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Thread: A visit to Jerusalem

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    How on earth is peace ever going to come to Jerusalem Balan?
    The Saudis and the Turks want to take over from the Jordanians in marshalling Islamic "interests" in protecting Islam's third holiest site outside of Mecca?
    The Israelis need to have overall control of Jerusalem otherwise the security of the Jewish state is compromised.
    Christians of various denominations all have vested interests in the site and the splendid photos you are showing.
    Trying to unravel this one is way beyond ordinary mortals.

    Just Jerusalem ? You forgot Lebanon: A country in freefall: What future for Lebanon?

    Lebanon has become a basket case, with no end in sight. Its political system is in deadlock, as its economy perishes with each passing day, forcing its leaders to plead for foreign emergency assistance to stay afloat, including food for its starving army.

    The “shawarma paradox”: the national sandwich which cost 5,000 Lebanese pounds or $2 a couple of years ago, today is priced at 20,000 pounds or less than a dollar.
    Over the past 10 years, the small country has also had to bear the brunt of the war in Syria. The Lebanese Hezbollah joined the conflict wholeheartedly on the side of the al-Assad regime and this came at a terrible humanitarian cost, as some 1.5 million Syrian refugees crossed into Lebanon.
    Today, the country is spiralling downwards thanks to two jaded and cynical leaders at the helm of the state and its parliament, coupled with an incompetent man-boy in and out of the premiership and a behind-the-scenes power broker hiding in his bunker – the loyalties of the latter lying outside the country.
    The last international conference for Lebanon collected less than $300m, a drop in the bucket when compared with the country’s $93bn public debt, which, when put against the GDP, is the highest in the world.

    More than half the population is now living below the poverty line, with barely enough money to buy basic necessities, including food and medicine.
    Riots against the government have become an almost daily occurrence, and violence has become routine at gas stations, banks, pharmacies and grocery stores.

    The IDF cannot let Lebanon become like Gaza - analysis

  2. #22
    I hate it when people answer a question with a question.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Quote Originally Posted by Balanbam00 View Post
    Not to sure what this is ,any ideas ?

    well it's not samson - so figure it to be (bronze pillars) Jachin and Boaz, left and right or north and south - Soloman and David....of Passing through Christ, to enlightenment - “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”...as for the ties, unsure, the lesser choice perhaps ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Balanbam00 View Post

    ......well someone has to keep watch over the bank?

    whats going on here....almost a 3D effect, which camera/sensor are you using now , Sigma ? - I like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Bedlington Terrier View Post
    I hate it when people answer a question with a question.
    ...Oy-yoy-yoy, you hate it ? - but why do you hate it ?

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    BT : Patience!
    Do you want me to answer your question, which the worlds intellectuals can not answer? It seems to be an eternal struggle of thousands of years! The solution is more important, again patience. it just takes time.

    The wise would know, ''Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. (Rumi)

    How can we make it a reality? How can we build a world that gives us all as many opportunities as possible to live the life we really want to live? How do we create a society worthy of the name? How do we make a civilization that is actually civilized?

    We have enough resources on our planet for everyone to enjoy a reasonable standard of living, but we need to integrate all our personal, social, economic and environmental systems into a total plan for everyone. We need to move into a phase of honour, dignity and justice for all people. We need to replace hypocrisy with truth; deceit with trust; false promises with real promises; and false values with real values.

    Human society throughout the universe has only one human sentiment, and that sentiment makes people laugh in happiness and shed tears in sorrow. They try to help others, form society, live peacefully and die peacefully. This is what is called human culture. We should encourage this fundamental culture. It is a connecting link between one person and another, between so-called nation and nation. The self-dividing tendency is the creation of persons with vested interests. They are the demons of society. They are polished Satan's and warmongers. We will have to start a ceaseless and pact less fight against their activities.

    For the sake of the solidarity of the Human society, we are to start an economic structure based on common human factors and common necessities. The first and foremost factor for a sound economic structure is that: The minimum necessities of human society should be guaranteed. We are not only to recognize these requirements, but also to guarantee the availability of the requirements, which includes our social responsibility of supplying individuals with purchasing power.

    The term “guaranteed availability” deserves special mention. To give incentives to intellectuals we are to provide them with certain special amenities of life. A day will come when these special amenities will not be required, as a result of continued spiritual practices. The minimum requirements are to be guaranteed to all. Each and every human being requires clothes, medicine, housing accommodation, proper education, food for proper nourishment, etc. These demands must be fulfilled. Intellectuals, scientists and people performing special services require certain amenities. It will be a never-ending process to minimize the gap between these two, but as a result of minimization it will never come to zero. For example, in the present circumstances every person requires a bicycle. But leaders and intellectuals will require motor cars, and we are to guarantee these as special amenities. But after that our endeavour will be to guarantee one car per capita to the public, and at that time it will be noticed that the leaders and intellectuals require an aeroplane, and so on. So we see that the gap between the minimum necessities and the special amenities will never come to an end. Ours will be a never-ending fight to minimize the gap between the two.

    For a well-knit socio-economic order we require a few other factors too. They are: A common philosophy of life. People unite on a common ideology. Unless the inhabitants of this vast planetary world accept one ***** ideology, there is little chance of social synthesis. In the absence of such an ideology, quarrels among the members are inevitable. Hence a common philosophy is essential.

    Among all the crude and subtle philosophies of life, only one philosophy rests on the Absolute, and other philosophies depend on relative factors. Among the different schools of philosophy, the cruder the philosophy, the weaker the social cohesion. When people unite for a subtle motive, the philosophy becomes subtler and subtler, and the social ties become stronger. When this subtlety reaches absoluteness, it becomes permanent.

    Universality in constitutional structure. Laws were framed by kings and leaders of different countries on the basis of their local traditions and sentiments. So really speaking law is an offshoot of feelings of virtue and vice and is a by-product of religious faith. The applied value of virtue and vice should be properly assessed, and laws should be framed on that fundament. For the entire universe we are to propose universal law.

    There should be little difference among cardinal law, moral law and human law. Cardinal law means universally-accepted law, and its scope should be increased. We should have nothing to do with feelings of virtue and vice; or we may say that feelings of virtue and vice should not depend upon religious feelings but on universal acceptance. We should judge virtue and vice from the welfare angle of vision. Ours should be a never-ending process of minimizing the differences among these three types of laws. For the entire universal structure, law should be one.

    Common penal code. The penal code should also be prepared on the basis of a constitutional structure. The constitution should serve as the fundament for developing a penal code.
    The per capita income of the universe will never be uniform. The gap will remain unbridged forever. Diversity is the law of nature. If the diversity ceases to exist, the universe will also cease to exist. It is an impossibility to do away with difference. But it is part and parcel to minimize the difference in the socio-economic sphere of life.

    In the economic structure of the society, the purchasing power of the people plays the most important role in their all-round physical welfare.
    Liberty. Every living creature should have liberty in certain spheres of life freedom in certain spheres of life. But that liberty must not be allowed to surmount the common cause, particularly in the physical sphere. We have no right to go against the collective interest. Liberty should be drastically and mercilessly curtailed in the physical sphere, but there should be freedom in the psychic and spiritual strata, such as freedom of thought and speech, and freedom in spiritual practice.

    The scope of the limitation on individual liberty should be demarcated on the principles of sin and virtue . These have a cardinal significance. Sin means “to go against the collective interest”, and virtue means “helping the society and accelerating the collective progress”.
    We have a leadership crisis. We need leaders that care about us, not exploit us. We have an education crisis. We need our education system to teach proper values, not propaganda. We have an economic crisis. We need an economy based on people, not money. We need compassionate globalization, not globalization based on victimization.

    Human capacity and potentialities, both individual and collective, need to be developed for the benefit of the world as a whole. This implies that the leaders of society, responsible for controlling resources and making policy decisions, should have strong moral integrity and selfless dedication to society, thus avoiding the diversion of resources away from the public interest. Authority should not be centred in the hands of individuals, but should be expressed through collective leadership. In any electoral process the electorate as well as the candidates would need to possess three qualities in order to validate the election: morality, education, and socio-political consciousness

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Balanbam00 View Post
    BT : Patience!
    Do you want me to answer your question, which the worlds intellectuals can not answer? It seems to be an eternal struggle of thousands of years! The solution is more important, again patience. it just takes time.

    The wise would know, ''Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. (Rumi)

    How can we make it a reality? How can we build a world that gives us all as many opportunities as possible to live the life we really want to live? How do we create a society worthy of the name? How do we make a civilization that is actually civilized?

    We have enough resources on our planet for everyone to enjoy a reasonable standard of living, but we need to integrate all our personal, social, economic and environmental systems into a total plan for everyone. We need to move into a phase of honour, dignity and justice for all people. We need to replace hypocrisy with truth; deceit with trust; false promises with real promises; and false values with real values.

    Human society throughout the universe has only one human sentiment, and that sentiment makes people laugh in happiness and shed tears in sorrow. They try to help others, form society, live peacefully and die peacefully. This is what is called human culture. We should encourage this fundamental culture. It is a connecting link between one person and another, between so-called nation and nation. The self-dividing tendency is the creation of persons with vested interests. They are the demons of society. They are polished Satan's and warmongers. We will have to start a ceaseless and pact less fight against their activities.

    For the sake of the solidarity of the Human society, we are to start an economic structure based on common human factors and common necessities. The first and foremost factor for a sound economic structure is that: The minimum necessities of human society should be guaranteed. We are not only to recognize these requirements, but also to guarantee the availability of the requirements, which includes our social responsibility of supplying individuals with purchasing power.

    The term “guaranteed availability” deserves special mention. To give incentives to intellectuals we are to provide them with certain special amenities of life. A day will come when these special amenities will not be required, as a result of continued spiritual practices. The minimum requirements are to be guaranteed to all. Each and every human being requires clothes, medicine, housing accommodation, proper education, food for proper nourishment, etc. These demands must be fulfilled. Intellectuals, scientists and people performing special services require certain amenities. It will be a never-ending process to minimize the gap between these two, but as a result of minimization it will never come to zero. For example, in the present circumstances every person requires a bicycle. But leaders and intellectuals will require motor cars, and we are to guarantee these as special amenities. But after that our endeavour will be to guarantee one car per capita to the public, and at that time it will be noticed that the leaders and intellectuals require an aeroplane, and so on. So we see that the gap between the minimum necessities and the special amenities will never come to an end. Ours will be a never-ending fight to minimize the gap between the two.

    For a well-knit socio-economic order we require a few other factors too. They are: A common philosophy of life. People unite on a common ideology. Unless the inhabitants of this vast planetary world accept one ***** ideology, there is little chance of social synthesis. In the absence of such an ideology, quarrels among the members are inevitable. Hence a common philosophy is essential.

    Among all the crude and subtle philosophies of life, only one philosophy rests on the Absolute, and other philosophies depend on relative factors. Among the different schools of philosophy, the cruder the philosophy, the weaker the social cohesion. When people unite for a subtle motive, the philosophy becomes subtler and subtler, and the social ties become stronger. When this subtlety reaches absoluteness, it becomes permanent.

    Universality in constitutional structure. Laws were framed by kings and leaders of different countries on the basis of their local traditions and sentiments. So really speaking law is an offshoot of feelings of virtue and vice and is a by-product of religious faith. The applied value of virtue and vice should be properly assessed, and laws should be framed on that fundament. For the entire universe we are to propose universal law.

    There should be little difference among cardinal law, moral law and human law. Cardinal law means universally-accepted law, and its scope should be increased. We should have nothing to do with feelings of virtue and vice; or we may say that feelings of virtue and vice should not depend upon religious feelings but on universal acceptance. We should judge virtue and vice from the welfare angle of vision. Ours should be a never-ending process of minimizing the differences among these three types of laws. For the entire universal structure, law should be one.

    Common penal code. The penal code should also be prepared on the basis of a constitutional structure. The constitution should serve as the fundament for developing a penal code.
    The per capita income of the universe will never be uniform. The gap will remain unbridged forever. Diversity is the law of nature. If the diversity ceases to exist, the universe will also cease to exist. It is an impossibility to do away with difference. But it is part and parcel to minimize the difference in the socio-economic sphere of life.

    In the economic structure of the society, the purchasing power of the people plays the most important role in their all-round physical welfare.
    Liberty. Every living creature should have liberty in certain spheres of life freedom in certain spheres of life. But that liberty must not be allowed to surmount the common cause, particularly in the physical sphere. We have no right to go against the collective interest. Liberty should be drastically and mercilessly curtailed in the physical sphere, but there should be freedom in the psychic and spiritual strata, such as freedom of thought and speech, and freedom in spiritual practice.

    The scope of the limitation on individual liberty should be demarcated on the principles of sin and virtue . These have a cardinal significance. Sin means “to go against the collective interest”, and virtue means “helping the society and accelerating the collective progress”.
    We have a leadership crisis. We need leaders that care about us, not exploit us. We have an education crisis. We need our education system to teach proper values, not propaganda. We have an economic crisis. We need an economy based on people, not money. We need compassionate globalization, not globalization based on victimization.

    Human capacity and potentialities, both individual and collective, need to be developed for the benefit of the world as a whole. This implies that the leaders of society, responsible for controlling resources and making policy decisions, should have strong moral integrity and selfless dedication to society, thus avoiding the diversion of resources away from the public interest. Authority should not be centred in the hands of individuals, but should be expressed through collective leadership. In any electoral process the electorate as well as the candidates would need to possess three qualities in order to validate the election: morality, education, and socio-political consciousness
    That's an extensive wishlist Balan.
    Unfortunately the human race will need to be replaced by sentient beings before that shangri-la has any chance of coming into existence.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Wanderlust: Correct!

    Unfortunately the human race will need to be replaced by sentient beings before that shangri-la has any chance of coming into existence.

    What we fail to grasp is that in a spiritual sense this Creation is the thought waves of that Supreme Consciousness. The 'Tanach',( in the Old Testament, Deut 6 -4) we read, that concept ''Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one. One is a whole, complete ,entire, a thing that is complete in itself. What we call God, etc. Is the source of everything. So only God exists! Or what ever name you want to call ''it.''
    This Universe ,our world is in constant motion. Or ''apt to change or fluctuate; prone to instability''

    Perhaps this pandemic has come, and is changing the world! On a practical level do we not see China's expansion, its conflict with India ,Taiwan etc? The unstable Middle East, problems all over the world The world is a great stage ,we are mere souls, all on a constant journey which we have come from a state of unqualified Consciousness to a state of qualified Consciousness.
    A question ,''why did ( lets use the term God ) ''why did God create this creation''? I throw this question open to all, please try to answer.
    I do not think anybody can ,at lease no religious person! Please no joke take it as a serious question.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    A change is coming??

    The North and South poles shift their positions.
    Now as a result of this shifting in the past, so many times, the time taken by the Earth in moving around itself varies, and also the time taken by the Earth in the moving around the sun -- that is, its year -- also changed. Day and night together were not of 24 hours, and the year was not of 365/366 days. So as a result of this change in polar positions, seasonal order also changed and its relationship with Mars varied so many times. And the order of our calendar, the system of our calendar had to be changed in the past. If the poles change their positions, the time taken by the Earth to move around itself will certainly be either lessened or increased. And similarly the time taken by the Earth in moving around the sun will either increase or decrease. That is why sometimes we see the seasonal orders are not maintaining proper adjustment with the months: this shows that the shifting is taking place fast. Now as result of this change, not only the adjustment between the months and the seasons will be lost, but the environmental order as well as the ecological order of the Earth will be disrupted.

    Due to this disruption, there must be physical and biological changes in the structures of all living bodies, all living
    creatures, including plants. The plants of Tertiary Age could not be found in the Craterian Age. The plants and animals of the Craterion Age could not be found in later ages, such as the Pliocene, Miocene, Obligocene, Mesazoic and Caenazoic Ages, because their existence, their births and deaths also depend on ecological balance. And as a result of the change in position of the poles, some people say that in the eastern hemisphere, the north pole is moving from north to south and in the western hemisphere, the south pole moves from south to north, and it cannot be assured that their relative distance will remain unchanged. So we should be prepared for the future; we should be prepared for the resultant of these changes in polar positions, in environmental order and also in ecological structure.

    As a result of this change the magnetic structure of this Earth will change, as a result of which other planets and satellites of the solar system will also undergo certain remarkable metamorphosis. And if the magnetic order is disrupted, then certain remarkable changes, certain remarkable metamorphoses in the electromagnetic vibrations of this Earth and also of the entire solar system, will occur. As a result of this type of change in the electromagnetic vibrations, human thought waves will certainly be affected. Our progress in the arena of science depends much on the progress of our knowledge in electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic emanations. So our progress in the fields of both humanities and science will suffer much, will be much assailed as the result of this change. We should be prepared for such change, and that change may take place in the very near future.

    You know, human existence is not only an existence of physicality, an existence in physical structure, it is a [mesh] of vibrations of so many wavelengths. So if the physical waves change, if the climatic conditions undergo a certain gigantic metamorphosis, certainly the emanations and perceptions of nerve cells and nerve fibres will be changed, and disrupted. It may be for the good, it may be for the bad, but change is a must. In the case of such a change in the physical order and also in the physico-psychic order, the change is sure to take place in the realm of spirituality. We hope that the movement -- that is, the movement of humanity, and of each and every living being -- is from matter to consciousness, from extroversion to introversion. So the thought waves of human beings will be more of a spiritual nature than they are at present. That is, humanity in that developed condition will be more spiritual-minded than it is at present.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Magnetic north just changed. Here's what that means.

    Why Is Earth’s Magnetic North Pole Drifting So Rapidly?
    Until the early 1990s, the magnetic North Pole was known to lie some 1,000 miles south of true north, in Canada. Yet, as scientists realized, the location of magnetic north was not fixed. Magnetic north was drifting at a rate of up to about 9 miles (15 km) a year. Since the 1990s, however, the drift of Earth’s magnetic north pole has turned into “more of a sprint,” scientists say. Its present speed is about 30 to nearly 40 miles a year (50-60 km a year) toward Siberia. And now – using satellite measurements – scientists in Europe have helped confirm a theory as to why Earth’s magnetic north pole is drifting so rapidly.



    The Magnetic North Pole Is Rapidly Moving Because of Some Blobs

    Earth's magnetic north pole has shifted away from Canada and closer to Siberia at a rapid pace in recent years.
    Researchers believe two massive blobs of molten iron in Earth's outer core may have spurred the runaway pole.
    There's no telling where it will end up.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    ......and all this because BT asked?

    ''I wonder if God would like to step back in''?

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