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Thread: Eu madness-

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Eu madness-

    Basie, you promote the EU for it's green work
    I can understand that to an extent. I highlighted to you about the Germans spewing out pollution at the levels it is. Whilst doing nothing.
    The EU itself is just as bad with this farcical merry go round. WASTING MILLIONS OF OUR CASH AS WELL to do it.


  2. #2
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    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
    Basie, you promote the EU for it's green work
    I can understand that to an extent. I highlighted to you about the Germans spewing out pollution at the levels it is. Whilst doing nothing.
    The EU itself is just as bad with this farcical merry go round. WASTING MILLIONS OF OUR CASH AS WELL to do it.

    I must have missed that about the German's spewing out pollution at the levels it is. You'll have to remind me. Yes I'm against moving about of things that are in the wrong place. That is why I'm against globalisation and transport miles and favour producing locally for local needs and living nearer to one's place of work. This will reduce traffic congestion enormously much more than the example you've thrown at me and is one reason why I'll might vote out. On the other side of the coin however I don't want a return to dirty beaches and Britain again becoming the dirty man of Europe, plus a resurgence of Nazism because we are not in there to help control it.
    Last edited by RedBasie; 17-06-2016 at 09:00 AM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedBasie View Post
    I must have missed that about the German's spewing out pollution at the levels it is. You'll have to remind me. Yes I'm against moving about of things that are in the wrong place. That is why I'm against globalisation and transport miles and favour producing locally for local needs and living nearer to one's place of work. This will reduce traffic congestion enormously much more than the example you've thrown at me and is one reason why I'll might vote out. On the other side of the coin however I don't want a return to dirty beaches and Britain again becoming the dirty man of Europe, plus a resurgence of Nazism because we are not in there to help control it.
    I would never want to see our dirty beaches return either. Yet they aren't as clean as you think anyway.

    Being an island makes our waters harder to clean than anyone's,. Yet it is our governments lack of action, not the EU waving a magic wand. Don't forget all the foreign shipping trashing our waters as well http://www.mcsuk.org/press/view/112

    As for Nazism. It's very ironic, that the upsurge in it, is directly in the places of mass migration.
    The EU caused this, Merkel in particular.
    The traditional hard line, east European countries have shut up shop in response.
    So remind me again please, how is the EU stopping Nazism?
    It runs a system of politics like the them.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
    I would never want to see our dirty beaches return either. Yet they aren't as clean as you think anyway.

    Being an island makes our waters harder to clean than anyone's,. Yet it is our governments lack of action, not the EU waving a magic wand. Don't forget all the foreign shipping trashing our waters as well http://www.mcsuk.org/press/view/112

    As for Nazism. It's very ironic, that the upsurge in it, is directly in the places of mass migration.
    The EU caused this, Merkel in particular.
    The traditional hard line, east European countries have shut up shop in response.
    So remind me again please, how is the EU stopping Nazism?
    It runs a system of politics like the them.
    Still no sign of my request concerning your German comment. I would have thought that because of their geographical position our waters are in a much better place to be kept clean than say the Baltic and the eastern reaches of the North Sea, plus there is a long standing court case between Ireland and the UK over the amount of radioactivity we put into the Irish Sea. Mass migration was caused by US/UK foreign policy destabilising the Middle East and nothing to do with the EU.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedBasie View Post
    Still no sign of my request concerning your German comment. I would have thought that because of their geographical position our waters are in a much better place to be kept clean than say the Baltic and the eastern reaches of the North Sea, plus there is a long standing court case between Ireland and the UK over the amount of radioactivity we put into the Irish Sea. Mass migration was caused by US/UK foreign policy destabilising the Middle East and nothing to do with the EU.
    Here's a beauty I borrowed for you Basie.

    Clear analysis is that the UK loses badly in the EU. The UK pays a tax/ fee to the EU and if calculated on UK sales to the EU is a 7% tariff. Non EU countries pay a tariff at 3%. A very bad deal for the UK. 20-30 non EU countries have increased sales to the EU more than the UK. The EU is 7% of world pop and EU trade is now some 17%, falling to 10% by 2025. 20% of German cars sell to the UK. The EU sells into the UK some £80 Bn a year more than the UK sells to the EU. The EU needs the UK. The UK needs to connect properly to the 93% of the non EU world. If an EU tarriff was imposed at 10%, and the UK did the same, the UK would gain by some £20 Bn pa.

    The EU is a disaster. Millions unemployed under EU policies. The UK has 3.6% of EU officials, 1/28 of a voice at Council. The UK has always been outvoted on every EU vote. The UK has no influence in the EU. It is Eurovision in commerce and politics. UK zero points. The millions in poor EU countries are migrating as unskilled homeless to the UK.

    The UK has a crisis in housing and public services. Since 2004 Barker Report the UK had to build 2 new Cambridges every year, 250,000 new homes a year. Only 150,000 new homes on average have been built for 10 years. in 2016 with immigration at 630,000 a year the UK needs 4 new Cambridges every year. Assuming all leavers let or sell their homes leaving net 360,000 immigrants, the UK needs 2 new Cambridgeshire. And are building only one. Some 200,000 - 250,000 too few each year! The same applies in public services.

  6. #6
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    Also after we have shut ALL our pits, cutting down coal burning stations. After being told we're murdering Scandinavia, the Germans up the game.
    The EU do nothing.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post

    Also after we have shut ALL our pits, cutting down coal burning stations. After being told we're murdering Scandinavia, the Germans up the game.
    The EU do nothing.
    Many thanks for that piece of environmental whistle blowing. I note also the matter was brought out into the open by the Greens and Germany has been warned by the European Commission, the very commission which you will be voting to come out of, leaving the rest of Europe open to the vested interests of the Multinational Industrial/Military Complex wherever they locate. Just to remind you that the UK is still breaching EU limits on Diesel Emissions which is leading to 7000 fatalities each years in this country. You can see why that EU environmental protection policy is so important.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedBasie View Post
    Many thanks for that piece of environmental whistle blowing. I note also the matter was brought out into the open by the Greens and Germany has been warned by the European Commission, the very commission which you will be voting to come out of, leaving the rest of Europe open to the vested interests of the Multinational Industrial/Military Complex wherever they locate. Just to remind you that the UK is still breaching EU limits on Diesel Emissions which is leading to 7000 fatalities each years in this country. You can see why that EU environmental protection policy is so important.
    I don't think you'll know the answer to this Tricky, but I'll ask the question anyway. What type of coal fired power station were the Germans building. If it was the type like Ratcliffe on Soar which lost 70 per cent of the energy created though it's cooling towers and sent clouds of acid rain towards Scandinavia , then no way. However since it was being built in a suburb of Hamburg suggests it was a smaller combined heat and powered station fueled by the vastly more efficient fluidised bed coal combustion designed to provide district heating as well. This was the way coal fired generation was heading in the UK before Thatcher closed the pits and may well be again when we begin to tap into four hundred years of coal reserves once more.
    Last edited by RedBasie; 17-06-2016 at 01:42 PM.

  9. #9
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    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBasie View Post
    Many thanks for that piece of environmental whistle blowing. I note also the matter was brought out into the open by the Greens and Germany has been warned by the European Commission, the very commission which you will be voting to come out of, leaving the rest of Europe open to the vested interests of the Multinational Industrial/Military Complex wherever they locate. Just to remind you that the UK is still breaching EU limits on Diesel Emissions which is leading to 7000 fatalities each years in this country. You can see why that EU environmental protection policy is so important.
    You're welcome Basie.
    However, note- the EU did nothing, because without Germany, there is no EU.
    UK - does breach diesel emissions.
    1. who's fault is that then? Drivers were told to buy diesels, because they were more enviromentally friendly
    2. oooooooooops, bug **** up that one, when one of the worlds biggest diesel manufacturers gets caught out, with cheating ECU soft ware. We're was this awful company you may ask?
    Oh look, it's German and guess what. The EU have done nothing,

    Stick with me Basil, I'll educate you.

  10. #10
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    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBasie View Post
    I don't think you'll know the answer to this Tricky, but I'll ask the question anyway. What type of coal fired power station were the Germans building. If it was the type like Ratcliffe on Soar which lost 70 per cent of the energy created though it's cooling towers and sent clouds of acid rain towards Scandinavia , then no way. However since it was being built in a suburb of Hamburg suggests it was a smaller combined heat and powered station fueled by the vastly more efficient fluidised bed coal combustion designed to provide district heating as well. This was the way coal fired generation was heading in the UK before Thatcher closed the pits and may well be again when we begin to tap into four hundred years of coal reserves once more.
    Ratcliffe on Soar power stations were old technology. Todays scrubbers are much cleaner. However Germany is insisting on burning ****ty German brown coal. No where near as good as the Uk's
    as a result, A third of their pollution was continued operation of too many coal-fired power plants, including lignite (brown coal) burning plants, which are especially emissions-intensive.

    Our pits could have been saved and were not subsidised like Germanys coal was

    Has the EU stopped them? No.

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