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Thread: Summer Transfer Window (Stephen Glass’ first)

  1. #231
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by neilthedon View Post
    Careful there Mondo. BB`s marched.

    " We " hiked .

    Sorry, you're absolutely right. We used to do night hikes. Escape and evasion operations where we needed to get to different map coordinates without being caught by armed militia.

    Well it maybe wasn't an armed militia, it could perhaps have been other scout leader volunteers now I think about it.

  2. #232
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by mondo_notion View Post
    Sorry, you're absolutely right. We used to do night hikes. Escape and evasion operations where we needed to get to different map coordinates without being caught by armed militia.

    Well it maybe wasn't an armed militia, it could perhaps have been other scout leader volunteers now I think about it.

    Oh aye a mind that een. You got the SAS badge fur at!!!!

  3. #233
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Fit kind o’ sas, broon or reid.

  4. #234
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by donsdaft View Post
    Fit kind o’ sas, broon or reid.
    Salad cream

  5. #235
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by donsdaft View Post
    Fit kind o’ sas, broon or reid.
    In the absence o' context DD min, it's a richt enigma .... leaves me wonderin if a Dons connection might be the one tae swing the swither .... and so ... broon ...

    Craig .... fitivver yer view on his shortcomins, he's dome us mair good than herm .... and. til recently, the last guy tae get oor national side on the 'world stage' ..... still wi' us, and ask as ye might 'fit diz ee dae?' .... he'll be daein us nae herm.

    Scott .... hopefully as hard as 'Stephen Wilson's foosty buns' (noo .. 'at's fit ye cry gan back a bit! )

    And ....

    Reid - yer deid - wer duncin on yer heid - nae a name Ah can link wi onythin worthy o' a Dons related eyebroo twitch ( Aye OK, V57 ... gie it laldie ) ... but ...

    ... there was Eddie Reid ... ma schoolchum, ma neighbour, ma fellow young Dandy ....

    We would go for a wee dander tigither ... and bein young fit loons, Woodside tae the beach an back wis nae an issue ... an' hingin aboot Pittodrie in atween wisna considered abnormal ... nor wis securin the odd autograph .... or seein a skinny, glaikit lookin, carrot heided gowk, askin 'fa's the boy' .. tae be answered 'Oh, em, Alex somebody ... canna mind eez second name ... supposed tae be ae bad like'

    This one time tho ... Eddie Reid had a plan tae get me intae the game for nithin ..... half time gate wis good enough for me fan Ah wis desperate ... usually tho, by hook or by crook, Ah wis there watching the place fill up.

    ... but this day? .... I walked wi Eddie through a big door .... closed when match is imminent .... and my chum instructed me .... "Ah need tae go get ma Golden Goal tickets fae Mattie McKenzie .... hide in there ... Ah winna be lang".

    .... and so I was advised tae hide in the Main Stand toilet ... in pitch black ... until advised nae tae.

    .... footsteps .... louder footsteps .... torchlight .... more torchlight - in my face! .... caught!

    "Fit ye daein here?" [silly question] ... "ye tryin tae jump i' gate?" [referring reader to previous square bracketed comment].

    My only credible response was "Aye."

    I have nae idea fa that auld guy was ... he might hae been a Mr Reid, or a Mr Broon ... nae idea, but ... Ah'll say this .... politicians could learn fae that mannie ...... cos, he didna chuck me oot ... instead, he said somethin like 'ye'll get tae watch the game loon, but ye'll need tae gie ma a han' .... and so Ah helped the guy untie the stand seats. .... lucky Ah turned up early - itherwise Ah'd hae been nae use!

    Nae lang efter kick aff, Ah met up again wi Eddie Reid ... and efter the game, he introduced ma tae the notorious Mattie McKenzie .... the wikk efter, Ah was in for nithin ... wikk in wikk oot ... sellin Golden Goal tickets.

    Maist notable customer? Archie hunface McPherson ... fa splashed oot on two 10p tickets ... and tellt ma ... (I paraphrase) 'waste o' money ... there's no goals today' ...

    Correct me if Ah' wrang, but it was maybe a boxin day fixture? Maybe 78? .... Ah would forget except for that drunken hun fa efter the game wished me 'loudly' a "****e Christmas an' a poxy new year" .....

    ither than that? the number '4' rings a bell .... it may or may not be associated with a 'zilch' ...

    In any case, Archie Mac contributed 20p tae ma stand 'free' pass ... as well as gettin it wrang and makkin a tit o' himsel ... but only tae me (minimum) .. and I got tae actually 'be there' tae witness one o' those GIRFUY moments v Der Hun in that Dons resurgence era.

    Back tae the question?

    ... Ah think we're sorted .... Whilst Ah wish tae honour ma favourite ever pub landlord, the very dear departed, Sandy Broon, of the Lampie My auld chum Eddie, tho we hung oot for a fraction o' the time Ah was on spikkin terms wi Mr Broon o' the Blue L .... Eddie shades it ...

    Top Reid!

    Else Ah can say aboot broon? Other being a class of beautiful, but comparatively less eye-catching native butterfly?

    ... The Stranglers wrote a song aboot it ... which few folk dared tae claim they understood ... Ah greater, less regarded number who gave not a dry toldie one way or the other, North, East, South or West of a workin' Bog bowl are obviously outnumbered by weirdos who hand over cash ... for ... err ... a stylised, simplistic, half hearted, waltz tempo presentation of a song no-one understands outwith references to heroin or ... worse ... covert ***ist/racist .... and to boot? The Stranglers are .... errm ...

    ... when ye use words like c*nt, w*nk, Ar*se, sh*t, ... in combinations, they, in certain circumstances, conspire to enhance rather than denounce ..... Don't let me decide for you ... go ... please ... listen to the fkn Stranglers .... get enthused .... read the reviews ... and when you think you can convince me they are any better than a bunch of self important ****ers, ... then .... either you ge on yer Moncler, or bow to my assessment ... that 'reid' is best ...

    So .... Eddie Reid .... if yer here, or elsewhere ... I salute you ma mate .... cos ... yer way fkn better than broon!
    Last edited by NaeMairNeeps; 01-05-2021 at 05:12 AM.

  6. #236
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    .... hope that clears sh1t up

  7. #237
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I can only offer Gordon Reid, TNL/TRF cartoonist, whose expertise in illustrating to a T, the poker-straight horizontal tail, and vet-alarming tightness of canine teeth closure of a dog haeing a ****e on a pavement could not have been bettered by Gerald Scarfe, Alan Coren, or the boy who drew Little Sport in the P&J.

    On a point of accuracy, the 4-0 extirpation of the then huns took place on Christmas Eve 1977. Gibson, Robb, Harper, Jarvie, I think were the scorers. Much Pintage ensued.

  8. #238
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Neeps,if it's the same Eddie Reid fae Woodside, ye probably ken my cousin Alex Milne .
    I mind playin fitba wie Eddie an Alex,many moons ago

  9. #239
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Auldtoontoby View Post
    Neeps,if it's the same Eddie Reid fae Woodside, ye probably ken my cousin Alex Milne .
    I mind playin fitba wie Eddie an Alex,many moons ago
    Ah sat next tae Alex in mony a class at school .... best mate for a good while.

  10. #240
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by NaeMairNeeps View Post
    Ah sat next tae Alex in mony a class at school .... best mate for a good while.
    You went to school?

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