Work is a means to an end. It takes up most of our spare time and also our lives.
We don't get as much free time as some countries such as Germany, they get more beach time than us.
But that's okay,us Brit's love to work. Many don't know what to do with themselves when they are out of work. The poor devil by us waits for his grass to grow so he can cut it again. He also grows beans and moans about the quality of them, you can get a load off a grocer for a few pence.
People are brainwashed into letting work dominate their lives, some keep going into their seventies and eighties and are forgotten a few months after they peg it.
Then you get people who win the lottery or the pools and still carry on working. Why do it in the first place?
As a nation we are a boring lot, our lives revolve around work. There isn't a lot else in them. Work dominates conversations in pub's and club's. "What do you do?" You hear people say. Who gives a sh1t? I couldn't give a toss if you have a high powered job or the Queen's personal arse wiper. Talking about work bores me almost as much as folks who talk about car's. It's a lump of metal on rubber FFS, and you have to spend more time at work to pay for it.
Some men like a car more than a woman and I'll wager a fair few have tossed themselves off over one.
The only thing I find more boring than work and car's is watching Albion perform in the transfer market.