As Frank knows, I’ve been considering having my DNA tested to see where my roots lie. I’ve been doing some genealogy through the Ancestry site and by doing a small amount of legwork.

I’ve always seen myself as pure Cumbrian with aspirations of being a Viking, and my research has so far found that my predecessors, or those that I’ve traced at least, are from no further away than southern Scotland to the north, and former Westmoreland to the south. No Irish, or anyone from anywhere to the west or east, and I’ve gone back to the early 1700s.

Anyway, I’ve now ordered a DNA pack and it’s on its way to me. It should take a few weeks to get the results as the sample goes to a clearing centre in Ireland, then to the USA for testing. So, yes Frank, I’ll let you know the results on here however boring or embarrassing they are. We’re all a mix of those who went before so I may be in for some surprises (as you were Frank). This won’t tell me if I’m related to royalty, but it should be able to state if I have any Eskimo in me.

I can’t wait.