Once the dust settles and the scumbag is banged-up, watch the left wing press try to divert the blame. The Independent and the Guardian will sieze upon the issue of how diificult it is for these poor people. Different culture. Limited work opportunities. Crap housing.

The stupid kants and their readers fail to see the truth. These b.astards hate us and all we stand for. If ever there was a case for the thousands coming ashore unchecked to be immediately arrested and held in custody it's now. Who knows what their plans are.

Time for mass deportations. There's a scheme in place to deny visas to citizens of countries who won't play ball. Not before facking time. Syrian or Pakistani national with a valid reason to fly here ? If your country won't take back the deportees then faqck right off. First plane back to s.hitpot city.

As for this piece of s.hit. In my previous career I came across many Somalis and can say in all honesty that they are the filth of the earth. Nothing good to be said about the place. At all. An order for all foreign nationals living there to leave then nuke the fack out of it and the world would be a better place.

RIP David Amess.