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Thread: Bury expelled from the FL

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Chicken Balti Pie View Post
    Sadly on twitter it's the "fans" of premier league teams that are gloating and being generally arses (and a lot of Leeds fans but that's a given!).
    Looks like you can add Stags fans to that list - the last 3 posts on their Bury thread say "Cheats", "Bury have quite rightly been kicked out of the Football League", and "Goodbye cheats".

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by cher1 View Post
    What's the betting they do eh Kim?
    I fear you might be right Cher. Let's hope Bury Council have the club's back like the city council had ours over the summer.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    A very, very sad day for English Football as a small part of it has died. I feel for the Bury fans I really do. We know how close we came to the same fate how horrible it feels, how frustrated, angry and sick it makes you feel inside.

    Unfortunately there is a cancer in the game and it’s infecting many clubs. There appears to be owners who are not interested in the history, tradition, community or anything that is part and parcel of what a football club represents. These types don’t care about protecting the club and acting in its best interests.

    Instead they play with clubs futures by gambling on being successful or simply do not care or have any interest in the heart and soul of what a football club is. It’s just a business transaction.

    No doubt there maybe a post mortem and talk of reform, but what the football authorities actually do to try and stop this kind of thing happening again I won’t be holding my breath.

    I hope that it’s a reality check for some clubs to sort themselves out financially. It might not be over yet with Bolton hanging on by a thread.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Chicken Balti Pie View Post
    It's very sad, but it's been threatening to happen for a while. It wouldn't surprise me if Bolton are next. Its interesting to see what the wider implications are though from the EFL statement. They say League 1 will have 3 relegation places so it fits 24 teams next season but they will discuss league 2 in September. It's weird that they haven't thought about this before?
    I think its down to the fact that they aren't keen on having no relegation places from League 2 (1 if Bolton pull through).

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Chicken Balti Pie View Post
    Sadly on twitter it's the "fans" of premier league teams that are gloating and being generally arses (and a lot of Leeds fans but that's a given!) We really need a root and branch review of football
    I blame the premier league and sky for everything that is wrong with the game we all love, most of these premier league fans' know nothing of the real game, the premier league is sterile and artificial it is more like scripted soap opera than sport for a local community to enjoy, many PL 'fans'have never been to 'their' teams ground never mind spent a wet, cold tuesday evening sipping a bovril and watching their team get pumped at gigg lane under the floodlights, those memories are the ones that make any successes we might have worth all the suffering,
    Bury have always been a club like Notts in my memory lots of downs with the occasional season of triumph, today is a sad day for lower league football and could mark the beginning of the end, there are still several clubs on the brink of failing and i'm sure many more just teetering above the abyss.
    Interesting that you mention a root and branch review, i remember this phrase being used over and over after a poor england world cup several years back, the FA was going to sort out the game from grassroots to premier league, whatever happened to that? all i've seen is a bigger TV deal for the PL, player wages and transfer fees going through the roof and the only knock on to teams like bury,coventry,macclesfield,notts,bolton,port vale,blackpool etc etc etc is that they can no longer compete in the transfer market, so have to pay ridiculous wages to be able to compete,greedy chairmen overspending and buying into the hype in an attempt to reach the pot of gold a couple of promotions can get them. just 15 miles from Bury and about 60 places up the FL ladder Man Utd can afford to pay a guy 500k a week to sit on the bench,while his agent angles for another multi million £ move to Italy and thats just one example,
    Greed has infected the game and it all started with the Premier league and skytv , i hope these 'fans' are happy when there are only 20 teams left standing.

    a sad day for proper football

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Chicken Balti Pie View Post
    Sadly on twitter it's the "fans" of premier league teams that are gloating and being generally arses (and a lot of Leeds fans but that's a given!) We really need a root and branch review of football

    I'm a gooner and don't generally have much time for the North (or West London, South London and the wrong bit of North London.) But I'm heart-broken for you. You founded the league when our club wasn't even a twinkle in the eye of the lads making British Army shells in Victorian South London.

    You creating league football has given countless joy to millions of people in the majority of the 192 countries on the planet.

    And money has ruined football in my lifetime. (Born in '71.)

    In Eng, my club has been one of the top 5 beneficiaries of PL/CL money. We've won doubles, unbeaten league seasons, and had players we could never have even dreamed about.

    But it was still better before.

    The CL has meant that the gaps between the clubs from big countries (eg Real etc) and the previously equal teams from the small countries (Ajax, Celtic , Benfica) has widened to such a point that it's not a level playing field. But also in those small country leagues, they've become uncompetitive as they one CL club gets 25mil more than the 2nd placed team in their league meaning they stay champions forever.

    Money has ruined footy, and Abrahamovic destroyed it for good. When I was a kid, we dreamed of signing a star player or manager. Now it's just about which foreign billionaire buys you cos his petrodollars don't help him cheat on Xbox football manager and he lost online games to some ****age slum-dweller.

    So they just buy clubs instead.

    And that history that has been passed down generations {my grandad got AFC season tickets in the late 40s} now means nothing unless you have some foreign owner wanting to launder his money or buy publicity for his repressive regime.

    Anyso called PL team fan who gloats at this without extenuating circumstances* is a cünt.

    *I admit I'd be happy to see Sperz go to the wall. Chelsea and Man City too. And Stoke for still singing about breaking Rambo's leg.

    But if one of the founders of possibly this nation's greatest modern cultural export are gloating they're scum. It would be like laughing at the death of Ringo Star cos you're not a Scouser. Not the greatest Beatle perhaps, but he never did anyone any harm, and what he helped create gave untold joy around the world.

    I can only condemn PL fans gloating and if any are Gooners, I apologise on behalf of out club.

    There's nothing else I can say. Other than I hope a miracle happens and it all works out for the best.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by LilCrazyKim View Post
    Apparently there's a covenant on Gigg Lane restricting its use to sports. Hopefully the relevant authorities don't budge on removing that.
    Are property speculators less money obsessed and local politicians less corrupt up there than they are down here?

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by jackal2 View Post
    Or save a lot of time and pretty much adopt the Major League Soccer model.

    I don't like the idea of Americans showing us the way on anything football-related, but their system of wage caps, 'designated players, 'trading' players, youth development and keeping all clubs partially controlled (and protected) by the League is far superior to the systems in most other countries, where the football industry is like the Wild West. The only thing I wouldn't adopt is the moving of club franchises from one city to another. Nobody likes MK Dons!
    Great in theory but the PL's so successful, you'd think they;d ruin that £1bn a year they get from overseas tv rights juts to keep a few small clubs in business?

    It's not like the league you founded when any team had a chance?

    There are global brands, not teams, and I unfortunately include what use to be Arsenal Football Club in that, owned by foreign billionaires that have been to fewer games than my beloved nut know a cash cow when they see one.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Truly dreadful and yes it could definatley have been us.

    Bolton are far far far from out of the poo as well with the reinstigation of a 14 day explusion notice.

    As I've suggested previously saying that premier league clubs should be bailing clubs like Bury out is a bit daft. The premier league in essence will never change from what it is now - football is big business at that end. The only sensible way forward is for far more prudent financial regulation of clubs who show intent to spend potentially outside of their financial means. There are always going to be people who want to stick a few million into a lower league club chasing the dream, and that needs close analysis and regulation to ensure that whilst its ok to invest heavily into a club it is sustainable and there are long term funds to manage it as well as a Plan B in the event of a catastrope which is where Bury and to some extent Notts have come a cropper. Once the EFL asked Bury for essentially a sustainability plan for this season, it is clear that one was not forthcoming that could show they could make it through. If the EFL had the foresite to look into this some time before and ask for a plan B perhaps the situation could have been avoided in entirety. Any decent business should have that and football clubs should be no exception. I am not blaming the EFL directly for this but they could in my opinion do more to prevent it and they need to move with the times. They don't.

    I think the most shocking thing about this is that we all kind of expect an 11th hour deal to be done that saves the day as in the case of Notts several times over the years and lots and lots of other clubs. Well not this time. Heart goes out to Bury fans, whilst Notts and I are a long way apart I'd be absolutely devestated if I couldnt lose half my nights sleep checking the scores and watching football. Hopefully they can find their way back into a semi decent league next season and rebuild. Sometimes its the best way as well, as on a much more insignificant level we are finding out I am sure. Be thankful for what you have Notts fans, very thankful indeed.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Well what sh1t news this is. Worry is I don’t think it will be long before there are only two full time pro leagues in the UK. If Bolton go as well there is a worry there could be a domino effect with many other clubs it would seem currently sailing very close to the wind.

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