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Thread: Just remember black lives matter.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bedlington Terrier View Post
    Lovely sentiments Supersub6, but the problem in the US is blue on black and Trump is currently chucking gasoline on the protesters flames, which is not really helping the situation.
    BT ---very true, however, why are our police coming under attack as they were in London last night whilst trying to police something which was very much against social distancing guidelines.
    Has Sir Keir Starmer asked Barry Gardiner to resign after his participation in last night's events? He has been an MP for 23 years and is yet another member of the hierarchy who seems to think that the rules don't apply to them.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Supersub6 View Post
    BT ---very true, however, why are our police coming under attack as they were in London last night whilst trying to police something which was very much against social distancing guidelines.
    Has Sir Keir Starmer asked Barry Gardiner to resign after his participation in last night's events? He has been an MP for 23 years and is yet another member of the hierarchy who seems to think that the rules don't apply to them.
    Just watched that Sub rioting and attacking policemen and women and today some of the police were on bended knee for black lives matter.

    I'm not sure I can support anything like this , I'm all for anti racism and equality but the more I watch this it's going to end in disaster, because we simply can't / won't control this.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by army88 View Post
    Just watched that Sub rioting and attacking policemen and women and today some of the police were on bended knee for black lives matter.

    I'm not sure I can support anything like this , I'm all for anti racism and equality but the more I watch this it's going to end in disaster, because we simply can't / won't control this.
    It is strange all round, however, from my own point of view, I have always been an individual who thinks for myself and does what I consider to be the right thing (whatever that is). Not easy when you have spent 23 years in the forces and being told what to do, however, even that brought its own challenges and I still tried to maintain my own standards and have never had a crowd mentality.

    You stick to your own principles, you do not have to be part of the crowd just because the media is hyping it all up. There have been quite a number of other incidents happening in the USA in the last couple of days but the medai have chosen not to go OTT about them.

    Stay safe and do your own thing as much as is allowed.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2016

    who's behind all this social stratification - It's humongous !

  5. #15
    All I see is division and hate. We need new leaders and new direction, we need people like this...

    Attachment 15959

  6. #16
    I came across this anonymous message, presumably written by a black citizen of the US, during a time of Trump ordered violent opposition to the US citizens who are protesting against the police brutality exerted in the murder of George Floyd...

    All Our Lives
    All lives matter.
    Yes, I hear you.
    Yes, no life is more important than any other.
    I get that.
    We get that.
    All those of us who aren’t doing any killing out here,
    we get that.
    We get that the life of a white cop is as valuable
    as a black college student, or...
    No, please, let me finish,
    you’ve had your say.
    We know how it goes.
    We get the gist.
    We get that the life of a white victim of crime
    is as tragic as the victim of a black victim of crime.
    No one here is arguing anything different.
    As far as I know no one ever has.
    No, please don’t point that at me.
    I’m unarmed, defenceless except for my resolve.
    There’s nothing to fear from me,
    except my words.
    If all lives matter,
    How come a man, a black man, is asphyxiated under the knee
    of a white cop while three others watch him die,
    yet no one’s charged, then after public outrage one man’s charged
    but not the other three who look on and do nothing,
    and how come that takes another eight days of protests
    and national shaming across the entire the world.
    How come, if all lives matter,
    Ahmaud Aubery, a black man, is gunned down while out jogging
    and for two months his killers walk free,
    and police and officials take no action against the killer ex-cop
    who also happens to be a friend of the justice department?
    If all lives matter,
    how come all this reminds me of Eric Garner in 2014
    who also said “I can’t breathe!”
    And Travorn Martin in 2012, and Rodney King in 92,
    and how far back do I have to go?
    To the Edmond Pettus Bridge in ‘65?
    To the four little girls in Little Rock Alabama in ‘63
    To Emmet Till, lynched in Mississippi aged four**** years old in 55?
    To Billie Holiday singing Strange Fruit in 1939?
    Maybe back through entire history of segregation, Jim Crow and slavery
    and the blood and bones of millions of Africans
    upon which the wealth of this country was founded,
    and from whose suppurating flesh the rank smell of brutality
    and racism still rises and stinks out the institutions of this democracy
    and the polluted ideologies of its agents and functionaries.
    No! Get your hands away from my body
    and stop shouting in my face.
    Kill me if you want.
    I am not scared of you.
    No, that is not true.
    Of course, I am scared, who wouldn’t be scared?
    But I am staying right here, and I’m saying right now
    that I’m exerting the same rights you claim to be proud to
    uphold and defend.
    And I believe that I believe more than you do.
    You, who stands before me in the debased name of law and order,
    have a question to ask yourself.
    You need to ask yourself if you really do believe that
    it’s self-evident that all men are born equal, and women too.
    Or is it just some men and women,
    specifically, the ones who look like you.
    Because if you don’t then we have a problem.
    America has a problem. America has many problems,
    including the one who bunkers down in the White House
    while he calls State Governors cowards, and preens
    for the camera and doesn’t realise the rest of the world
    regards him as the fool that he is. A rich fool, granted,
    a rich fool who fronts up for other rich men who secretly
    despise him for his crass ignorance even as they bow to him
    in cynical and unabashed deference.
    But this here is another problem, one that was here before him
    and will likely be here after he’s gone.
    And the solution to this problem requires of you
    that you open your eyes and your mind,
    and understand that if all lives matter,
    that if life is a sacred gift to be cherished,
    a property of our very being,
    the very awareness of which sits at the core of our humanity,
    then the killing of black people, with such consistent disregard,
    and with such an absence of remorse or atonement,
    cannot be tolerated.
    If you do not...
    take your hands off me! No, I will not get in the house.
    I am staying right here. This is my street...
    if you do not see that, if you refuse to understand that then you
    are as guilty as the three officers who stood by
    and did nothing when George Floyd was killed.
    Live with that. That is your legacy.
    Being here, on the street, saying ENOUGH,
    that is our legacy.
    And understand this too,
    since we have nowhere else to go,
    we are going nowhere.
    Not until the day when justice is ours,
    and all lives, including black lives, truly do matter.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by army88 View Post
    What is going on ? Surely all lives matter not just a singular race colour or creed including white I might add, what next Gingers matter , fattys matter
    It’s ridiculous and we’re on it in this country as well
    I mean where does it start and end campaigning that black lives matter and then stabbing each other to death in drug or gang warfare.

    Which is it then do they matter or not ?
    He will now rig the Elections...


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bedlington Terrier View Post
    I came across this anonymous message, presumably written by a black citizen of the US, during a time of Trump ordered violent opposition to the US citizens who are protesting against the police brutality exerted in the murder of George Floyd...

    All Our Lives
    All lives matter.
    Yes, I hear you.
    Yes, no life is more important than any other.
    I get that.
    We get that.
    All those of us who aren’t doing any killing out here,
    we get that.
    We get that the life of a white cop is as valuable
    as a black college student, or...
    No, please, let me finish,
    you’ve had your say.
    We know how it goes.
    We get the gist.
    We get that the life of a white victim of crime
    is as tragic as the victim of a black victim of crime.
    No one here is arguing anything different.
    As far as I know no one ever has.
    No, please don’t point that at me.
    I’m unarmed, defenceless except for my resolve.
    There’s nothing to fear from me,
    except my words.
    If all lives matter,
    How come a man, a black man, is asphyxiated under the knee
    of a white cop while three others watch him die,
    yet no one’s charged, then after public outrage one man’s charged
    but not the other three who look on and do nothing,
    and how come that takes another eight days of protests
    and national shaming across the entire the world.
    How come, if all lives matter,
    Ahmaud Aubery, a black man, is gunned down while out jogging
    and for two months his killers walk free,
    and police and officials take no action against the killer ex-cop
    who also happens to be a friend of the justice department?
    If all lives matter,
    how come all this reminds me of Eric Garner in 2014
    who also said “I can’t breathe!”
    And Travorn Martin in 2012, and Rodney King in 92,
    and how far back do I have to go?
    To the Edmond Pettus Bridge in ‘65?
    To the four little girls in Little Rock Alabama in ‘63
    To Emmet Till, lynched in Mississippi aged four**** years old in 55?
    To Billie Holiday singing Strange Fruit in 1939?
    Maybe back through entire history of segregation, Jim Crow and slavery
    and the blood and bones of millions of Africans
    upon which the wealth of this country was founded,
    and from whose suppurating flesh the rank smell of brutality
    and racism still rises and stinks out the institutions of this democracy
    and the polluted ideologies of its agents and functionaries.
    No! Get your hands away from my body
    and stop shouting in my face.
    Kill me if you want.
    I am not scared of you.
    No, that is not true.
    Of course, I am scared, who wouldn’t be scared?
    But I am staying right here, and I’m saying right now
    that I’m exerting the same rights you claim to be proud to
    uphold and defend.
    And I believe that I believe more than you do.
    You, who stands before me in the debased name of law and order,
    have a question to ask yourself.
    You need to ask yourself if you really do believe that
    it’s self-evident that all men are born equal, and women too.
    Or is it just some men and women,
    specifically, the ones who look like you.
    Because if you don’t then we have a problem.
    America has a problem. America has many problems,
    including the one who bunkers down in the White House
    while he calls State Governors cowards, and preens
    for the camera and doesn’t realise the rest of the world
    regards him as the fool that he is. A rich fool, granted,
    a rich fool who fronts up for other rich men who secretly
    despise him for his crass ignorance even as they bow to him
    in cynical and unabashed deference.
    But this here is another problem, one that was here before him
    and will likely be here after he’s gone.
    And the solution to this problem requires of you
    that you open your eyes and your mind,
    and understand that if all lives matter,
    that if life is a sacred gift to be cherished,
    a property of our very being,
    the very awareness of which sits at the core of our humanity,
    then the killing of black people, with such consistent disregard,
    and with such an absence of remorse or atonement,
    cannot be tolerated.
    If you do not...
    take your hands off me! No, I will not get in the house.
    I am staying right here. This is my street...
    if you do not see that, if you refuse to understand that then you
    are as guilty as the three officers who stood by
    and did nothing when George Floyd was killed.
    Live with that. That is your legacy.
    Being here, on the street, saying ENOUGH,
    that is our legacy.
    And understand this too,
    since we have nowhere else to go,
    we are going nowhere.
    Not until the day when justice is ours,
    and all lives, including black lives, truly do matter.
    An interesting read and something I think we would all agree with but then I look round and think-

    1.Why have I been playing bowls for over 30 years against lots of Clubs but in all that time I have come across just one black bowler. I have come across disabled bowlers,blind bowlers,several deaf and dumb bowlers and just one who is black.

    2.As a percentage how many black & Asian people live around Burnley.Is this represented by the supporters attending BFC?

    3.How many people generally would really welcome a black or Asian family moving in next door.

    I think we still have a long way to go and America is way down the hill from where we are.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    1.Why have I been playing bowls for over 30 years against lots of Clubs but in all that time I have come across just one black bowler. I have come across disabled bowlers,blind bowlers,several deaf and dumb bowlers and just one who is black.

    Its their choice.nobody is to stopping them.

    2.As a percentage how many black & Asian people live around Burnley.Is this represented by the supporters attending BFC?

    Its their choice nobody is stopping them.

    3.How many people generally would really welcome a black or Asian family moving in next door.

    after some of the white neighbours I've seen,probably most would.I would have no problem with that.

  10. #20
    Video evidence of curfews, baton charges and police brutality coming out of the US is much more unsettling to me personally than the thought of a black family moving in next door.

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