Hi all, I received a text approx 15 minutes ago asking me to call back on a certain number, mobile of all things, and I would be put through to a Santander representative. I ignored it.

Just now received a phone call stating it was the Santander fraud dept asking me to call back on 0808 280 1101 as there has been suspected fraud on one of my accounts. Once connected I would receive a 3 digit code and I wasn't to share this with anyone until I was put through to another fraud dept colleague. I had the commonsense to also ignore this call and just let it play itself out.

I've just called Santander on the correct customer number to confirm I have not had fraud committed on any of my accounts. All was checked out and all was fine. I also confirmed that it wasn't Santanders practice to text or call any customer at any time, this was also confirmed. They only contact customers by mail. I know we all think we are savvy enough to be on our toes but this whole episode was followed up and came across so slick, don't fall for it.