The press have been a Fu(king disgrace throughout this takeover process. Every man and his dog have jumped on this story and found anyway possible to spread negativity and spike anxiety amongst fans. It shouldn't be allowed, if this process is private then we're do these stories keep coming from? Not the story itself but the part about each story causing the Prem another issue. Is this just made up or is someone from the Prem slipping these things out to certain press? In times like this with a pandemic ongoing and nothing really to do other than scour the web and hope for some positive news on our beloved club, we shouldn't be greeted with anxiety inducing stories. I thought I was being daft getting to worked up with it all but looking on social media so many of us feel the exact same way and it shouldn't be allowed. It's not like I can just take a step back and think what will be will be either as this takeover simply means so much to me.