If you accept that you cannot create something from nothing, then this existence has had no beginning, and will not have an end. We are here. Is it possible for all the stuff here, people, the Universe etc, to be here, but it has no meaning or purpose?

My god.

An irrefutable evidence of spirit is that you have feelings, do you not feel pity, empathy, shame, anger, hatred, sorrow, and love.? To close yourself off to a further investigation into the possibilities of being alive is intellectually bankrupt.

To stop here is madness. You have no further proof that your view has more proof or logic than mine has, what does make a difference is that you have stopped looking.

I havent. The undisputed scientific proof of spirituality, and there is more to being a zombie on planet earth, are near death experiences. They are all the same regardless of culture.

I look forward to your reply on that one. You and your life will be judged. The Universe is not static. I wonder what there is beyond the spirit, that must exist in an environment, like a goldfish in a bowl. Then again, im using a human brain, god or whatever created us would look at that human brain and laugh.

p.s, i read recently about a near death experience, and the people he met there regarded life on earth as a joke, not a contemptuous joke, but a belly laugh ha ha, like a Tommy Cooper joke.

The possibilities are endless.