A group of scientists have stated that the chances of advanced life being present in the Universe are vanishingly small, even impossible. The first problem is the vast expanse of time it takes, and secondly it needs a sequential process of procedural events that are miraculous, as the chances of all those things happening are impossible.

One measure is the life of suns, or the suns ability to create healthy radiation, compared to the possibility of life on a nearby planet developing in the time before a sun gets too hot.

It also mentioned the word autobiogenesis or something like that, anyway there is a fancy word for life springing from inorganic matter, and how long that takes.

Do they really think that a human being springs from rock, heat, steam and water etc. That humour, love, creativity, compassion, hate, evil, good, boredom comes from dead material?

That 4 billion years ago at 1-00 pm on a wednesday afternoon, stuff that isnt alive, is alive at 1-30?

Life is a miracle. How it came about was not from inanimate material, it came from other life, and was breathed into this dog hole of a world.