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Thread: O/T The disappearing Prime Minister

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    O/T The disappearing Prime Minister

    Yet again the Prime Minister has avoided the media following his confusing much anticipated Sunday night address to the nation followed by being made to look inadequate in the last two Prime Ministers Questions in the House by Keir Starmer.
    He has form in the disappearing stakes, remember he spent ten days in Kent with his partner missing four out of five Cobra meetings which were called to prepare for Covid.
    After returning to the day job following his break he presided over the shambles in the early days of the pandemic. These included:
    Allowing the Liverpool football match to go ahead and allowing three thousand Italian supporters to attend.
    Giving the go ahead for the Cheltenham Gold Cup involving more than one hundred thousand spectators to attend. Both events were followed by a spike in infections in those two cities.
    Allowing airports to remain open which has enabled thousands of visitors to pass through unchecked during lockdown. (They are still open)
    The abandonment of contact tracing in March.
    The decision to discharge hospital patients into hospital without testing.
    The failure to provide adequate PPE protection for hospital staff or care workers.
    His initial insistence that porters cleaners etc should pay an additional fee of £460 to receive medical treatment in addition to paying tax and National Insurance like everyone else.
    Jhonsons pathetic government have so far caused thousands of unnecessary deaths by their incompetence which is on the same level created by Trump in the good old USA.
    Fiddled the figures for the 100000 tests per day by 30 April. In fact the figure was 70000 with 40000 in the post.
    Needless to say the blonde buffoon has now disappeared for another ten day break!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    I'm afraid most country's run by right wing leaders all follow the same pattern .

    To get elected they feed off people's prejudices and tell them what they want to hear rather on how they are going to achieve anything .

    You'd do well to find anything in the Tory election manifesto in 2019 that actually told you anything about policies , Get Brexit Done was all there was .

    They surround themselves with people who agree with each other and so create a very narrow debate about absolutely everything , the cabinet is full of rock solid brexiters .

    The other trait is to not be too hot on detail and rely on slogans , the detail is for intelligent politicians of which the right seriously lack .

    It's a Populist government and Populists seem to have extraordinary trouble in the reality of running country's effectively .

    It almost always ends in tragedy , either through defeats in warfare or economically .

    It's no coincidence the right wing governments of the UK , US and Brazil have much to answer for during this current pandemic , this is their tragedy and the combined death toll is the evidence .

    I remain hopeful that the country will turn towards more serious and credible politicians in the near future whether that be Labour or Tory .

    Centre left or right , preferably centre left .

    The left were a tragedy for the Labour Party and I'll personally own my part in that and the Right are a tragedy for the whole country .

    Let's just hope there's something still left of this once great country for a centre government to build on but I fear 4 more years of this buffoon and his henchmen make that unlikely .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Another fkup easing lockdown and getting the football started too early

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Thé Conservative party exists to maintain the power and wealth of those who back it and the class it represents, anyone who expects morality and decency from it have unrealistic expectations. It's attack dogs in the Media will tell the gullible and vulnerable who to vote for.

    Disagree that the Labour right ( Centre) are good for the country, discrepancies between the haves and have nots grew exponentially under New Labour. The fact that the right wing tabloids, and broad sheets for that matter, are giving Starmer an easy ride should tell you all you need to know about the current Labour leadership.

    Starmer might look sharp, clinical and devastating ( yawn) against probably the most intellectually lightweight PM we've ever hard but I can't see that much to get excited about in him. He's a trained lawyer and good at picking out weaknesses in arguments but what else does he offer in depths of politics.
    He's already set himself up and shown weakness by accepting the BODs tests for anti semitism and handed an investigating and disciplining role to a Conservative Party supporting body.

    Johnson is hapless and hopeless, you can see the Tories squirming in discomfort.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Wardy View Post
    Thé Conservative party exists to maintain the power and wealth of those who back it and the class it represents, anyone who expects morality and decency from it have unrealistic expectations. It's attack dogs in the Media will tell the gullible and vulnerable who to vote for.

    Disagree that the Labour right ( Centre) are good for the country, discrepancies between the haves and have nots grew exponentially under New Labour. The fact that the right wing tabloids, and broad sheets for that matter, are giving Starmer an easy ride should tell you all you need to know about the current Labour leadership.

    Starmer might look sharp, clinical and devastating ( yawn) against probably the most intellectually lightweight PM we've ever hard but I can't see that much to get excited about in him. He's a trained lawyer and good at picking out weaknesses in arguments but what else does he offer in depths of politics.
    He's already set himself up and shown weakness by accepting the BODs tests for anti semitism and handed an investigating and disciplining role to a Conservative Party supporting body.

    Johnson is hapless and hopeless, you can see the Tories squirming in discomfort.
    I'm not for one minute endorsing New Labour Wardy , that times come and gone and the country is a far different one to what it was in 1997 .

    But we have to accept whether we like it or not the country does not want a left wing government , we got battered in 1983 and we got annihilated last December .

    There's very little to be gained in spending decades on the opposition benches and protesting , you change nowt sat there .

    Starmer is very good in the HOC , so was William Hague but he got battered by Blair at the election so that tells you how much worth there is in that aspect of it .

    Policies Wardy , policies mate and another way , not Blairism but Starmerism , this is the challenge for SKS .

    At least we have a leader at long last who isn't a monkey on our backs so it's a good start , there's a root and branch analysis of what's gone wrong in the heartlands going on , the party are talking to real people and listening to what they are getting told , that's going on right now remotely .

    There's much to do but no matter what the left tell you Corbyn did lose the argument , the election result tells you so .

    I lost the argument , it's an uncomfortable truth but it is the truth .

    We have to change direction Wardy or the party will forever sit in opposition .

    The way I see it right now , a centre left Labour Party is definitely more palatable than a bunch of right wing nut jobs destroying the UK for good .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I agree with you Animal regarding Corbyn. If only he had resigned after his first election result he could have left with a decent reputation instead of becoming a remote forgotten politician. Unfortunately his greatest achievement was enabling Jhonson and his extreme right wing inadequates to win with such a large majority from a disillusioned electorate.
    It will be interesting to see how Jhonson will deal with the Cummings situation. Jhonson has little political ability and intelligence and is like a puppet on a string to Cummings who is the driving force behind what is shaping up to be the worst Tory government ever, thats some achievement! Cumming is as big a menace to the immediate future of the country as he was to the Brexit debate.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by KINDERSCOUT View Post
    I agree with you Animal regarding Corbyn. If only he had resigned after his first election result he could have left with a decent reputation instead of becoming a remote forgotten politician. Unfortunately his greatest achievement was enabling Jhonson and his extreme right wing inadequates to win with such a large majority from a disillusioned electorate.
    It will be interesting to see how Jhonson will deal with the Cummings situation. Jhonson has little political ability and intelligence and is like a puppet on a string to Cummings who is the driving force behind what is shaping up to be the worst Tory government ever, thats some achievement! Cumming is as big a menace to the immediate future of the country as he was to the Brexit debate.
    What Johnson hasn't worked out yet is that his road to PM has created many enemies along the way .

    There were only ever 60 to 80 Tory right wing nut jobs and now they have taken over the whole party and as a consequence the government .

    These people he's taken down on route will have their vengeance .

    This idiot hangs by a thread .

    Although I'm tempted to want to leave it well alone as a Labour man .

    Never interrupt the enemy whilst its fecking itself up .

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009
    bit early for labour party shindig in it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009
    What has Rasputin Cummings got on Boris?

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