and NI should also be able to vote on any changes within thier Union

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    re: A Scottish yes...

    Quote Originally Posted by 45red
    What I find crazy about this situation is that there is a vote in our Union to decide the fate of our Union, and not everybody in the Union is allowed to vote.

    Wales England and NI should also be able to vote on any changes within thier Union
    Blair/Brown made the words England/English dirty words. Ask yourselves this.
    How many forms have you had, where when asked your nationality/ethnicity, you had to tick a box with either
    White British
    Black British
    Asian British
    Black African
    Black Caribbean

    Being English was made politically incorrect and often associated with right wing groups. I support UKIP at this moment in time. I have been called racist/a xenophobe/a third Reich supporter.
    UKIP wants to remove the UK from the EU. It wants to put the UK people first. How is that any different to what to the Sweatys are doing?
    If Scotland wants to go let them. They think they'll be mega ri

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    re: A Scottish yes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds
    No wonder the Scottish Yes is accelerating towards a successful conclusion when they see a brain dead No Vote depending on the daily tabloids for their opinions.C'mon Tricky you can do better than that.
    What are you on about? The green party, in order to fulfill it's agenda will need a boat load of cash. That means taxes.
    Most of it is a fanciful dream anyway. Even europe has turned it's ideas into a money pit.
    Always made me laugh when the bright sparks came up with wood burning power stations. Brilliant they said, much greener. Idiots forgot to factor in the carbon footprint of felling, processing and transporting these splinters half way round the world.

    Give them their independence they'll fail.
    No pound
    No guarantees
    No Nato
    No bailouts

    We all know what a dogs dinner the RBS made of finance.
    Give them 10 years and they'll be another Greece. Overspent, overdrafts and back

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    re: A Scottish yes...

    You are correct 45. This sums it up.

    First, this referendum has been a democratic disgrace from the outset. Not only were innumerable expatriate Scots in the rest of the Kingdom not allowed a vote on the Union that has benefited them all so practically, but the English — who subsidise Scotland to the tune of £17.6 billion a year according to the most recent Treasury figures — were not allowed a say either, as if the Union were about Scotland alone.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    re: A Scottish yes...

    I am sorry but I think both your arguments are flawed. There's little desire in the UK to remove Scotland, so this issue is non-existent.

    This is a more like Quebec in 1980 and 1995, where the people of a state decided their own destiny. You can look at East Timor as another example.

    Now do I think it fair or wise that the voting age is lowered and Scots living abroad be excluded? Well probably yes but at the end of the day this is an issue for the people of Scotland and no one else to decide.

    Anyway TTR deems my views on the composition or make of HM's Govt is irrelevant given I am not a voter, therefore it must follow that his views on how the Scots decide are to be given the same short shrift.

    And with that Mr Speaker, my case is made and I beg to move.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    re: A Scottish yes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Romanis
    I am sorry but I think both your arguments are flawed. There's little desire in the UK to remove Scotland, so this issue is non-existent.

    This is a more like Quebec in 1980 and 1995, where the people of a state decided their own destiny. You can look at East Timor as another example.

    Now do I think it fair or wise that the voting age is lowered and Scots living abroad be excluded? Well probably yes but at the end of the day this is an issue for the people of Scotland and no one else to decide.

    Anyway TTR deems my views on the composition or make of HM's Govt is irrelevant given I am not a voter, therefore it must follow that his views on how the Scots decide are to be given the same short shrift.

    And with that Mr Speaker, my case is made and I beg to move.
    Of course it's non existent. Yet tell that to the power grabbers.
    Salmond has just shown his true colours, by comparing the Scottish vote to the South African one , of q

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