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Thread: Bbc ...

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Mason89 View Post
    BBC 4 is worth the money itself. For me it's not about the value. Theyre forcing you to pay for their services whether you use them or not. It's not right. They're unaccountable to the people that pay their wages as well, meaning they can launch out antique shows with carefree abandon.
    Bang on Mason

  2. #12
    The fee is worth the money i guess...they do some great work...but also some right old sh*t too.

    It's the fact i have no choice in the matter...and the draconian money grabbing methods they use to enforce the license...which p*sses me off.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Buc View Post
    Nice one . not sure how true this is but I was speaking to a retired cameraman living in Spain who worked for the BBC and he was telling me the license fee goes directly to the Westminster government ..

    That certainly was a huge surprise .
    Aye that's right. The TV Licencing Authority I think its now called. The government collects the money in the form of a direct tax and in turns gives it to the BBC departments through a parliament approved budget. I think its the 'department for culture media and sport' that deal with that.

    The so called 'licence fee' is classified as a tax and its tax evasion if you do not pay it. That is how they can get away with charging it. The BBC have nothing at all to do with setting the fee as that would be too dodgy, although quite incredibly they are tasked with collecting it as the BBC itself ARE now the TV Licensing Authority but use a private company to enforce the collections. Its tied up in phukin knots. They are, in my opinion, an arm of the government but they do claim to have a Director-General that is impartial and non political. The guy that is doing the £0.5 million a year job just now, Tony Hall, was made a peer in the house of Lords by Cameron. He recently was in the news for refusing to answer to a parliamentary committee, investigating bias claims, as he said "I don't have to I'm a Lord".

    Quote Originally Posted by Mason89 View Post
    BBC 4 is worth the money itself. For me it's not about the value. Theyre forcing you to pay for their services whether you use them or not. It's not right. They're unaccountable to the people that pay their wages as well, meaning they can launch out antique shows with carefree abandon.
    I agree with you that to some folk, the BBC would be good value. I also agree that BBC 4 often, when it is on, has decent programming but for me it's the only thing they have going for them. I find all the rest is total garbage and nowhere near value for money. Its almost as expensive as sky for phuks sake and some folk probably pay less for a hell of a lot more.

    I think its about the forced tax nature and the value. it's about £150 quid a year!! for 2 and a half channels, some news and 1 and a half radio stations for Scotland!!!

    They have plans in place to change the whole thing soon. They want to change the tax to include all media in the UK, meaning that every household will soon have to pay whether it has a TV or not.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Bbc is one of those acronyms that used to mean one thing to me but now means another. Bloody internet.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2015
    that made me laugh min scobes, I'd say that would be a fair lifestyle choice for buc

    As regards the organisation under discussion.

    I don't mind paying it for bbc 4 some of bbc 2 some alba stuff (gothenburg 83 for example) and the radio channels.
    Without even mentioning the web services.

    Never having to hear the words Tony from Tile It All again is a small price to pay.

    I'd also say its incredible hypocrisy to watch/listen to it and not pay for it on grievance grounds

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Grantland View Post
    that made me laugh min scobes, I'd say that would be a fair lifestyle choice for buc

    As regards the organisation under discussion.

    I don't mind paying it for bbc 4 some of bbc 2 some alba stuff (gothenburg 83 for example) and the radio channels.
    Without even mentioning the web services.

    Never having to hear the words Tony from Tile It All again is a small price to pay.

    I'd also say its incredible hypocrisy to watch/listen to it and not pay for it on grievance grounds

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Buc View Post
    Was speaking with a couple about how much the BBC should charge for a license fee ..

    I think its £149-50 going by memory

    Older people!e 75 and over are free ..

    For me once you reach pension age it should be free as the pensioners I know most struggle from week to week.

    2/3 of the population and more won't see 75 .not got long left then

    What do you lads think should we pay more or indeed maybe auntie beeb should go down the advertising route .

    Be interesting to see how you educated lads on here think.

    It amazes me anyone still pays that extortion fee to fund their propoganda

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Barnared View Post
    I agree ..
    If I go into a shop buy a Mars bar I don't pay for the Marathon bar on the shelf at the counter if I don't want it.what's the difference with the license fee..
    The thing is I've written to the beeb gave my reasons and as yet they have never came knocking on my door..
    I've been up front from the start.

    Sorry that was meant to be for NEM83.

    No idea what happened there thought I'd replied to him my apologizes.
    Auld age
    Last edited by Buc; 21-06-2016 at 12:22 PM.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by scobiemacd View Post
    Bbc is one of those acronyms that used to mean one thing to me but now means another. Bloody internet.
    What does it mean?

    Anyway, my wife loves the BBC. Loves it!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Radio Scotland is listened to, BBC news at 10, Reporting Scotland both watched as good as every day, bbc 4 is watched regularly and i did watch bbc 3 when it existed.

    Canna moan about it or im a hypocrite

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