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Thread: Interesting Covid statistic

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Taintedice View Post
    It's not the flu, it's nothing like the flu, it is 10 times more contagious than the flu. 2000 people a day dying in America because of Trump doing nothing to stop it, including staff at care homes and hospitals. That happened here as well, strangely never because of flu. But you've gone full David Icke I see so I'll leave it there.
    You can't leave it there because you've just shown how little you know about the whole thing. And just to be clear I said it's just like the flu then stated how it effects people in a very similar way to flu - at no point did I say it was as contagious as, more contagious than or less contagious than flu.

    Is it really more contagious than flu or is it just finding more susceptible hosts because the population hasn't built up any immunity to it yet? I go for the latter.

    There have been flu outbreaks in the past that have spread like wildfire until immunity was built up, that's how our biology works by the way, we build up biological immunity - in fact that's how a vaccine works, it gives people biological immunity. People with reduced capacity to build immunity or attack viruses are more susceptible to illness from any virus, Covid, SARS, flu or any other you care to mention. Clearly when a new mutation of any virus arises there is no immunity so more people get it, once natural and vaccinated immunity increases in the population its prevalence and effects will lessen considerably.

    This virus, same as flu, effects the respiratory system so is proving serious to people with compromised respiratory systems and reduced biological ability to attack viruses. It's making otherwise healthy people a bit down for a few days. The way it's being painted by those idiots in Westminster and Holyrood though you'd think if you get it you've got a death sentence; fact is that if you're healthy you've got a bit of a cough and / or sniffle. Two days in bed, same as flu, and you're right as rain - if it even causes that level of inconvenience to you.

    I invite you to watch the sob stories presented every night on BBC news just now, people giving it 'I had Covid, it was horrendous' or 'Covid nearly killed me, I thought I was gone'. All of them elderly or obese, most likely with other underlying health conditions. When they show the guy that got a positive test, isolated for 14 days and had no effects saying 'I can't see the issue, I was fine, bit of a cough bit otherwise no issues' then we'll be able to say they're getting nearer the reality.

  2. #22
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    Jun 2013
    Thought this topic could use a bump. Thinking it strange that all theleaders agreed that there should be a relaxing of rules for Christmas and now everyone is saying Christmas break is big mistake and Boris has got to cancel Christmas relaxation.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Saw an interesting programme last night.

    A young doctor in some English hospital, just out of university so probably 23 or there about, had symptoms of Covid; cough, temperature not feeling great - also had an underlying condition but can't remember what it was right now - nothing life threatening though.

    She had three Covid tests and all were negative so was admitted to the hospital, they couldn't work out what the problem was but in reality she wasn't even ill. Fourth Covid test came back positive, there was relief all round and she was sent home.

    How is it that this deadly disease can be so minor that as soon as it's diagnosed the patient can be sent home? Simple, it's not nearly as deadly as the government are trying to make us all believe it is, in fact it's less of a concern than an undiagnosed cough and sniffle in the vast, vast majority of the otherwise healthy population.

    The whole idea of 'relaxing the rules' over Christmas is stupid, of course it is, because if the rules are required why would they even consider relaxing them? But it's indicative of the fact that they know the data they present us is corrupt and can bear a slight increase without actually becoming anywhere near significant. Smoke and mirrors.

    Below data correct at 2230 15th December 2020

    Population of UK = 66,500,000 Total 'cases' recorded to date in UK 1,870,000. Therefore 2.8% of the population have tested positive for Covid 19 in nearly ten months of this deadly epidemic.

    Total deaths WITH Covid in UK to date = 64,402. That is 3.4% of all positive cases recorded. Let's not lose sight of the fact though that not all of those deaths will be OF Covid but WITH a positive Covid result in the preceding 28 days. Test positive on 2nd, die of cancer on the 20th = Covid death for example.

    Now, here's the good bit - 64,402 is 0.01% of the UK population, that's right this deadly epidemic has cost the lives of 0.01% of the population in ten months. And let's be honest 66,500,000 is the legal population, we probably have another million or so illegals to add on to that population so percentages can only reduce.

    There are around 165,000 cancer deaths in the UK every year, but we stop treating cancer patients because of this deadly pandemic that has killed a third of that number.

    The whole thing's been a scandal from start to now and it will continue to be a scandal until it's finished.

    Never mind though we have the Pfizer vaccine in operation now. You know the one that introduces Messenger RNA into cells which prevents a piece of normal DNA forming and replaces it thus completely altering that DNA coding. I believe it's called Genetic modification, people complain about cattle, sheep and pigs being genetically modified but it seems OK to genetically modify humans - nobody in the media is even challenging this and I have no idea why.

    I'm all ranted out, bed time.

  4. #24
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Deeranged View Post
    Saw an interesting programme last night.

    A young doctor in some English hospital, just out of university so probably 23 or there about, had symptoms of Covid; cough, temperature not feeling great - also had an underlying condition but can't remember what it was right now - nothing life threatening though.

    She had three Covid tests and all were negative so was admitted to the hospital, they couldn't work out what the problem was but in reality she wasn't even ill. Fourth Covid test came back positive, there was relief all round and she was sent home.

    How is it that this deadly disease can be so minor that as soon as it's diagnosed the patient can be sent home? Simple, it's not nearly as deadly as the government are trying to make us all believe it is, in fact it's less of a concern than an undiagnosed cough and sniffle in the vast, vast majority of the otherwise healthy population.

    The whole idea of 'relaxing the rules' over Christmas is stupid, of course it is, because if the rules are required why would they even consider relaxing them? But it's indicative of the fact that they know the data they present us is corrupt and can bear a slight increase without actually becoming anywhere near significant. Smoke and mirrors.

    Below data correct at 2230 15th December 2020

    Population of UK = 66,500,000 Total 'cases' recorded to date in UK 1,870,000. Therefore 2.8% of the population have tested positive for Covid 19 in nearly ten months of this deadly epidemic.

    Total deaths WITH Covid in UK to date = 64,402. That is 3.4% of all positive cases recorded. Let's not lose sight of the fact though that not all of those deaths will be OF Covid but WITH a positive Covid result in the preceding 28 days. Test positive on 2nd, die of cancer on the 20th = Covid death for example.

    Now, here's the good bit - 64,402 is 0.01% of the UK population, that's right this deadly epidemic has cost the lives of 0.01% of the population in ten months. And let's be honest 66,500,000 is the legal population, we probably have another million or so illegals to add on to that population so percentages can only reduce.

    There are around 165,000 cancer deaths in the UK every year, but we stop treating cancer patients because of this deadly pandemic that has killed a third of that number.

    The whole thing's been a scandal from start to now and it will continue to be a scandal until it's finished.

    Never mind though we have the Pfizer vaccine in operation now. You know the one that introduces Messenger RNA into cells which prevents a piece of normal DNA forming and replaces it thus completely altering that DNA coding. I believe it's called Genetic modification, people complain about cattle, sheep and pigs being genetically modified but it seems OK to genetically modify humans - nobody in the media is even challenging this and I have no idea why.

    I'm all ranted out, bed time.
    Very good post.

    So few people without underlying have died it barely registars.

    Mass panic has ruined lives and will kill far far far more than it saves in the long run.

    Still no evidence locking people up works but in all honesty the majority of people stopped following "the rules" months ago.

    I said months back we will be in a tier system for evermore, probably released in May to go back in for the winter.

    There was a great cartoon in one of the high brow papers where Boris walks a prisoner to the gate announcing "here is you're freedom....as promised".....the gate opens and it's another compound with lights, dogs, high walls, barbed wire and machine guns.

    I've pretty much lost hope Boris, Hancock, Whitty and Sturgeon will see sense....they know best....obey.

    All must be removed.

    Stop obeying this ****e.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    I hear what Rross and Deeranged are saying but mass civil unrest and disobedience is not the answer. Our politicians are realising that our country runs on consent. They have tried their best to follow the authoritarian approach used by other countries and I think they have failed to emulate their results.
    The argument that it isn't as life threatening as the politicians and their advisors have made out does not seem to me to be convincing. I think the vaccinations are what our politicians and their advisors will use to change their message. They will present their statistical information in a different way and stop counting the number of infections. Flu has killed thousands every year for decades and we don't have a test for it. I I think testing will decline and vaccinating the vulnerable will be the new normal. It will still be a dangerous infectious disease but the message that it will kill everyone who comes in contact with it is the exaggeration that was used to frighten us into carrying out the sensible hand cleaning and isolate if you have symptoms rules. Until vaccines are widely distributed it seems sensible to take personal responsibility for our own welfare.
    I am not clear about what is wrong with the concept of vaccination and why, uniquely, the vaccinations against covid are a dangerous departure from the previous history of vaccines. I see your criticism Deeranged but I am not convinced by it.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCram View Post
    I am not clear about what is wrong with the concept of vaccination and why, uniquely, the vaccinations against covid are a dangerous departure from the previous history of vaccines. I see your criticism Deeranged but I am not convinced by it.
    I've no issue with the concept of vaccination BC. However standard vaccines introduce a control of the target virus into the system and encourage the body's biological reflexes to create anti-bodies thus building immunity. That's why some people get mild flu symptoms after getting the flu jab - better some mild symptoms now than full blown flu later.

    That is not how the Pfizer vaccination works however. It targets the actual creation of DNA, it creates the anti-body from existing DNA that your body might well want to use for something else. When this is done to make cattle, sheep and pigs fatter or larger or whatever or to corn to double its yield per plant we call it genetic modification, not vaccination, and people start jumping up and down about it

    It's the genetic modification of humans I don't like, not vaccination. This could have massive consequences within the human gene pool in only a few decades in a worst case scenario. It's fair to use a worst case scenario in looking at this; all the current restrictions are based on worst case scenario after all.

  7. #27
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    Jun 2013
    Ah! Penny drops. I could not understand why there was any anti vaccine movement. I have not heard or read anything about this argument. Is the Oxford one working on the same principles? I thought that working out the genetic make up of the virus was the part of the process that used to take a lot of time. GM vaccine would be much less popular given all the horror stories that have been printed about GM corn wheat etc. Are you absolutely sure that your analogy is correct? I would have thought that all the authorities who have certified this for use would have considered the point you are making.

  8. #28
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    The biggest advantage of the vaccine is the microbots that are also injected which are then used to track people. So if Ethel from Tonbridge goes missing from her care home, she can be easily found. I read that on the same website covering how the vaccine alters the DNA of the recipient so its all true.

  9. #29
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    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Taintedice View Post
    The biggest advantage of the vaccine is the microbots that are also injected which are then used to track people. So if Ethel from Tonbridge goes missing from her care home, she can be easily found. I read that on the same website covering how the vaccine alters the DNA of the recipient so its all true.
    Read up on how the Pfizer, and any other mRNA vaccine works - it's not conspiracy theory, it's scientific fact. It's pretty much exactly as I've described in fact. More proof I suppose that something sticks during five years at University.

    Bit of help for you


  10. #30
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BCram View Post
    I hear what Rross and Deeranged are saying but mass civil unrest and disobedience is not the answer. Our politicians are realising that our country runs on consent. They have tried their best to follow the authoritarian approach used by other countries and I think they have failed to emulate their results.
    The argument that it isn't as life threatening as the politicians and their advisors have made out does not seem to me to be convincing. I think the vaccinations are what our politicians and their advisors will use to change their message. They will present their statistical information in a different way and stop counting the number of infections. Flu has killed thousands every year for decades and we don't have a test for it. I I think testing will decline and vaccinating the vulnerable will be the new normal. It will still be a dangerous infectious disease but the message that it will kill everyone who comes in contact with it is the exaggeration that was used to frighten us into carrying out the sensible hand cleaning and isolate if you have symptoms rules. Until vaccines are widely distributed it seems sensible to take personal responsibility for our own welfare.
    I am not clear about what is wrong with the concept of vaccination and why, uniquely, the vaccinations against covid are a dangerous departure from the previous history of vaccines. I see your criticism Deeranged but I am not convinced by it.
    There won't be mass civil unrest, this country is bowed and broken.....maybe in England and the Welsh still have a bit aboot them.

    I also disagree that they will relax anything up here, Sturgeon now thinks personal freedom is hers to take or distribute as she sees fit.

    The pandemic was over in April, the rest since is complete and utter overreaction and politics.

    Lockdown 3 will begin here 2nd or 3rd week in Jan and last thru to spring is my guess, everyone into tier 2 May to Sept, then all go again for Autumn.

    Ignore as much as you can, enjoy what's left of yer time on the planet as best you can.😁

    No mask, no vaccine, no knee and no new normal.

    And.......stay safe😎.....from what I'm not sure but ever one says it these days.

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