I work in community pharmacy - the world has gone absolutely bonkers, people are unbelievably stupid enough to wait in a queue whilst showing symptoms having returned from Italy! Doctors closing their doors and telling folk to go to their pharmacy - there isn't capacity within the infrastructure for such a spike in demand.

Just read too that that f'er Branson has backed a 7.5bn aviation bailout, that's not financially backed of course - the money comes from the Treasury. To$$er.

Anyway I hope you're all staying calm and sensible in all the madness - I personally think Boris is spot on with the plan. There's also a brilliant clip I saw of an Italian aerobatics with their flag colours as vapour trails like the Red Arrows, with Nessun Dorma playing - it's rousing stuff.

Off to phone the old man now - he's 74 and will have something to say about all this, you know what they say, you can tell an Ulsterman but you can't tell him much