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Thread: Stopping the slump

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Stopping the slump

    I'll start by declaring that I absolutely believe that Hecky is still the right manager for us. But I'm not sure of his thinking at the moment to halt the dip in form.
    For me there are two key things to address urgently: becoming competitive again and sticking the ball in the back of the net.
    First rule, stop the other team from playing. Get in their faces, let them know its going to be a fight, press the ball and use a bit of gamesmanship.
    Second rule, if you hurry the opposition you'll nick the ball; then break at pace, running at defenders. Every break has to result in a goal attempt.
    So...drop those in midfield who are not showing the fight. If this means giving a new face, or two, a chance - so be it.
    Play those in attack/wing who are prepared to go past defenders and shoot on site.
    One more thing. Don't waste set-piece possession, particularly throw-ins. Wake up to the weapon of a quickly taken throw in that goes forward to a red shirt in space. In the limited amount of play that I've seen, I have been really frustrated by the lack of movement and thought that has seemed to go into throw ins. Am I wrong on this?

    Just some thoughts. Hecky has to put out a team for Bolton that is going to scrap for possession in all areas and use it going forward with pace when it's won - please.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Atac we can all see the points you made unfortunately PH makes a plan and if it doesn't work as it hasn't in recent games we are well and truly fkd

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Atac View Post
    I'll start by declaring that I absolutely believe that Hecky is still the right manager for us. But I'm not sure of his thinking at the moment to halt the dip in form.
    For me there are two key things to address urgently: becoming competitive again and sticking the ball in the back of the net.
    First rule, stop the other team from playing. Get in their faces, let them know its going to be a fight, press the ball and use a bit of gamesmanship.
    Second rule, if you hurry the opposition you'll nick the ball; then break at pace, running at defenders. Every break has to result in a goal attempt.
    So...drop those in midfield who are not showing the fight. If this means giving a new face, or two, a chance - so be it.
    Play those in attack/wing who are prepared to go past defenders and shoot on site.
    One more thing. Don't waste set-piece possession, particularly throw-ins. Wake up to the weapon of a quickly taken throw in that goes forward to a red shirt in space. In the limited amount of play that I've seen, I have been really frustrated by the lack of movement and thought that has seemed to go into throw ins. Am I wrong on this?

    Just some thoughts. Hecky has to put out a team for Bolton that is going to scrap for possession in all areas and use it going forward with pace when it's won - please.

    You're right. Get in the opposition's faces. We want intensity back in our game. The Leeds game saw us offer none of the required intensity barring Adam Hammill. Moncur needed to get a hold of the game in midfield but was totally anonymous also failing to support Bradshaw and rightly subbed.

    I hope the lads come back fighting. We're still learning yet frustrating. It was always to be expected. Credit to the lads for our mini good run, now we've hit a sticky patch so it's another test of character. Perhaps we've been found out in certain aspects.

    Big game at Bolton. Any result would do for me just to keep that points cushion in our favour, lose and I will start to worry

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Way we're playing at minute head over heart you'd back us to lose. How can you pick up a result playing like this it's depressing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I would settle for a point right now at Bolton, this goalless winless run needs to stop, if we were to fall into the bottom 3 anytime soon , I fear we would possibly stay in there , Bolton aren't mugs and have been steadily improving , Sunderland and Brum (worst side I've seen ) are starting picking up points

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    We are capable of winning at Bolton, just as I thought we were capable of winning at Reading but we all know what happened there dont we. On the face of it I think a point and maybe even a 0-0 there will have to be looked at as a bonus.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I'm just glad we've got six points advantage over bottom three.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    "Completely agree. Barnsley are a very poor side at the moment. They have nothing in the tank, their attack is virtually non-existent, and their defending is lumpenproletariat, leaden, and sulky. They play 'lump it up field' stylee, except half the time they can't even keep the ball within the lines when they do hoof it. Their captain does not lead, their players are woeful, and their loanees are not performing to the expected standard. Oh, yeh, and their goalie is suffering an existential crisis: everything he touches turns to ****, although he hasn't actually managed to touch much in recent games (except we should have sympathy with him, he could have been a Trotter, he is called Davies after all :wink: ). If we can't beat bloody Barnsley we are officially 'Useless'. 3-0 to us."

    Just seen this on the Bolton forum, fair assessment ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    We just need a win, spawny or otherwise. I'm not too depressed about the Reading result, at least we learned who is better up front. Ugbo is an impact sub, id like to see him make one as he? Shouldn't pick on the lad, in the last 2 games we have been in a match and we ant done ourselves justice at all. Looked a bit slow and lacking purpose, if the other team get at us, as in the last 2 games , we lose the initiative and they drive the game, I expect they were told because there was an improvement. Poor tho, were going to lose games so now after the last 2 matches any win'l do. We can do Bolton a reckon.

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