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Thread: Return of fans put on hold

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  1. #1

    Return of fans put on hold

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Fan return on hold.

    The proposed October return of fans now on hold following the latest farcical government Covid guidelines.

    I fear this will accelerate the death of a few more financially struggling clubs.
    Southend in dire straits and Macclesfield already wound up.

    We have a very shrewd chairman but how long can Tony keep us ticking over without some matchday revenue coming in?

    Worrying times

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Yet teams are still shooting themselves in the foot with all the politics stuff, alienating potential customers.

    Probably relying on a bail-out from the government now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I’ve always said it’ll be after Xmas, not sure why we still can’t do pilots only if they wear face coverings, check temperature beforehand.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by millertop View Post
    I’ve always said it’ll be after Xmas, not sure why we still can’t do pilots only if they wear face coverings, check temperature beforehand.
    Doesn't exactly sound like fun though does it?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by great_fire View Post
    Doesn't exactly sound like fun though does it?
    Neither are prostate exams but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to carry on in life.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by millertop View Post
    I’ve always said it’ll be after Xmas, not sure why we still can’t do pilots only if they wear face coverings, check temperature beforehand.
    In theory they should still be able too,if they follow all the guidance that we perform for most every day tasks now....but I think it’s perception that’s the big factor with it and most sporting events.plus if they did pilots gradually the clubs would pressure in wanting more and more,and would they be making anything with the cost of staging them with just low crowds which would also negate some ifollow revenue..

    On that point not sure if we will ever know but be intresting to see the ifollow uptake and revenue results in time.

    Also to add if we are supposed believe cmo”s now it’s the same said they couldn’t see a problem with spectator sports crowds with it being outside...that was in March..!!.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2005
    No they chuffin aren't camiller. The biopsies are even worse when there are a couple of attractive nurses being shown the ropes with comments from the specialist like "that's the prostate there" and they peer closely and get all excited! A real life prostate! And you think to yourself.."Excuse me thats my feckin prostate you are talking about not any old prostate! Its like me its very good looking!"

    Seriously though boys Cam is right, any trouble with your watter works go and get it checked out. Its not very dignified but if it can potentially save your life, its worth it.
    Last edited by rolymiller; 23-09-2020 at 05:05 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Enough about my derriere and
    just to get back on topic:

    Colchester United Chairman Robbie Cowling has issued the following open letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson:

    Dear Boris

    I wrote to Colchester United’s local MP, Will Quince, exactly two weeks ago to explain the extraordinary lengths we were going to so that we can get paying supporters back into our stadium.

    I provided him with a link, which you can read by clicking here, which is to an article I wrote for our supporters detailing the changes we have made for their safe return. These include changes to:

    1. Our ticketing system which we have had to completely revamp.
    2. Our seating areas where we have removed 1800 seats just so that we can ensure no fan has to even brush past another unless they are in the same support bubble.
    3. The areas that surround our stadium to provide additional space and ensure attendees can move around the stadium whilst complying with the social distancing requirements.

    The main reason for that letter to Will Quince was to request that the alcohol restrictions are lifted whilst we are only allowing home supporters into our stadium because we could see how that would increase safety even further.

    Therefore, I’m sure you can imagine how devastated I was yesterday to hear that you have taken a broad brush approach which has rendered all of that work in vain and has stopped us from doing the one fundamental thing that all businesses need to do and that is trade.

    Whilst working towards the return of our fans, we have totally understood the need for safety and we have taken all of the measures required to ensure our stadium is safe

    However, with this one decision you have not only threatened the livelihoods of the staff at Colchester United and the local businesses that rely on our club, and not only those staff and local businesses of every other football club in the EFL, but those of every club across every sport in the UK.

    I appreciate you must be very busy and you are having to make very difficult decisions but this was one area where you didn’t need to do a thing because we had it all under control and everything is in place to allow professional clubs to open safely.

    As a professional football club, we are compelled to comply with the regulations, guidance and measures of the Sports Ground Safety Authority and we can’t open our stadiums unless a Safety Advisory Group, (SAG), made up of relevant representatives including medical professionals certify us as being safe.

    The SAG use their expertise to determine on a club by club basis if our stadiums are fit to open our gates to the public and how many of the public are safe to attend.

    This process hasn’t just been introduced during the pandemic, it has been in place for all of the four**** years that I have owned a football club. It’s the responsible way in which we operate our stadiums at all times.

    The SAGs understand the risk that COVID-19 represents and they have detailed knowledge of each and every professional football stadium in the UK.

    They can determine at what levels those stadiums can operate safely. There is absolutely no reason for the Government to apply a rule that rides roughshod over the expertise of the SAGs.

    It astounds me that a Government that introduces a ‘Whack a Mole’ approach to locking down those areas that represent a higher risk can’t introduce a system that recognises areas where the risk is much lower.

    I suggest your Government quickly returns the responsibility for deciding how many attendees I can have at Colchester United fixtures from October to the Safety Advisory Groups because they have experience in these specific matters and know exactly what they are doing.

    However, just so I understand it when I’m having to lay off even more staff, can someone explain to me again how I can safely sit in a confined aeroplane with 300 other passengers and I can safely eat inside a restaurant or drink inside a pub until 10pm but I can’t safely attend a football match which is predominately outside and has been certificated as safe by a SAG?

    Robbie Cowling – Chairman, Colchester United Football Club

    Food for thought?
    Last edited by rolymiller; 23-09-2020 at 05:16 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Probably more issues with people wanting to leave and blocking the exits and stairways. Would supporters be prepared to exit one row at a time under stewards guidance?

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