During my younger years, trawling the night clubs of Sheffield and Birmingham, ive had many conversations about women. There are millions of attractive ladies. Not so much in Brum though, moving there i was quickly struck by that.

Sheffield is full of them.

So what makes someone stand out? For myself, or a woman, we called it factor x.

Strangely even at my age, it hit me even through the medium of tv. I was watching an episode of Frasier, when Laurie Metcalf appeared. Boom. I looked up her career, and she has emmy awards etc, and has made about ten million dollars.

That always helps. Im sure it goes beyond appearence, im sure we have known each other since the Universe was born. If by chance we got our act together, im sure the curtains would be closed for days, and we would only come up for air every hour.

Ten million dollars would be helpful alongside my paltry sums. We could see the world, open a free vets, or several, and rewild vast acres.

Unfortunately she is dead.

For now.

Till next time, Steve of Glisson Road.