Well well - give it a few days then we will have the most deaths in Europe when we overtake Italy. Surprised? Not really - whilst I like Boris - we were too slow with everything, not prepared, and learnt not a lot from what was going on in Italy!
Lock down - our lock down compared with Spain and Italy is an extended Bank Holiday! Thought we would have less cases being an island - then again with every Tom, Dick and Harry entering - some island!

Then snowflakes are asking ie Martin - Weatherspoons will re-open in June! You are havin a laugh as would not open pubs until it's almost the last place to re-open!

Restart football - yes we all want this but how can up to 300 be inside a stadium and 300 not be in a park, play area or anywhere similar? Oh I forgot - money! How will all these relatives whose loved ones have died view football re-starting and still social distancing measures in place?

Personally speaking, the season should be resumed whenever it's completely safe, even if this is August and should take precedent over the new season. The new season could be cut short - scrap the no nothing minor cup, FA cup, and Euros which not many could give a flying f uck about! Oh I forgot again - money!

Get tough now Boris - tell the Tim Martin's, Richard Branson's and those abusing the furlough scheme ( rich owners ) to go
f uck themselves. Also, don't break the lock down too soon - yes it's a fine balance between economy and deaths, but if the lock down ( pathetic lock down as it is ) is eased too soon - a huge spike with infections, more deaths and shutting everything down again could turn public opinion against you.

Schools - whilst all parents want kids to go back to school - what's the bid deal if it's September like Italy! We have sold a huge amount of school learning books and all good parents will probably do more with their kids than being at school, although yes the social side is not great. It's well known, that home schooled kids are usually mega clever - not my choice but can understand why, when you look into it.