A few words about the last few days and the way forward.

Moderating a board isn’t an exact science. Look at these last two days. Some have left the board because they don’t like the content, others because they think the content is OK but they don’t like the modding. How can you deal with those opposites? In short you can’t; you’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t. If you moderate heavily and issue bans you’re wrong. If you ignore everything you’re wrong. So you deal with each issue as it arises and hope that you get it right most of the time. But you will NEVER please everyone, even though we are all adults and should know when to react and when to leave things alone when reading the subject matter here.

All I can do is be honest.

Kel’s a bloke with kids and I’m a bloke with grandkids. Both of us have encountered p­aedophiles on and off these boards and it has left us wary, but also with an understanding that having it insinuated or alleged that you are one is the worst thing that you can be accused of. I’m aware that the last week has given us both stress and that needs to stop.

Understand also that I’m not around all the time. Kel has greater mod privileges that me so bear that in mind. Running this as an independent board means, to me, free of the influence of CUFC or the Trust, it is not about a second mod taking actions in my absence when he has been personally abused by a former poster. Any actions taken will be by myself or Kel (should he continue to visit here) and I should make it clear that software glitches will never be blamed. That would not be honest.

So, from here on I won’t accept any chat about p­aedos in any context on this board. It will not be used as a slur. It will not be associated with any town or area. That needs to be clear.

Be understanding and accept that other posters may have views different or more extreme than your own. It doesn’t mean that they’re right or wrong or any less valuable than your own. Try and debate rather than argue or trade insults.

Please try and follow these expectations or action might have to be taken for the good of the board.

We move on.