Quote Originally Posted by red_card4zip View Post
"If you had seven sweets in your hand and Tyrone asked you for one, and Abdul asked you for one, how many would you still have?" asked the teacher.

"I'd still have seven," answered Little Johnny.

Boy to dad - Why do they say gardeners have got 'green fingers' when their fingers aren't green ?

Dad to boy - It's just a saying. It's like when someone is caught stealing something, they say that they've been caught 'red-handed', even though their hands aren't actually red.

I was talking to a woman last night and she said, that last time she had *** it was like the 100 metres at the Olympics.

I said "what, was it all done in over 9 seconds"

"No" she said, "It involved 8 men and a gun".

That's hillarious