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Thread: The sale of Barnsley FC - Alexander Jarvis story

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    The sale of Barnsley FC - Alexander Jarvis story

    Alexander Jarvis of Blackbridge the financier who brokered the deal has been speaking out about rumours relating to his role in selling the club to Chien Lee.

    He says accusations of leaking information about the sale of the club to the media are untrue and no evidence was ever shown to his lawyers. He says that the new owners were simply trying to get out of paying his fees. When asked why he didn’t sue them he stated it would cost $1m to take them to a US court to sue for libel.

    He introduced Chien Lee to 8 different English football clubs running up to the deal to purchase Barnsley FC

    According to Jarvis the non disclosure agreement has now ended relating to the deal and more information will be revealed.

    He says Chien Lee is a good guy who will be a good custodian of the club but keeps bad company, adding karma will come to Conway.

    The claims by Conway that he cut off communication with Jarvis are also incorrect..... it was Jarvis who cut off communication with Conway due to comments he made at a meeting in London about Patrick Crynes health, adding “ he’s a bad guy who tried to do a deal with the owners son at half price when Mr Cryne died. He slowed down the deal to do this “

    Jarvis states he was in Beijing when accused of leaking information to the Barnsley Chronicle and a 2yr legal case followed for him to eventually get paid his fees.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by EastStandRed View Post
    Alexander Jarvis of Blackbridge the financier who brokered the deal has been speaking out about rumours relating to his role in selling the club to Chien Lee.

    He says accusations of leaking information about the sale of the club to the media are untrue and no evidence was ever shown to his lawyers. He says that the new owners were simply trying to get out of paying his fees. When asked why he didn’t sue them he stated it would cost $1m to take them to a US court to sue for libel.

    He introduced Chien Lee to 8 different English football clubs running up to the deal to purchase Barnsley FC

    According to Jarvis the non disclosure agreement has now ended relating to the deal and more information will be revealed.

    He says Chien Lee is a good guy who will be a good custodian of the club but keeps bad company, adding karma will come to Conway.

    The claims by Conway that he cut off communication with Jarvis are also incorrect..... it was Jarvis who cut off communication with Conway due to comments he made at a meeting in London about Patrick Crynes health, adding “ he’s a bad guy who tried to do a deal with the owners son at half price when Mr Cryne died. He slowed down the deal to do this “

    Jarvis states he was in Beijing when accused of leaking information to the Barnsley Chronicle and a 2yr legal case followed for him to eventually get paid his fees.
    'Karma will come to Conway'

    Strong words.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    "He's a bad guy " not the thoughts what I think about him he's a 1st class ********

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Conway cut communication with Jarvis because he was out of his depth.
    Jarvis also said "Cryne was very bitter and high on drugs ".
    I don't think Jarvis comes out of this very well at all.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    This one could get interesting.

    Summats not reyt sumweear.

    Av just been picking the petals off a buttercup whilst frolicking in a Happy Valley meadow.
    Conways an arseoyle, Conways a great guy, Conways an arseoyle, Conways a great guy...........etc
    Last edited by SBRed48; 16-04-2020 at 02:48 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Ittul all cumart int wesh ? Or willet ? We mite gerranutha 21 word statement !!!! Admire thi loyalty Bill , am afraid to se my loyalty towards Conway and Co has long gone , It dunt seem like it's same Club we've all followed fo years ennymoor

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Mi scrotum has swollen up after being in the meadows with the Happy Valley Buddhist Naturalist Group (atta 2m distance). It could be an allergic reaction to the grass pollen but a dunt want to bother the medics.
    Any advice Bill ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Please note with the above post--

    Naturalist--interested in the study of nature

    Naturist-- b0llock naked

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Romared View Post
    Ittul all cumart int wesh ? Or willet ? We mite gerranutha 21 word statement !!!! Admire thi loyalty Bill , am afraid to se my loyalty towards Conway and Co has long gone , It dunt seem like it's same Club we've all followed fo years ennymoor
    Hi Romared its nothing to do with loyalty, fairness yes loyalty no.
    Anyway its all about opinions and I would hope mine are as valid as somebody who have agendas to keep up.
    On another note I hope you're doing well after your recent surgary.Someone very close to me went through the same op.8 years ago and are now thriving.Times a great healer physically and mentally,you'll get there.Keep safe.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by bill46 View Post
    Conway cut communication with Jarvis because he was out of his depth.
    Jarvis also said "Cryne was very bitter and high on drugs ".
    I don't think Jarvis comes out of this very well at all.
    I don't know enough abart this story to make any judgements.

    I am open minded and respect other people's views and opinions, not wishing to score points or cause arguments.

    Unless you know something more Bill you are not sharing with us we do not really know the context of the Jarvis remarks.

    Please enlighten us without any agenda to push.
    Last edited by SBRed48; 16-04-2020 at 06:53 PM.

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