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Thread: O/T:- A serious question: is Trump a sociopath?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    O/T:- A serious question: is Trump a sociopath?

    This is not just a political issue. Judged by his words and actions of the last week, can we honestly question Trump's mental condition? Is he actually insane?
    Here's the Guardian's report.

    On Tuesday, at a Catholic shrine (day two of a brief detour into Christianity), it was the president telling his wife out of the side of his mouth to smile and her half-hearted attempt to obey.

    The day before, it was the long amble from the White House to St John’s, with the president walking 20 yards in front of his cabinet and relatives – with his odd straight-armed, chest-out gait and his trousers, a couple of inches short, flapping around his ankles – past the “**** Trump” graffiti on the public toilets.

    And then, on reaching the church, holding the Bible at various angles, including upside down, like an unfamiliar device pulled at random from a toolbox, which it was. He had once claimed it was his favourite book but when asked which was his favourite verse, he became flustered and dodged, insisting “the whole Bible is incredible”.

    One of the lessons of history is beware the buffoon, but when every day is so bizarre and distracting those lessons are hard to remember. We are constantly negotiating the rapids. And each day brings us closer to forgetting what normal used to look like.
    Last edited by SwalePie; 03-06-2020 at 10:50 AM. Reason: Fixed title/prefix format

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    I've found the "church photos" this week incredibly disturbing for several reasons.

    1. A large proprotion of the American electorate believe hes really a christian, god faring type.

    2. He's bringing religion into western election propaganda

    3.He believes most of the world can't see through this. I honestly believe he does.

    However I don't think he's insane. He just thinks he's above everyone and anyone and if you look at his life and how hes behaved for most of it it's not hard to see why. He's Joffrey from GoT in many ways. Let's hope someone poisons him eh.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Not sure about that but the nearer the American election gets the more unpredictable he seems to be. The worrying thing is what he might well be tempted to do if he's a mile behind in the polls in October? Shades of President Stillson!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Trump doesn't understand emotions, he is ham fisted at best. If he understood emotions, America would not be in flames, and he would act to reform the police. He isn't a leader, he is a general that having been given orders would execute those orders brilliantly, but a leader?, no.

    Its such a shame, hes done so much good, and I was a supporter, not now though. Life will always expose your weaknesses and it certainly happened with him. He is now unelectable, he will fall at the next election.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    This is a fascinating article about Trump, written in 2016 by a professor of psychology:


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    The gullible American public will believe whoever gives them the most joyful news, they accept this and will not delve too deeply into the facts. Bolster this by telling them how great they are and how America is the best country in the world, put on an aggressive, yet sincere, face and say the Great American Dream is here, made by ME and with God's blessing too - and it's in the bag.

    Trump once said he could shoot someone dead in the middle of Fifth Avenue and still not lose a single vote. This has got to be one of the most pompous statements ever made by a world leader, but it's true. He'll romp the next election.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by LaxtonLad View Post
    The gullible American public will believe whoever gives them the most joyful news, they accept this and will not delve too deeply into the facts. Bolster this by telling them how great they are and how America is the best country in the world, put on an aggressive, yet sincere, face and say the Great American Dream is here, made by ME and with God's blessing too - and it's in the bag.

    Trump once said he could shoot someone dead in the middle of Fifth Avenue and still not lose a single vote. This has got to be one of the most pompous statements ever made by a world leader, but it's true. He'll romp the next election.
    How scary that despite all we know, no-one could argue with that. He could well win in 5 months time. What is wrong with the world ?

  8. #8
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    Feb 2008
    I'm not sure what the exact definition of a sociopath is, but it's been obvious from the beginning that he's a deeply flawed individual.

    I worry about him but more about his legacy - he's broken taboos that may never go back to how they were before. I could name dozens but think of his Attorney General who is basically acting as an unscrupulous Better Call Saul style personal lawyer for the president.

    Think of how many officials have the word 'acting' in their job title because the president sacks competent people who tell him what he doesn't want to hear, then puts under-qualified but ambitious people in their place on a temporary basis so that keeping their job depends on keeping him happy.

    How many inspectors he has removed because he doesn't want proper oversight. All of this can only happen so many times then the country just can't cope.

    I could go on but I think Sam Harris says it pretty well https://youtu.be/kdDo1A7EsyM

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by LaxtonLad View Post
    The gullible American public will believe whoever gives them the most joyful news, they accept this and will not delve too deeply into the facts. Bolster this by telling them how great they are and how America is the best country in the world, put on an aggressive, yet sincere, face and say the Great American Dream is here, made by ME and with God's blessing too - and it's in the bag.

    Trump once said he could shoot someone dead in the middle of Fifth Avenue and still not lose a single vote. This has got to be one of the most pompous statements ever made by a world leader, but it's true. He'll romp the next election.
    A month ago I would have agreed with you, Laxative, but I think events surrounding George's Floyd's death have redefined Trump. He has gone just one step too far this time especially if he goes so far as to turn the military on the people. Black soldiers are unlikely to swallow an order to punish their black brothers, putting them in a similar light to the Minneapolis cop who murdered Floyd.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Unbelievable how far America has slid under him, it's scary, nausistic fantasist.

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