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Thread: General Election Thursday 12 of December?.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    General Election Thursday 12 of December?.

    Even though the polls suggest the SNP will do very well in Scotland i do not want it to happen.To see a Tory PM(Boris)being frustrated by his Westminster parliament is Karma.Its wonderful watching Boris frustrated as vote after vote is lost.
    Our country has had to put up with laws being passed in Westminster that we never voted for like the Poll Tax and the Bedroom Tax for over 300 years, its also worth remembering that the Tories tried out the Poll Tax on Scotland first.We had an election in 2015 but the then Tory PM(May) decided to call another one in 2017 and now Johnston wants another one in 2019.
    The fixed term law passed by parliament means one election every 5 years but the Tories want to have 3 in four years because they are not happy with how the country voted,they want a landslide victory like in the Thatcher days so they can vote anything through that they fancy.
    I am delighted to watch them stew in their own shyte and am in no hurry for an election.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Agree that if we can help to block to Tories, then it is payback. However, we need a general election to allow the SNP to offer support in a hung Parliament , the price being a Section 30 order, otherwise will continue to wreck Westminsters ambitions on BREXIT etc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    I would think the only people at Wasteminster who are really wanting an election are the SNP. Both the big parties will lose quite a few seats between each other with the Lib Dems making relatively huge gains, but will they make a fatal mistake like the kiddy on Liberal did the last time?

    Up here, i dont see a total wipeout, but i would be surprised if a Tory remains in place. I do expect that the current non SNP seats will be shared between us and the Lib Dems.

  4. #4
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    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by deebuster View Post
    Agree that if we can help to block to Tories, then it is payback. However, we need a general election to allow the SNP to offer support in a hung Parliament , the price being a Section 30 order, otherwise will continue to wreck Westminsters ambitions on BREXIT etc.
    The problem with that scenario that i also prefer is i don't think its going to happen.All the polls in England suggest a Tory majority government and that would probably scupper Indy Ref 2 at least until Brexit economics ravage the country.We had 56 SNP MP's in Westminster after the 2015 Tsunami but Cameron with only 1 Tory in Scotland still got his majority.
    My preferred option between a new government with a majority or a hung parliament that we have now is the latter,its also worth remembering the decent Tories in this parliament like Hammond and Grieve etc will be replaced by hard right wing brexiteers in the new intake of 2019.

  5. #5
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    Oct 2010
    One thing i will add,IF the SNP go through the same lobby as the Tories tomorrow i will never vote for them again.The Labour Party are on a hiding to nothing in England so my party MUST support them to avert a Boris majority.Keep Boris in his cage,FACT.

  6. #6
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by GUNBOAT View Post
    One thing i will add,IF the SNP go through the same lobby as the Tories tomorrow i will never vote for them again.The Labour Party are on a hiding to nothing in England so my party MUST support them to avert a Boris majority.Keep Boris in his cage,FACT.

    Quite correct. We should all listen carefully to what Angus Brendan Macneil has said. We cannot be Tory enablers.
    We have Bojo by the short and curlies. And we should hang on for grim death.

    The SNP were blamed for the failure of the Callaghan govt in 1979, and Thatcher coming in, and Labour have dined out on that for years, where Labour actually fell out with the Unions causing the winter of discontent causing th vote of no confidence.

    The SNP have time on their hands. Let the Unionists spin their lies, we should wait.
    If Labour back the Tory GE Bill as is now being widely touted, then the SNP should abstain, or vote against.

  7. #7
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    Oct 2010
    Well the SNP did not go through the lobby with Boris but i still think Angus Brendan MacNeil was correct when he said,"We should keep Boris in his cage."He also was one of only 20 MPs who voted against the election.The rest of the SNP abstained but it was them and the Liberal's who opened the door for Boris to escape.
    I can only hope that Labour in England can close the gap otherwise its another Tory majority and goodbye to independence for the foreseeable future.I texted my MP for Dundee East and told him in no uncertain terms that i was not happy with their decision in London.

  8. #8
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    Oct 2010
    The odds on a Tory majority shorten by the day,Sturgeon won the QT leaders debate hands down but that counts for nothing because of the result in 2014.The Labour party have not a cat in hell's chance of winning a majority with Corbyn as their leader.The Liberal vote is melting away like sna aff a dyke because Swinson is FN hopeless and although Boris has been useless on the campaign trail the English know he will deliver their independence from europe.
    How FN ironic is it that in the face of all the financial experts warning them the economy will suffer because of Brexit the English still demand their independence?.Its a fact that when Scotland was told the same in 2014 55% of the country shat their breeks and decided we were better together.
    There is no doubt in my mind that our FM is the best politician in the UK but she has been badly let down by the left of centre in England and Wales.

  9. #9
    Surprised at the amount of people wanting to vote Tory on my facebook just now, labour no saying the right things RE: increasing tax and alot of people posting his links to the IRA etc, i'd say Labour were f ucked up here. The NHS issues is what should kill the tories but its not, too many people just wanting brexit and not giving a ****e how it happens

    I'm swaying towards Lib Dems due to the HMRC 2019 Loan charge review

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Its surprising me how quiet it is in here with only 2 full days before the polls open.

    Is there an acceptance that the SNP will return towards a complete lock out? Or that everyone sees the trash being thrown about by the supposed big 2 is doing themselves enough harm?

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