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Thread: Melon and Apple Wine Cup ... HIVs edition.

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I can vouch for NMN’s Melon & Apple being tidy.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Have heard nowt but praise for his wines , hence reason I was keen for recipe n methods 👍
    Just need to get correct scorer next time 😉

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Top notch vino, that’s for sure.
    If Boris gets his way they it’s maybe all that will be available.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Having the Rose Petal tonight to celebrate Scotland winning and going on holiday this weekend.

    Really good, you could sell this stuff.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Cheers min .... gled ye enjoyed ... Aye, Ah reckon a lot o' fit Ah produce these days could fetch a price ... but, ither than the legal thing, Ah've always found it best tae keep fit Ah enjoy daein (apart fae playin music), separate fae ony commercial aspect.

    Particularly wi winemakin .... and the fact ma maist productive time is mid summer til late autumn fan there's plenty o' flooers an' fruits tae be gathered in the wild ....but, ken? ye can draa up a plan for the year, but every spring, summer, autumn is different .... and Ah widna ever be happy tae be oot collectin in pishin rain purely for the sake o' meetin ony kind o' deadline/quota

    I kinda enjoy the variables in the seasons .... the fact that ye can mak a wine tae the exact recipe fae a previous year, but the resultant wine will be unique due purely tae the soil, the weather and fan the ingredients were collected.

    As Ah say, the pressure o' makkin a few extra bucks could seriously tak aa the fun oot o' it

  6. #46
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by sheepcrooky View Post
    Having the Rose Petal tonight to celebrate Scotland winning and going on holiday this weekend.

    Really good, you could sell this stuff.
    They’d better behave on their break as they have a big game on Monday!

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by NaeMairNeeps View Post
    Cheers min .... gled ye enjoyed ... Aye, Ah reckon a lot o' fit Ah produce these days could fetch a price ... but, ither than the legal thing, Ah've always found it best tae keep fit Ah enjoy daein (apart fae playin music), separate fae ony commercial aspect.

    Particularly wi winemakin .... and the fact ma maist productive time is mid summer til late autumn fan there's plenty o' flooers an' fruits tae be gathered in the wild ....but, ken? ye can draa up a plan for the year, but every spring, summer, autumn is different .... and Ah widna ever be happy tae be oot collectin in pishin rain purely for the sake o' meetin ony kind o' deadline/quota

    I kinda enjoy the variables in the seasons .... the fact that ye can mak a wine tae the exact recipe fae a previous year, but the resultant wine will be unique due purely tae the soil, the weather and fan the ingredients were collected.

    As Ah say, the pressure o' makkin a few extra bucks could seriously tak aa the fun oot o' it

    There speaks a sensible man.

    I was thinking that there must be a fair amount of pleasure involved in the picking of the ingredients.
    Gets yi oot ken.

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